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THE TRUTH IS, writing a blog post takes time. If it were the case of just writing some sentences, it wouldn’t take that long at all.
But what’s the point of that? The last thing you want to do in a busy, information-saturated world is waste people’s time. It’s an insult and you’ll put them off.
After all, these people have given up time in their busy days to read what you have to say. Don’t ruin this special relationship forever by churning out rushed, poor quality content or waffle.
Always think: What’s in it for them?
Worth paying a professional?
The simple answer is yes. Not everyone can write. Certainly not blogs. Nor can everyone write website content. I’m talking about persuasive, easy-to-understand, yet compelling content that will convert traffic into sales. No way!
(And if you thought getting a professional was beyond your budget, you might be be surprised. Check out our special offer at the end of this blog post — you don’t need to spend a cent!)
For this it pays to use a professional writer or copywriter. Hands down. These are people who know the art of writing through experience. Like anything, the more you write, the better you write — it takes years of practise.
Like anything, the more you write, the better you write — it takes years of practise.
A professional copywriter knows all about how to use things like “active voice” versus “passive voice” to keep readers engaged; they can write a punchy headline to attract an eye and resonate with a website visitor. They know how to keep sentences concise and to the point; and always get the green light from Yoast (considered to be the most comprehensive search engine optimisation software available for WordPress users).
They can help you craft a message, through words alone, or in tandem with often simple design, that truly resonates with your target market.
Professional Websites are Based on Cheap Professional Templates
Professional bloggers and business writers usually know a lot about design too. They are usually pretty talented at using WordPress, and they know how words need to fit with design elements. They can usually source images for you too as part of their range of services.
The design of your website is also something that can be taken care of if you join a club or theme library like Elegant Themes. We’ve been using them for years and they make some really great WordPress themes (just like templates) as well as the visual editor, Divi, which makes editing even easier. You really don’t need to know HTML coding at all.
A good blog writer and content provider can often do the whole thing for you — and keep it running. This includes uploading the content to your website, and often for not a lot extra.
Planning makes for ease and speed in generating content for your digital marketing
Another big time-kill in generating blogs and content, is trying to work out a content schedule.
A good start might be to:
- Think about the 10 most common questions that people ask you if they’re interested in using your services and getting a quote.
- Write down each question as if it were a heading.
- Write down the answer to each question.
- Take or source a picture that relates to each question/answer.
- Think of the most appropriate keywords or keyphrases that customers use to find this information (remembering that a lot of people “speak” into Google or use Siri to search the internet).
- Think hard about what you offer your customers to make them call you: This is your Call-To-Action (CTA).
As you keep adding to your blog posts, you’ll be able to cross reference between them. You’re own landing pages for the services you provide will also be referenced.
The truth about writing blogs
Do you know, some of the hardest and most time-consuming blogs to write are the ones where we delve into the features of a particular software program, and compare it with others. Take our recent post comparing QuickBooks Online to Xero. These blogs actually require significant research and interaction with an expert to get their opinion and extract a quote.
However, in the pursuit of educating our customers and giving them information that’s relevant and useful — these are among our most read because they really do help our audience. And THIS is what you should be providing your customers with.
It might sound simple but one of these blogs can take 2-3 hours in total depending on the level of detail in the blog post.
WordPress makes a beautiful website easy
If you want to a) create your own website and b) maintain it cheaply AND c) create your own blogs to attract customers and keep the conversation flowing, seriously consider WordPress.
When you generate blogs that your customers keep reading, you simply do NOT have to spend as much money, in fact sometimes NO MONEY on Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising.
We provide a popular WordPress Training Course that will show you how to grow your inbound marketing — that is, where people find YOU online, organically.
If you’re struggling to come up with the words for your website, landing page, customer enquiry emails, newsletter or blog posts then consider this:
Are you finding that you can’t maintain any consistent content, let alone high-quality, relevant and engaging content? Are you finding your copy simply isn’t making the impact on customers that you hoped for? Is your resume all wrong?
Let us help you out.
We’re giving our EzyLearn subscribers the opportunity to receive ONE FREE tip about a piece of your business writing from a professional business writer FREE of charge, with no obligation.
Simply fill out the form at our digital marketing partner, Virion, and you will get a FREE piece of expert advice. You’ve got nothing to lose. No strings attached 🙂
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