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MYOB online course videos – Accounts list is your chart of accounts

Even if you have used the MYOB ‘default’ to set accounts details for your company you can still change the account details after entering your Company details. This comes in handy especially if you receive account details after from the company accountant. MYOB allows you to import this new list, just click on import list.

When selecting the type of business for your company in the Accounts list, MYOB will change the accounts relating to that business accordingly.


Video Reference: 501103

Link for existing students:

For information about our Online MYOB Training Course and new lifetime membership for all students please visit:

Please feel free to send your comments to us about this video to

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MYOB online course videos – Company information & 13th period

Make sure all accounting details are correct in the company details. You will not be able to change any details once entered and saved. So the rule here is check and double check all details are correct.

Did you know that in MYOB there is a 13th Accounting Period? This is not another month but is an accounting period where you can make any accounting changes if needed.


Video Reference: 501102

Link for existing students:

For information about our Online MYOB Training Course and new lifetime membership for all students please visit:

Please feel free to send your comments to us about this video to
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MYOB online course videos – Create New Company File using MYOB

When setting up a new company in MYOB the only section which is required is the company name. This is handy to know especially when entering a number of companies. Once entered, you can go back and fill in the details.

Clicking on the next button allows you to go to the next section which makes data entry easier and quicker.

Video Reference: 501101

Link for existing students:

For information about our Online MYOB Training Course and new lifetime membership for all students please visit:

This video is taken using version 15. Check with the latest version and you will notice very little difference in this process. Please feel free to send your comments to us about this video.
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Subscribe for free MYOB hints during June

I’d like to introduce you to Frankie. She has been working with EzyLearn in an admin capacity and she going through some of our training material and writing a little bit about each video so that we can showcase what we have.

Every week we are getting fantastic feedback about our online courses and we’ll share some of them with you. Remember if you haven’t tried online learning, our courses come with a money-back guarantee and LIFETIME membership.

We’ll be releasing some of our MYOB Setup videos to help you setup your own MYOB Accounting company and data file. The videos we’re releasing are part of the training videos that are included in our online MYOB Training Course.

Remember that our Online MYOB Training Course contains over 120 training videos, 5 hours of continuous instruction, 5 training workbooks that you can print and keep as a reference and knowledge reviews to test what you’ve learnt and guide you in the right direction for incorrect answers. Students who enrol now will also receive free membership to the course for the rest of their working life.

Visit our website for more information and to enrol:

You can also stay in touch with EzyLearn and what’s going on my liking our new Facebook page:

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Online MYOB training is better than just CD’s or workbooks

In the evolution of our online training courses we originally started with a flash based player that operated in our training centres. It was easy to use and accessible on all computers. We then took a look at how to deliver the same consistency of experience using our training videos in your home, an environment that could be completely difference and that we have no control over. At first we thought about CD’s and after trying some different technologies, we came to the realisation that the experience different from user to use and computer to user. Will online learning really be the best way?

One issue that we came across in delivering our courses online was whether customers have a good enough broadband connection to receive the relatively large videos files through to them. The other question we had was how long should students have access to the training materials. In the end, we decided to go as OPEN as we possibly could. We opted to use technology that would enable all students to access the materials, whether they were on a Windows based computer or Mac.

The result is that you can now use our training material for life (no need to try to locate those scratchy CD’s) and you can use a combination of videos (with live demonstrations and audio commentary), Workbooks (with actual exercises you can try) and Knowledge Reviews (to test your skills) and it works on all platforms.

See our online MYOB training course outline.

[button link=””] Enrol into our online MYOB course[/button]

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Do you have an MYOB bookkeeping question?

When we introduce a new service linked to our online training courses we announce it here at the EzyLearn blog. Today we announce the EzyLearn Q&A Service for the MYOB Accounting Course. This service will be rolled out to all online courses over the coming year.

This is the time of year that forces most MYOB questions to the surface. It’s the time of year when all of a sudden you need to know how to enter a transaction or where to put a value.

EzyLearn’s online MYOB Training course is popular because the lifetime membership gives you the ability to go over the material as often as you like and when you like. It also gives you access to new material that we create. Businesses vary greatly and the needs of each small business are very different and we want to do something about it for you.

Our partner program puts us in touch with many people in the accounting, training and bookkeeping sectors and we are introducing  a new trial service called MYOB Q&A. The service is only available for students enrolled into our online MYOB training course and it works a little like this:

  1. Go to any Learning Outline page in the learning site
  2. Look for the MYOB Q&A section on the right
  3. Enter your details, the category of question and type in your question.

We will do our best to work through student questions with a Certified MYOB consultant to provide you with even deeper knowledge about how to use MYOB.

See what’s included in our online MYOB training course.

Enrol into our online MYOB course today and start learning by 5pm the next business day.

online MYOB training course and support communityUPDATE: This service, available to MYOB, WordPress and Excel students is now called EzyLearn ANSWERS.

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Online MYOB training for New Zealand students

We’ve had some inquiries and enrolments from New Zealand students and this blog is to help you understand some fundamental differences between Australian and New Zealand versions.

The first thing you need to be aware of is that the knowledge review questions used in our MYOB Payroll Introduction (course 505) use the sample company file which comes with the free MYOB Test drive. From discoveries made by our New Zealand students the sample file contains different information in different countries. You need to use the Australian version to get the correct answers.

This brings another problem, when you try to download the Australian version of the test drive you need to enter a phone number. One of our students entered our telephone number as the contact number and we have no problem with you doing that if you are an EzyLearn student. If we hear something different from MYOB we’ll let you know.

I should also mention at this point that this might also apply to our students from Canada, China, Korea, UK and other parts of the world.

If you want to take a look at what students have said about our course click here.

If you want to receive these updates in your email, subscribe to the EzyLearn blog here:

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Are you an absolute beginner, but not a dummy?

Computer Learners course Couple

Do you know how to use a mouse? Would you believe that a lot of people don’t? Skills like what right-clicking does, using the scroll ball and lifting the mouse during use are skills that make a huge difference to many computer users.

When we operated training centres in Sydney from 2000-2006 one of our most popular series of courses was Absolute Beginners, Typing and Saving files, Website browsing and searching and using email. We’ve always had training materials for absolute beginners, but we’ve now introduced them as a stand alone online course called “Computer Learners”. You can visit to see all the topics that are covered in the 6 beginners courses and you can enrol in all of them for only $97.

This course would ideally suit an absolute beginner with a friend who is willing to help them get started and if they get stuck. We’ve used it for retraining and with a bit of one to one coaching students have been able to access the learning material and study by themselves.

You can enrol at our website and if you operate a training centre and need a basic guide (includes 6 training workbooks) please contact our sales department at

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How did you go in the MYOB skills test?

Answer Stats for MYOB online training course free public skills test

We recently made a quick MYOB skills test available on our website to coincide with the launch of our full online MYOB training and assessment tools and the result from over 3000 website visitors showed some very interesting information. The average score was 44.74, with the bulk of students receiving between 31-70%.

Most fascinating was that less than 10% of all attempts managed to get the first two questions right! These questions related to what options are found in the command centres.

Tests are a great way to highlight learning outcomes of a course while providing links to the exact training material you need to provide the correct answer and our online MYOB training course includes 9 knowledge reviews covering the Day-to-day operations of a business, bank reconciliation (which if completed successfully allows you to complete your BAS in less than 5 minutes) and Payroll Introduction.

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Did we help you?

EzyLearn Online Training Managing Director

We keep toiling away in our offices, having more conversations via email than actually speaking and that’s a sign of how important the Internet has become to us. We got together a week ago and had a chat (surprise!) and we thought to ourselves, “have we made a difference in our students lives?”. Have we actually helped you get a job, perform more efficiently at work or manage your own business accounts or website better?

If you have enrolled into a course and used it to help you earn more money or become more efficient we’d love to hear about it. We’d love to find out what the best parts of your experience with EzyLearn has been so we can keep doing more of it for you and others and (with your permission) we’d like to share your story with others too.

In short, We want to know how we’ve made a difference to your employment or your business.

If you would like to share your story of success please send an email to me directly at

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MYOB Training Course and the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers

MYOB online training course - Institute_of_Certified_Bookkeepers

MYOB online training course - Institute_of_Certified_BookkeepersWhen you enrol into our Online MYOB Training Course from today onwards you receive LifeTime access to all training materials to use as resource after your initial training (this also includes new training materials that we create) AND you can become a member of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers at half the normal price.

We are working hard every day to give you the skills and certification to be a confident MYOB software user plus give you tools to improve your professional profile for business development or career development.

Take a quick quiz to test your MYOB skills.

If you are ready to enjoy the benefits of being an EzyLearn student, enrol now online and start by 5pm tomorrow afternoon (next business day).

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Advanced Excel: eliminating errors in functions

Microsoft excel online training course

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One of the most efficient features available in Microsoft Excel is the ability to create a formula and then copy it into a large number of subsequent cells. When you perform a dbroad copy and paste like this, Depending on the type of data, you’ll get either a #DIV/0 or a #VALUE error if the source cells don’t contain the correct data. You could scan the spreadsheet manually and modify each cell that contains such an error or use the IFERROR function when creating your original formula.

The IFERROR function is composed of two parts – the original function that you wanted to create (such as dividing two numbers) and a value to use when this function doesn’t make sense (like trying to divide by 0 or a word).

Let’s take a basic table of data that contains three columns. The total amount of a restaurant bill is in the first column, and the second column is comprised of the number of people in the party that received the bill. In the third column, we want to calculate the price per person.

Advanced Excel Functions - IFERROR - online Excel course

Task: Use the IFERROR function

(1)     Create the spreadsheet above using the data in columns A & B.

(2)     Perform a simple calculation to divide the Total Price by the number of people to get the answer in Colum C

(3)     Notice the error messages

(4)     Click on cell C2 and type the following function =IFERROR(A2/B2,”Unknown”)

(5)     Use the fill handle to copy it down the column. Notice that where-ever the error normally occurred; it has been replaced by the word Unknown.

(6)     This time try =IFERROR(A2/B2,””) and notice that the cells where an error occurred are now showing no value.

If you’d like to participate in our online Microsoft Excel training course visit this link.

Want to do a course online but not sure how online training courses work?

If you want to have a group of people trained in your office or our training centre call us on (02) 9971 0000 or visit our online schedule to enrol into Class-Based Training in Chatswood, Sydney.

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Advanced Excel Tip: IF Statements

Advanced Microsoft Excel Training Course - Sales Commission IF - intro

Advanced Microsoft Excel Training Course - Sales Commission IF - intro

IF Statements are what is called a LOGICAL test, such as is this value larger than this, if true do (or display) this, if false then do (or display) that. IF statements can be used for a lot of different things and all of them save you having to manual go through the data and perform the calculations themselves.

These are some examples of how IF statement can be used:

= IF (Question eg B17>B16, do this, otherwise do this)

OR, if you want to show text

=IF(Question eg B17>B16, “Text if correct”, “Text if incorrect”)

OR if you want to perform a calculation

=IF(Question eg B17>B16, if yes multiply sales by 2%, if not multiply sales by 1.5%)

We’ve attached the file that we used to create the image in this blog post so you can open the file and see the formulas that we have entered into cells D7 and E7. Click on each cell to see the formula. See if you can duplicate these values down each column.

Excel exercise file: Sales Commission IF – Intro

If you’d like to participate in our online Microsoft Excel training course visit this link.

Want to do a course online but not sure how online training courses work?

If you want to have a group of people training in your office or our training centre call us on (02) 9971 0000 or visit our online schedule to enrol into Class-Based Training in Chatswood, Sydney.

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Want to work at home for EzyLearn?

remote contractor and virtual assistant group

remote contractor and virtual assistant groupWe are building the Remote Contractor network of work from home contractors and at the same time, we are recruiting for online marketing consultants. You don’t have to be an expert though, simply go searching through Australian job forums, social networks (on Facebook) and comments on Twitter accounts where you think it would be good to mention EzyLearn’s online courses.

All you need to do is open up and Excel spreadsheet, and copy and paste the hyperlinks of website forums and social networks (like facebook groups) into each row of the spreadsheet.

We’ll go through the list you create and if it looks like a good list, and we pick you as an EzyLearn online marketer, we’ll pay you to inform the Australia jobseekers about our online courses. Simple.

Have any questions? Send an email to Richard at

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What does a webmaster look like? Could you be one?

Learn how to use Wordpress and social media training course

Learn how to use WordPress and social media training courseIf you mentioned the word Webmaster 5 years ago you would imagine someone slightly geeky, who drinks cola, has thick rimmed glasses and talks incessantly about the latest technology and gadgets. Things have changed. The technology used to create websites was the domain of nerds who enjoyed writing code and getting dirty with technology using programs like FrontPage, DreamWeaver, Flash etc, but now it’s the domain of staff members, marketing people and remote contractors (Virtual Assistants who work from home). Why has it changed?

The most significant aspects of website design are:

  • The template (or theme) that’s used including colour scheme, branding and navigation
  • The  images and copy (text) used to fill the site
  • Promoting and marketing the website

Modern day Content Management Systems like WordPress, Joomla and even older ones like Drupal make everything much easier and here’s why:

  • Thousands of designers create templates that you can purchase for $20 to $300
  • Once a template or theme is designed and setup the content management is the same (just like using Microsoft Word)
  • Writing articles, creating extra pages and adding to your navigation becomes as easy as selecting a check box and picking a category.

So is it really something that you could do?

wordpress themes included in Webmaster course
wordpress themes included in Webmaster course

Have you heard about WordPress, Google, Facebook and Twitter? Can you use your computer to access your email, do internet banking and accessing other online services? Have you heard about or used PayPal? If you have, then you are at least familiar with some of the tools used by a modern webmaster. Combining these new online marketing tools and WordPress CMS driven websites you can get busy and start creating.

The Internet, smart phones, cloud computing and VoIP are making the world a smaller place and allows people to work from home but still remain digitally connected. There has been a significant shift towards remote contracting (virtual assistants) and the concept of mums working from home is now commonplace.

If you want to come on the Webmaster journey with EzyLearn we have the WordPress course. It’s a step-by-step system of setting up, creating content and images, building the contents and then promoting your own business using all the tools we’ve mentioned in this blog post. Best of all you’ll have an internet guru educating and coaching you each step of the way until your website is complete so not only will you have your own website and tools to promote it, but you’ll have the skills to promote yourself to other businesses and help them with their website management.

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Learn Powerful PowerPoint in 4 hours

If you are receiving this post via email click the heading to visit our blog and watch the free PowerPoint training video included.

EzyLearn online Microsoft PowerPoint course
Peter Costello using Powerpoint (from

Microsoft PowerPoint is a fun program to learn that gives your presentations structure and professionalism. We recently spent 4 hours getting a technical product manager up to speed with PowerPoint so that he can use Powerpoint slides to demonstrate his companies products to their dealer network. Geoff had used the program only sparingly over the years but the time had come for him to quickly get up to speed so he could look professional with his dealer network.

In the 4 hour training session he had all the skills to create his own presentations from scratch, use company templates, create flowcharts and diagrams, charts and animations and even incorporate music and video into his presentations. He also had access to our online course and some course notes to keep as a reference.

See our PowerPoint course outline and enrol into our online course, or make contact to organise a half day training session at your office or our training centres.

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