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Will the Self-Education Cap Deter You from Further Study?

Online study is flexible and cost effective.
Online study is flexible and cost effective.

For a country that has long considered itself the “clever nation” — the land responsible for the cochlear implant, the hills hoist, and the black box flight recorder — the Federal Government’s proposed $2,000 cap on self-education expenses seems a little surprising.

The Government announced the self-education cap two weeks ago and since then, speculation has been rife that the cap will deter employees and businesses from undertaking further study.

Annette Tsouris, Director of Studies at Australian Workplace Training has been quoted in the website, Smart Company, as saying that though the $2,000 cap was reasonable, for people currently employed and looking to up-skill, “the average price of a course is around $3,000.” While the cost of post-graduate studies at university usually run into the tens-of-thousands.

Online Training — The Cost Effective Alternative

Of course, costly face-to-face study and post-graduate degrees aren’t the only learning methods available. Online training courses — in all kinds of areas for instance, MYOB, Excel and WordPress — have become popular, not just because of their flexible delivery method, but because online study companies don’t have the same overheads as face-to-face institutions and can offer courses at considerably lower prices — the average cost of an online training course at EzyLearn, for instance, is less than $270!

Although the cap on self-education expenses could do well to be a little higher — $5,000 per person, say — the cap itself won’t deter people from further study; from gaining the power of knowledge. It will only serve as an impetus for individuals and businesses to investigate other non-traditional learning options, such as online study and training methods.

Our Online Courses Below the Cap

For budding entrepreneurs or individuals seeking the skills to start their own business, or to manage a small business, our Small Business Management course is currently only $1,397 — well below the proposed cap.

We have reduced the price of our Small Business Management course, which is usually more expensive, for a limited time to allow you the opportunity to gain the necessary skills you need to start their own business or gain employment managing a small business without exceeding the self-education cap.

Take advantage of this great offer now and enrol in our Small Business Management course; discover the valuable skills you need to successfully manage a small business, including writing a business plan, conducting market research, legal and risk management, and much more!

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How to Get Paid on Time by Doing Absolutely Nothing

Doing nothing in office
Keep on top of invoices without lifting a finger!

In the past, we have talked about debtor management, the ways you can avoid late-payers by keeping an eye on your cash and assets cycle, and now we thought it was time we talked about the ways you can keep on top of those outstanding invoices without even lifting a finger!

Why Getting Paid on Time Matters

Dealing with late-payers is frustrating, time-consuming, and at times, downright awkward. For freelancers, sole-traders and small businesses, getting paid on time is essential to keeping your cash flow under control.

If you’re not in the position to turn down those perpetual late-payers’ business, then you need to put strategies into place to best manage those late-payers.

Gentle Email Reminders for Getting Paid on Time

Sending a polite, yet firm reminder email to clients a few days before their invoice becomes due is a good way to remind people an invoice is due to be paid, particularly if you have terms of 21 days or more. Often you’ll find most people will pay you once they’re given a gentle nudge via an email reminder.

Of course, there are always those who’ll still try and stretch it out as long as possible — it’s likely their cash flow isn’t much chop; in a sense, by paying you late they’re robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Most of the time, these clients are hoping you haven’t noticed. By sending them a follow up email reminder a couple of days after your invoice was due will show them you have noticed, you haven’t forgotten, and they’ll likely concede defeat and pay — if they still don’t respond, it may be time to implement some of the strategies we discussed here.

More Stringent Payment Terms

But if you find emailing you clients each time their invoices come due and then again when they’re late is not only time-consuming, but also awkward, try setting up the parameters in your invoicing software so that automatic reminder emails are sent out before and after your invoices come due.

Most cloud-based accounting programs, like Freshbooks, Zoho, Shoebooks, Saasu and Salestastic now offer this automatic reminder facility, freeing you up to concentrate on the other areas of your business.

For businesses that have a dedicated accounts receivable department, the ability to send automatic reminders could, depending on the size of your business, save hours, even days of manpower. Plus, it eliminates any awkwardness you may feel chasing someone for a $50 invoice — sure, that one $50 isn’t much, but over time they do add up.

So get paid on time without even lifting a finger by using the automated reminders in your accounting software.

Remember: If you have already completed one of our MYOB training courses and need a bit of a refresher on the Accounts Receivable module, which deals with the ways to get paid on time, you can review it again for FREE if you are within your 12 month enrolment access period OR if you selected our additional option of Lifetime Access.

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Tossing Up Where to Study? We Look at TAFE, Uni and Private Facilities

online study courses
Where you study will probably change over time.

There are more ways to study, more institutions to study with and more courses to study than ever before. But with so much choice, it raises the question: Where’s the best place to study?

Study to Suit Your Circumstances

I am a university graduate and I wouldn’t swap my degree for anything else. But I’ve also studied online and completed short courses and seminars run by universities and various other learning institutions.

Each time I studied, the method of delivery — face-to-face, online — or institution I chose offered me something that uniquely suited my circumstances at the time.

As a university student undertaking a five-year journalism degree, it was necessary to gain entry into the competitive media industry where a tertiary education is essential.

But when I decided to study again — this time an online course on becoming a freelancer — it provided me with the flexibility of studying when and where I wanted while I was still a full-time employee.

That said, I don’t believe an institution like TAFE or university is necessarily better than a private institution. For instance, I would NEVER study a language at university! I would much rather private tuition.

Online Study Benefits

I didn’t choose online study merely because of the flexible delivery — I was more than able to attend night classes at TAFE or uni if I’d desired. I chose online study because, having worked in the industry for several years already, I’d been exposed to much of the industry know-how and I was quite practised at working independently; face-time with the teacher and fellow students simply wasn’t necessary.

Studying with Peers

Sometime later I enrolled in a two-day seminar about building a successful freelance business. I had been freelancing for sometime by this point and I was seeking something that fostered interaction with fellow freelancers while I learned the low down, (semi) dirty tricks of the trade.

Stretching out your Study

And most recently, I completed a short course in investigative reporting; again at a university. What attracted me to the course was not the institution, but the teacher: a gold Walkley Award-winning investigative journalist. In this instance, I opted to attend the classes over a series of weeks rather than one intensive weekend, it gave me the chance to experiment with the things I was learning — accessing public registers like electoral rolls, seeking information from government departments through the Freedom of Information Act, and so on — so I could seek guidance if I ran into difficulties.


So if you’re tossing up between online or face-to-face study, university or TAFE or a private institution, it’s not a matter of who’s the best or what’s the best method; it’s really a matter of what your circumstances are and what you’re hoping to achieve.

If you’re a motivated, self-starter we offer a number of online courses designed to help you develop and grow your skills across a range of pursuits, when and where you want.

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Online MYOB Courses with a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

MYOB Training Courses with 30 Day money back guarantee

Full Money-Back Guarantee

IF YOU’RE FAMILIAR WITH our online MYOB courses you might recall that we offer a money-back guarantee. We’ve always offered this guarantee because online training is still a relatively new phenomenon for many students. Perhaps these students would still prefer some one-to-one, personal attention from a tutor in a class-based training course.

Our original money-back guarantee was for 7 days, but after speaking with a handful of new students they seemed anxious that they didn’t have enough time to get around the course to see if it’s right for them. Some of our fastest students manage to get through the entire course within 5 days, most people get through it in 2-3 weeks, but regardless of how fast or slow you learn, all new students have the 30 day money-back guarantee.

We also offer the 30-day money back guarantee because we think we offer the most comprehensive MYOB courses available in Australia. Our online MYOB training includes:

  • 5 MYOB courses (Set Up to Payroll)
  • 7 training workbooks (some MYOB courses have 2 workbooks)
  • 7 different case studies (each workbook takes you through another example of how MYOB accounting software is used)
  • Over 250 training videos
  • Several MYOB versions (version 15 to 19, as well as the latest version 2012)
  • Knowledge Reviews to test your skills regularly throughout the course
  • 12 month’s or Lifetime Access so you can use the MYOB courses as an ongoing resource.
  • FREE student membership to the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB)


Our MYOB courses will give you confidence whether you:

  1. are applying for a job that requires MYOB
  2. want to be more useful in your current job OR
  3. want to start (or better manage) your own small business

Our new 30-day money-back guarantee shows how confident we are in the value of our online training courses. Find out more about our MYOB training courses. Enrol today and start by 5pm next business day.

online bookkeeping courses to earn cpd points

EzyLearn Excel, MYOB and Xero online training courses count towards Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for bookkeepers and accountants. We’ve been an accredited training provider of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers ever since the organisation started in Australia. Find out how CPD points can be of benefit to you.


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Statement of formulas for calculating PAYG amounts to be withheld

PAYG withholding Scale 7 for weekly wage payments for online MYOB training course and supportThe MYOB Payroll Training Course is in stage two of development. The contents of our existing Payroll course give students an introduction to how to navigate around and get fundamental information about the payroll environment in the sample company file. As part of our constant improvement process we are developing payroll scenarios as exercises for our students. This new content when published will be available for all existing Payroll Students and all those who have enrolled with the LIFETIME training course Access option.

Which table to use?

The ATO release papers that provide you with the information you need to perform your calculations regarding PAYG, super etc. In this blog post we look at Schedule 1 Pay as you go (PAYG) withholding NAT 1004. If you take a look at table 7 on page (see diagram on this page) you’ll see the variables or what the Australian Tax Office call coefficients.

New Spreadsheet for Excel and MYOB students

One of our content creators is in the process of creating an Excel spreadsheet as a simple tool to help you work out how much PAYG tax and super you owe at the end of quarterly BAS reporting period. It’s a tool that we will offer both Microsoft Excel and MYOB Training Course students when it’s ready. And no, before you think of asking, it won’t cost you any extra money to receive it. It’s available as part of our LIFETIME student access.

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MYOB Training Course and Support – Reporting Course updated (BASlink added)

MYOB AccountRight Plus 2011 - Training Course and SupportSometimes we use the EzyLearn Blog to inform readers about new course content or updates to existing training tutorials. We have created new content for the MYOB Reporting Course and more specifically how to complete your BAS using the BASlink in MYOB.

If you are an existing student you’ll know that you have access to this new content for no extra charge.

We downloaded the latest version of MYOB AccountRight Plus to perform these tasks and you’ll be thrilled to know that the navigation of the program (apart from where the Sample company file is stored) is VERY similar. The icons and images are slightly different, but navigation is the same.

Stay tuned for the next free MYOB Training Video about this newest version of MYOB Accounting software. The next step after performing a bank reconciliation (Course 503) is the Quarterly or Monthly BAS (Business Activity Statement).

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MYOB Training Course Update: New training content for MYOB Reporting – Profit and Loss Reports

The EzyLearn Blog is where we officially release information about updates and additions to our existing training courses and today we announce new content for the Reporting Subject in our MYOB Training Course.

We are thrilled to announce the production and implementation of the Reporting module in the online MYOB Training Course. In the production of this course we will be including the learning outcomes for BSBFIA401A Prepare Financial Reports subject that forms part of the FNS40210 Cert IV in Bookkeeping course and certification.

Topics included in this course will include training on how to

  • Prepare an asset register or property, plant and equipment, determining the depreciation calculation for these assets and keeping a depreciation schedule
  • Adjust expense and revenue accounts for prepayments and accruals
  • Adjust ledger accounts for inventory and transfer to final accounts
  • Create journal entries for balance day entries and prepare final general ledger accounts to show gross and net profits for the reporting period
  • Prepare revenue statement, balance sheet and cash-flow statements

MYOB Q&A Support

We’ve modified each MYOB Training Course to clearly indicate where you can ask our resident MYOB expert a question specific to your needs and your circumstances. The MYOB Q&A Support service was announced back in May 2011 and it’s just one way that we try to give you the best MYOB Training experience for a fixed price and LIFETIME training access!

Profit and Loss Report

Does that sound familiar? It WAS also called the P&L Report, but as our country marches in time with new international accounting standards we join the rest of the world in calling it the Income Statement. An Income Statement tracks revenues and expenses during a given period. The difference between the revenues and expenses represents a net loss or gain and Income Statements provide business owners with an understanding of the health of their business.

We’ve included our introductory video here:



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MYOB Training Course: Dedicated video tutorial server

Are you happy with your current skills?

Do you like to learn new things?

We’re the same. We love to come into contact with new software and internet technology and anything that will help us to remain a market leader in online MYOB training. We also like to receive feedback (positive and negative) from our students so we know what we are doing well and what we can improve on.

Recent feedback has been about the navigation around our online training video tutorials. These videos are full audio visual demonstrations using the software, just like you would expect in a training classroom using a data projector.

With online training video tutorials you can go over our material again and again until you understand it. You can also go over it in the future when you come across a problem you need some help with. Combine it with our step-by-step training exercises and knowledge reviews and you have a complete learning solution.

So, what’s the news?

[box] We’re putting all new content and upgraded training course materials onto a new dedicated video hosting server![/box]

What does this mean?

It means that the videos are hosted on a separate service to the learning course so that both will operate much faster. All new training videos will also have a navigation panel and the ability to scroll through the video to the place you want to be and finally you’ll be able to expand the video so that it takes up your entire screen.

What the video below to see what we mean.

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New MYOB Training Content available for all students

MYOB Training Course Bank Reconciliation Tutorial Screen

If you are enrolled into our online MYOB training course you’re probably aware of our LIFETIME access feature. You might also recall that this feature enables you to log in at any time and have access to any new or updated content that we create.

We’ve just created training video tutorials for our MYOB bank reconciliation course!

The training workbook for the bank reconciliation course contains a project where you can create a new company file from scratch, import an accounts list (Chart of Accounts), import transaction journals and then enter your own transactions to complete a bank reconciliation. It’s a very satisfying feeling!

Here is a list of the 9 new training videos we created. If you are a student you can simply click on each video, sign-in and start watching.

  • Section 1 Video 1 – Export and Import using MYOB
  • Section 1 Video 2 – Working with Read Only MYOB data files
  • Section 1 Video 3 – Exporting Accounts List and Transaction Journals
  • Section 1 Video 4 – Exploring Exported MYOB Accounts list Data
  • Section 1 Video 5 – Create a new training company datafile
  • Section 1 Video 6 – Importing an accounts list into a new MYOB data file
  • Section 1 Video 7 – Importing the Transaction Journals into a new MYOB data file
  • Section 1 Video 8 – Deleting duplicate accounts and changing linked accounts
  • Section 1 Video 9 – Setting Linked Accounts for GST

    As part of our continuous improvement process we are now hosting our videos on a dedicated video hosting platform and the videos can now be paused and played and you can enable them to take up the full screen for easier viewing.

    Happy Learning!

    To learn more about our online MYOB training course and the fantastic new features like LIFETIME membership, EzyLearn Q&A and more visit:

    [button link=””] MYOB online training course[/button]

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    All MYOB courses now sold separately

    The people who want to use MYOB on a day to day basis don’t necessarily want to learn how to set it up from scratch or customise MYOB forms. This task is commonly performed by a bookkeeper or accountant and perhaps in the case of a micro business (or a sub contractor) by the business owner themselves. To accommodate the specific needs for business owners and employees alike, EzyLearn has changed the enrolment options for its online MYOB courses.

    Late in May 2010 we introduced an Installment Payment option using PayPal for students who wanted to learn how to use the program but didn’t require a certificate, which reduced the cost considerably. Now you can enrol in each of the individual courses separately and for an amount that is very affordable.

    It’s coming close to end of financial year and this is the best time for small business owners to learn how to use and eventually implement MYOB as their accounting software. It’s the best time to do the MYOB Setup Course that provides you with the software skills to create a new company from scratch and set it up for daily use. Click here to visit the online elearning website and see the outline of topics included in the course. This link also provides you with a Pay Now option to get started straight away.

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    Three MYOB courses for $29 per month for 4 months

    Full access to for 12 months is now available at the reduced price of $116 (paid off over 4 months). This is made possible by the new Installment Payment feature available on PayPal and you don’t need to have a PayPal account, you can use your credit card (even though PayPal make this process a little confusing to find).

    The pricing has changed because we realised that not everyone wants a certificate at the end of their course, they simply want the skills on how to use MYOB on a day to day basis. Rather than simply give every attendee of the MYOB course a certificate just because they paid their enrolment fee EzyLearn students perform a bank reconciliation (and all the entries to make that possible) and email their datafile for assessment. This process of handling the datafile is time consuming and requires an experienced user to assess whether the tasks were performed correctly.

    Our new pricing and installment plan is designed to make our course more accessible to a wider range of potential students who might not have the means to pay for it all up front. Visit the website and look for the enrolment links at the right side of the website.

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    New (updated) MYOB training course workbook

    It’s ready! The workbook for the MYOB 502 (day to day transactions) training course is now ready. This workbook now has a better flow from navigating around the MYOB screen, creating inventory items, purchasing products from suppliers, setting inventory item properties, paying bills, creating quotes, orders and invoices to receiving payments and making bank deposits.

    This workbook has larger screen shots, better practice tasks and references to our online training videos. You can even use the workbook by itself to learn how to use MYOB accounting software.

    The workbook is now available in the contents section of the MYOB 502 course. If you are enrolled into the course, you can simply click this link to see the workbook:

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    EzyLearn can help online with employment

    Proof of training and evidence of completion of a course are two significant ways to prove that a person has the skills to perform selected tasks when they are in the workplace. How is this achieved with online training?

    A certificate in the hand of a potential employee might seem like the answer to everyone’s hopes. Companies are looking for staff with the skills and prospective employees want to be employed. So, what does a certificate mean? The most structured form of vocational training is a Certificate or Diploma course, these courses are operated by RTO’s (Registered Training Organisations) who adhere to strict guidelines in assessing students skills level, running the courses and assessing the students skills at the end of the course. Under these strict guidelines you can be confident that if someone has a certificate that they have reached a certain level of competency.

    EzyLearn is a computer training content provider, in other words, we create training videos, workbooks and exercise files that are used by private individuals, companies and training companies (including RTO’s). Some of these companies have qualified assessors who are able to provide a Nationally recognised Certificate, regardless of the training materials used.

    At our website we provide a Certificate of Completion. Our assessment of a students skills are based on their ability to take an MYOB data file, make changes to it like enter inventory items, create customer cards, create invoices, apply payments to those invoices and perform a bank reconciliation. If they can send the data file to us, there is good evidence that they have the skills required for most every bookkeeping tasks.

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    Affiliate marketing – how easy!

    I think about the times when I have been to countries like Egypt and Vietnam where there seem to be so many people willing to help travellers who’ve just arrived in the new town. I quickly got to learn that they are doing it for the money. This is why tourism is so important in these countries… It’s how locals can get paid by tourists who need help. Continue reading Affiliate marketing – how easy!

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    MYOB training course – *free trial*, start now, money back guarantee

    EzyLearn’s MYOB Training Courses are now being used by JOB Network centres, CRS Australia and other employment agencies because:

    • There is a wide range of content (MYOB Setup, Day to Day transactions and bank reconciliations),
    • Students can start straight away,
    • Students can access the training materials any time, day or night,
    • Students can access the training material from their home or office or anywhere with an internet connection, and
    • The training that everyone receives is consistent.

    We have begun production of our MYOB Payroll training videos and when the training materials are completed, they will be made available to all students at no extra charge. EzyLearn’s MYOB course: all myob courses rolled into one.

    But best of all, we are so confident that students will like our training course that we are now offering a money back guarantee. If, within 7 days, you are not satisfied, we’ll give you all your money back.

    Check out our website and tell your friends about us: EzyLearn’s MYOB Training Courses