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Good news (childcare subsidies) in this year’s budget for mums working at home

Childcare Subsidies for Home Based Businesses

work from home businessIn the federal government budget for 2015/16 the changes included bonuses for small businesses and cuts to daycare subsidies for stay-at-home parents who still send their kids to daycare. The reforms will mean that for families with an income above $65,000 a year, they’ll no longer have access to childcare subsidies if one parent is not working. For families with an income under $65,000 a year, they’ll be limited to twelve hours of childcare a week, unless both parents are in work or study.

What this mean for mums who want to work from home

Well, the good news is that for families where both parents work, they’ll be able to access 24 hours of subsidised childcare each week. That’s regardless of where your employment is; if you’re employed and you’re paying taxes, then you’re entitled to access the childcare subsidy.

For mums (or dads) who need flexibility in their employment so they can still meet the kids at the school gate or take care of them when they’re sick, the reforms to childcare subsidies offer that flexibility.

We’ve written posts about the many benefits of working from home on the EzyLearn blog before, and it’s why our MYOB training courses became so popular. A lot of parents want the flexibility of working from home and decided that the best way to do it was to work for their husband or partner’s business doing the books.

Working from home is easier and more popular

In the last few years, a lot of things have changed. Working from home has become more prevalent as workplaces have downsized and the job market has contracted; the rise of online tools like Dropbox have made it easier for people to telework effectively and efficiently, and we partnered with The Australian Small Business Centre to deliver a Small Business Management Course.

There are now virtually no barriers to starting your own home-based business, regardless of the industry or profession you choose. Just take a look at the number of networking groups now on Meetup, where nearly every member is a home-based office worker or self-employed. And the government just made it a whole lot easier for families with one parent at home to start a home-based business and have the distraction-free time they need to get their work done, too.

If you’ve been thinking of starting your own home-based business or becoming an independent contractor, EzyLearn offers a number of training courses to give you the skills you need to get started, including a new course on content marketing, which is a huge growth area, requiring many skilled, Australian writers, and will be the subject of another blog post soon.

For now, though, learn more about content marketing on our website or by reading our blog and stay tuned for some fantastic news very soon about the new updated offer for anyone interested in starting a bookkeeping business! We’re going to extend our 30 Day money back guarantee for this too!

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5 x MYOB Training Courses and 12 Months Access

MYOB Training Courses delivered in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin and HobartMYOB Courses

Because it’s the beginning of the year we are receiving a lot of calls from students who are looking to do an MYOB Course so we are thrilled to confirm that we offer access to ALL of our MYOB Courses for one low price and 12 months course access.

When we say ALL, we mean

Why All MYOB Courses for One Price?

You can follow our journey from operating training centres in Sydney’s Dee Why, to the decision to go 100% online at the About EzyLearn page on our website, but I’ll sum it up in 1 paragraph here:

We can guarantee consistent course content to every student, with MYOB Course content developed over 15 years in teaching people how to use MYOB and from some of the best MYOB Trainers in Australia. By creating our own MYOB courses and updating them we are able to focus on the content of our courses as well as the systems to support it online rather than paying for office rent, computers and software licences, trainers and advertising.

MYOB Course Options

The only decision you need to make is whether you want an MYOB certificate and 12 months or lifetime course access. Remember that unlike some MYOB course providers our students can move freely from one course to the next as they please and use the course as a resource while at their new job or operating their own bookkeeping business.

MYOB Videos, Training Workbooks and Knowledge Reviews

With a 100% focus on MYOB Course content we create every form of training material for MYOB accounting software: Videos, Workbooks (with step-by-step exercises) and Knowledge Reviews that test your skills. You can watch a video and try to replicate it with the free MYOB software or follow the exercises in the MYOB Trainingg Workbooks to perform tasks that bookkeepers perform every day in their working environment.

Money-back Guarantee

When we were the first training company to offer MYOB courses online in 2008 we offered the money-back guarantee because not everybody had great broadband Internet speeds, not everyone knew how to navigate around websites and online learning management systems and people where generally scared to use their credit card online. Now-a-days we find that the biggest reason some students find it a comfort is because many students are Mac users and are not sure that they would learn by using MYOB Course content created for the Windows versions of the MYOB software.

Why Thousands of Students Choose EzyLearn for MYOB EVERY Year

We use the Content Marketing approach to building our brand and product awareness and it takes a lot of effort to put the amount of detail we put on our website and in our blog posts. We do it because it shows an ongoing commitment to openness but also to leave no doubt as to exactly what we offer and how we support it. If you want to get to know more about us read some of our blog posts or watch some sample videos. If you are ready to enrol into an online MYOB course then enrol now online and start by 5pm next business day!

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Did you know that WordPress is free Website Building software?

EzyLearn Online Training Course Website for MYOB, Excel and WordPressMany people think that creating a website is complicated and expensive but it’s not and here’s why. WordPress is an open source program which means that anyone is free to download and use the software (for building websites). 

The only complicated parts of using WordPress to create your own professional website is installing it on your hosting and using the right combination of words and images to encourage people to call you, complete a form or order from you. Even getting a professional new logo for your business is now cheap and fast using crowdsourcing.

Our online training website where we deliver one of Australia’s most popular MYOB Online Training Courses is built using WordPress and we have a WordPress course that teaches you how to use the software.

The other piece of great news for small businesses that want a website is that you can choose from thousands of professionally designed “themes” that cost from zero, free and zilch to a modest amount like $50-$200.

For tricky parts including buying a domain name (use companies like NetRegistry or MelbourneIT) where you can buy a domain name for less than $20 pear year and hosting you can find from thousands of large and small providers.

NEW: We use and recommend Rose Hosting and SiteGround

The hardest job when you have a company website is that you should be adding to, editing and improving your website every week by creating new and relevant content that Google Search Engines collect and then share freely with people who are looking for you. That’s called Content Marketing!

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Do you need more customers, more people, or more time?

Professional bookkeeper and online WordPress training course and hostingI was going through our EzyLearn blog library of articles today. In doing so, I was reminded that we started blogging back in 2007.

This was one year after we closed our three Sydney-based computer training centres to focus solely on online training courses.

After reading some of the old posts, I again realised just how much work is involved in maintaining a blog!

The Necessity of Blogging

When I analyse the workload of the EzyLearn team members and the hours we spend creating step-by-step training workbooks, training videos, knowledge reviews and assessment tasks, I realise that it is all very necessary.

Back in 2007, blogging wasn’t new. In fact, many people had heard of it but most small businesses (or large ones) weren’t really doing it much.

We at EzyLearn wrote a workbook to teach people how to use WordPress and it highlights one of the most important parts of being a training organisation. This being, to study what is new and understand how it will affect businesses and employees that use technology into the future.

This blog you are reading right now is read by a lot of other people and it highlights:

  1. Our commitment to keeping you informed
  2. The range of skills our team has
  3. The number of customers who come to us as a result of reading this blog

Why Blog?

Why am I talking about this? One of our most popular online courses is the MYOB Bookkeeping Course and a lot of people who complete this course want to start their own business.

These same people are keen to build their customer base enabling them to work their own hours, use their brains and earn a good living.

Having a website with built-in blogging functionality based on the WordPress Content Management System is a fantastic way to tell people what you know and drum up new customers. It enables you to keep in contact with people, keep giving them information with no strings attached, and remain top of mind.

Blogging and “content marketing” just takes a bit of time to learn and then keep up to date, but you’ll end up with more customers and won’t have to pay for Google Adwords! 🙂

Read more about why we do content marketing

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What is a Remote Contractor or Virtual Assistant (VA)?

Software as a Service (in the Cloud)

woman using mobile to find job in payroll, accounts receivable or administrationWITH THE ADVENT of fast speed broadband internet, software programs that operate “in the cloud” and telecommunications that use your internet connection, there’s no wonder the Remote Contractor market is growing.

In the Cloud explained

What is in the cloud, you ask? Well, it’s just like Hotmail or Facebook or your internet banking; secure services that you use on the Internet from anywhere in the world.

It’s easy to access and you don’t need to bring your computer with you if you don’t want to. Even programs like MYOB are moving to the cloud with their online product called Live Accounts. It’s also an interesting time for these companies because new and nimble competitors have an opportunity to grab a market share; take Xero online accounting (New Zealand company) for example.

There are online customer databases like SalesForce which companies use to keep track of their customers and Skype that allow personal users to make calls to other Skype users for free. These services enable you to work from where ever you are and enable employers to validate that you have logged in and performed the desired work so opportunities are coming thick and fast for home workers.

Remote Contractors and Virtual Assistants (VA)

Remote worker, home-based employment, virtual assistants and even Mumpreneurs (working mums and parents starting their own businesses) are some of the terms used to describe this type of work. Some of the work available is paid hourly pay or payment for specific tasks. Of course, it’s an ideal situation for working parents who need to earn an income while caring for babies and young children. But it’s also fairly in demand.

Courses built around employment outcomes

If you’re going to invest time and money in study and upskilling, it’s a given that you want to earn more money as a result, whether that be locally or in your home office. Our online training courses are designed with job outcomes in mind — our cloud accounting software courses in MYOB, Xero and Quickbooks are designed by professionals working in the industry so they know what the requirements are.

Our training courses include real life examples mirroring the everyday occurrences of real world businesses, and its becoming increasingly common for businesses to outsource work tasks to contractors working from home (think bookkeeping, telemarketing, graphic design, social media, content marketing and sales work).

What you study in our courses follows the logical flow of the how everyday businesses are run. Bookkeepers are as in demand as ever, and our courses are designed to help you set yourself up as a bookkeeper, working in an accounting practise, for yourself, or for someone else’s business.

If you’re considering a local position as a receptionist, or in administration or clerical or you enjoy bookkeeping work and want to find a job in accounts payable & receivable and payroll, we have courses for all skills levels from beginners’ to advanced.

Find out more about how we will help you earn more money

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COMPLETE Xero Course includes Beginners to Advanced skills

Xero COMPLETE Training Courses Online Suite - EzyLearn

This Xero course is the most popular with job seekers and business owners because it gives them the training they need to do almost anything using Xero. These are the course topics:

The Complete Xero Course takes most students 3-4 weeks to complete but you can learn it at your own pace and in your own time.

12 months or LIFETIME access – your choice

Ezy Learning Lifelong training platform for Xero, MYOB, Excel, Digital Marketing training courses

Enrol at our original enrolment website and you can learn everything about Bookkeeping using Xero with LIFETIME course access.

This includes all additional content we create and updates to training material. It also includes access to EzyLearn ANSWERS!

If you want the cheaper option you can enrol into the course here with 12 months course access and support.

Join us as a Tutor

If you have industry experience AND you complete our courses you can also become an EzyLearn Tutor.

Accounting Tutor for Xero, MYOB, QuickBooks Online Training Courses & Support - cropped

As an EzyLearn TUTOR you become our partner and work part time, while also earning an income online as our affiliate – this is just one of our Career Academy membership options for students.

Enquire with us today and get the FREE Xero course sample – as well as Microsoft Office and Word training!

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

If you have any other questions you’ll find answers to most of them at our FAQ’s.

Here are just some of the most common questions and links to their answers.

Get the FREE sample and enquire now

EzyLearn Course Enquiry

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Career Academy updates for 2025


Feel like you need a little something extra? Have you reviewed your life in 2024 and thought “I need to do more”?

I reviewed our membership programs and in particular the tutoring programs and we’ve tweaked them to help you perform better.

After you complete a course with us you are welcome to join one of our Career Academy programs to

  • get more experience,
  • get discovered for work online and
  • earn some extra money.

The training in our EzyLearn Tutor package teaches you how to speak with clients to find out what they need.

EzyLearn Online Accounting, Office Admin & Digital Marketing Tutor

This is called qualifying and I’ve found it one of the best ways to help every person you speak with – even the ones you can’t help personally!

The Sales and Customer Service course is included in the EzyLearn Tutor program and it is one of the best tools to help you both win new clients AND build a referral network.

If you want to do more in 2025 explore our Career Academy options and reach to see which one suits you the most.

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Jerry knows all about email..

Jerry profile startup course and social media marketing for small business entrepreneur

Jerry Lame is a serial entrepreneur and loves shiny new objects. He was a corporate employee but went out on his own to start a business and be his own boss – then things got messy.

He needed to learn how to use Xero, MYOB or QuickBooks Online to manage his bookkeeping.

Mailchimp Course for Email Marketing

He started doing whatever he could to earn money and created income selling lots of different things to lots of different people. He used Outlook to send group messages to his clients until one day he realised it was going to get too hard.

Tony, a customer, sent him a reply email abusing him for sending junk mail and that surprised Jerry!

Jerry loves people and he loves talking to people from all sorts of different backgrounds and he remembered his conversations with Tony vividly so he was surprised to get such a reply.

Continue reading Jerry knows all about email..
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Are you Selling Your Property?

Selling Your Property Facebook page cover image

They say that Spring is the season to sell your home but is that the case this year?

Property buyers seem to be holding off leading up to Christmas in the expectation that the economy will be better in 2025. There is an expectation that interest rates will be coming down.

What does that actually mean?!

Continue reading Are you Selling Your Property?
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Is Xero really promoting websites for $2,700

GoDaddy websites created for you - Xero Training Sydney

Xero has always used its partner network to reach it’s users. I remember one claim made by Xero that they are the accounting software of choice for property and real estate businesses but it was really their integration partner Re-Leased that did the heavy lifting.

I received an email from Xero promoting GoDaddy. It was a promotion where GoDaddy would create the website for you and optimise it for Search engines.

What surprised me the most is that GoDaddy will actually create the website for you – not just host it.

Continue reading Is Xero really promoting websites for $2,700
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Just follow the messy trail and you’ll learn Xero and MYOB

The purpose of a well designed course is to provide a series of steps for students to perform that gives them the knowledge and practical experience they need to learn.

We use a number of different tools and case studies and one of my favourites is the Jerry Lame “. He’s like many people that you’ll meet every day.

Continue reading Just follow the messy trail and you’ll learn Xero and MYOB
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Has it all become too complicated?

Don't be sad - Microsoft Word & Data Entry Training Courses from $29 or $20 per week for beginners to advanced Certificate

I’ve tried and tested hundreds of software programs over the last 25 years and I’ve noticed something very interesting in the last 12 months – they’ve gotten so complicated!

Email marketing is commonplace these days and you know it’s a money spinner when Intuit buy Mailchimp.

Email Marketing is complicated

The cost of email marketing software has gone up and up and up and all the software vendors are increasing their prices at the moment. I thought Xero was pushing it with their yearly price increase but Aweber is similar to Mailchimp and they recently increased one of their monthly packages from $10pm to $55pm – that’s OVER 500% increase.

Is it worth it?

Continue reading Has it all become too complicated?
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Remote Working Internship

HK Calibration Technology hiring a remote working bookkeeper

Working with our graduates we’ve discovered that organisations are still looking for staff who can work remotely.

A quick look on Indeed (which seems to have more remote working jobs advertised) shows a wide range of jobs from Sales and Customer Service administration to Bookkeeping and Business Administration.

Continue reading Remote Working Internship
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I wish you could see this

Archiving subscribers in Mailchimp Email Marketing Course - Marketing Academy

EzyLearn has been an online training company for Office Admin and Business Admin courses since the Internet appeared and geez I could tell you some stories about what I’ve seen.

Something frustrating is happening at the moment and it pits the developing countries again rich countries like Australia.

If you’re reading this because you received an email notification then you’re a subscriber to our blog – WELCOME!

We manage this list using MailChimp because it helps us to be compliant for AntiSPAM requirements but it doesn’t stop people entering all sorts of information into our “Lead Capture Pages”.

PS. Did you know that QuickBooks Online owner, Intuit, now owns MailChimp?

Check out these entries

Continue reading I wish you could see this
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Eric Jones inquires about our courses every day, but he also has a message to share

Who is Eric Jones - online sales training by EzyLearn

When you’re a business owner you see all sorts of things that employees don’t normally see. I get to see every online course enquiry for all our courses and its interesting to see what students want to learn but Eric Jones takes the cake.

Eric and his friends enter their details into our enquiry form at least once a day. He wants to learn everything and in ever format possible but want he really wants is tell his own story..

Continue reading Eric Jones inquires about our courses every day, but he also has a message to share