Professional looking but crappy websites make your Google Ads and Facebook Ads cost more AND send customers away!
I’ve written about the steps and time taken to create and maintain a business blog for your digital marketing. However, I haven’t even mentioned the time and effort that goes into optimising each and every blog post for the KEYWORDS that are important to us.
This task involves:
- Writing up “Tags”
- Keyword density
- Relevant landing pages
- Keywords in headings
- Images
The great thing about WordPress is that you can set up as many user profiles as you want and give your staff the access level they need to create and edit blogs.
They can’t really stuff it up because there’s an audit trail of changes and only someone with publishing rights can make the changes live (such as a WordPress administrator).
You could of course outsource your blog writing to someone on Upwork, Freelancer, or Airtasker, but that has it’s own set of challenges
Continue reading Nice Looking but Crappy Websites are PERFECT to Test Your Staff