These business courses will help you learn business administration tasks, including:
digital marketing,
selling and the sales pipeline
online customer service
office administration using Microsoft Office
Microsoft Excel and spreadsheets
Bookkeeping using MYOB and Xero
Business courses increase your knowledge and skills to run a business more efficiently and productively using online software programs like Microsoft Office, MYOB and Xero, MailChimp and Aweber and Google Ads.
MYOB Support Q&A: Entering Employee Payments Manually using Journal Entries
If you are a micro-business but you’ve want to pay yourself wages for tax reasons you don’t need to buy MYOB AccountRight Plus. You can enter the information into the system using Spend Money and Journal Entries.
The most important aspect of performing the staff payment task is knowing how much money you owe to the employee, the ATO and the employees Superannuation company. We created a simple spreadsheet to calculate the amount of PAYG, Super, and other Levys that are owed when you pay a staff member. This spreadsheet is freely available to all of our Microsoft Excel Course students.
Once you have this information you can take advantage of our MYOB Q&A Guide that we’ve just added to our MYOB online Payroll Course.
Please note that our MYOB Q&A service is designed to take questions from students about specific topics which may not be included in our course. We take these questions to our software specialists and produce a short instructional guide to help you with your real life need using Microsoft Excel, MYOB and WordPress.
If you want to receive regular updates about when this information is released, please subscribe to our EzyLearn Blog.
NEWS FLASH: Yet another 11 training videos have been added to our WordPress Training Course!
Only recently we announced the addition of 23 new training videos for our online WordPress training course and that is only shortly after the launch of our exciting new website design and blogging course. Why are we populating this course so vigorously? Because we are working with 3-4 students who are building their live sites right now using the content of our course, everytime they come across a stumbling block, we solve it and create more content for our online course. LIFETIME student membership means that you get access to all these new training videos at no extra charge EVER.
This time we’ve focused on teach you how to work with images to get a really professional looking website using a featured slider. We’ve provided great sources online for royalty free images, show you how to get images in just the right size for your website AND get the featured slider working with our recommended premium themes.
Here the video list and if you are an existing student you can simply click on the link, login and get straight to the new learning resources:
NEWS FLASH: If you are an existing student you’ll be thrilled to hear that we have created and made available 23 new videos about becoming an expert in WordPress. These new videos are available to you at no extra charge and they are part of our growing range of WordPress, Google and Social Media topics that are coming shortly.
The topics we have covered in this videos includes:
Blogs, Posts and RSS Feeds
File Management and File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Website Statistics and Google Analytics
Backing up your website
Features of Elegant Themes Premium Themes
Social media and commenting
Nareev Bhatt was one of Australia’s top bloggers back in 2009 and he and other top bloggers like Karen Cheng use a simple website with Google Feedburner to deliver their news to anyone who wants to read it. This course will show you how to have your own newsletter using your WordPress Blog and FeedBurner.
This video from Channel 10 in 2009 explains how three popular bloggers make a lot of money by working from home.
Read more about our WordPress Training Course and join in to take advantage of our current prices and LIFETIME student access
WordPress is used as a Content Management System (CMS) for millions of small business websites around the world. WordPress is like the Microsoft Word for Websites and we have a course that will teach you how to use it as a blogger, article and news writer all the way up to a WordPress administrator. In fact at the end of this course you will learn enough to get your own website up and running as well as help others create and maintain their own website.
The best part of this course is that it entitles you to the EzyLearn LIFETIME membership feature, so when we update it with new content about marketing your website you can access the new information for no extra cost. For more information and to enrol, visit our WordPress course website.
What’s included in our WordPress Online Course (you can click these links if you are an existing student):
With Administrator priveleges you are now able to affect global aspects of your websites appearance. You can also arrange the website layout and user access permission.
Background colours, and header images are just the beginning. Learn to install free and premium themes and then customise them using widgets, plugins, custom menus and RSS newsfeeds
Your website hosting control panel provides you with stats about your website usage, but most importantly your email and other applications. Learn how to manage your email accounts and email access.
We have all the training videos and they will be uploaded shortly (no extra cost for you to access). Syndication gives you the power to be many places at once. When you write a blog that article can be made to appear in your readers inbox, on other websites and of course at your blog.
Google have a range of tools to help you gain exposure on the world wide web and one of these tools is called Feedburner. This tool will enable you to have your own email list subscribers attached to your blog.
Can I make my own site?
Yes. We’ve thought of that too. When you enrol for the Online WordPress course, choose the option that provides you with a student website hosting account.
We’re the same. We love to come into contact with new software and internet technology and anything that will help us to remain a market leader in online MYOB training. We also like to receive feedback (positive and negative) from our students so we know what we are doing well and what we can improve on.
Recent feedback has been about the navigation around our online training video tutorials. These videos are full audio visual demonstrations using the software, just like you would expect in a training classroom using a data projector.
With online training video tutorials you can go over our material again and again until you understand it. You can also go over it in the future when you come across a problem you need some help with. Combine it with our step-by-step training exercises and knowledge reviews and you have a complete learning solution.
So, what’s the news?
[box] We’re putting all new content and upgraded training course materials onto a new dedicated video hosting server![/box]
What does this mean?
It means that the videos are hosted on a separate service to the learning course so that both will operate much faster. All new training videos will also have a navigation panel and the ability to scroll through the video to the place you want to be and finally you’ll be able to expand the video so that it takes up your entire screen.
We’re in the internet age whether we like it or not. Our internet connection is as valuable to us now as our power supply and our telecommunications and it’s important to have a website if you are in business. In this post I want to introduce you to a small operation in King Island in Tasmania. A company that sells Kelp is learning how to play the internet game and best of all you can learn with them.
Kelli has a WordPress website hosted with 123ezy and we are building our WordPress and Webmaster Course around her growing internet presence. To start with we have created some elementary training videos about the navigation around the WordPress themes and what different parts of the website are called. We’re learning about themes, header images, menus and widget just to get started. As we progress we’ll be talking about Pages vs Posts, tags and categories, working with images, Search Engine Optimisation and much more.
We’ve included our Introduction to WordPress video below so if you are reading this on your phone, click on the heading to get to our Blog page where you can watch the full video.
Click on the heading to view the image or video if you are receiving this via email.
Creating customer cards in MYOB is easy! To enter a new customer, simply click on ‘New’; this will bring up a new window.
It’s also simple to edit customers here. Say you want to change postal or contact details, simply click on ‘Customer’ and hit ‘Edit’.
You will note that MYOB gives you a choice in the designation section to enter a company or an individual. All customer entries are stored alphabetically so make sure if you are entering an individual you use their last name first.
You use the tab key as a shortcut to go through all the fields.
A handy hint: When a customer has a longer address, such as a unit number or a Suite number, hold the Control Key and press ‘Enter’ for a second line.
Also, if you have tabbed past a field you need, simply hold the Shift Key and hit the ‘Tab’ key to go up to the field above.
In the evolution of our online training courses we originally started with a flash based player that operated in our training centres. It was easy to use and accessible on all computers. We then took a look at how to deliver the same consistency of experience using our training videos in your home, an environment that could be completely difference and that we have no control over. At first we thought about CD’s and after trying some different technologies, we came to the realisation that the experience different from user to use and computer to user. Will online learning really be the best way?
One issue that we came across in delivering our courses online was whether customers have a good enough broadband connection to receive the relatively large videos files through to them. The other question we had was how long should students have access to the training materials. In the end, we decided to go as OPEN as we possibly could. We opted to use technology that would enable all students to access the materials, whether they were on a Windows based computer or Mac.
The result is that you can now use our training material for life (no need to try to locate those scratchy CD’s) and you can use a combination of videos (with live demonstrations and audio commentary), Workbooks (with actual exercises you can try) and Knowledge Reviews (to test your skills) and it works on all platforms.
If you mentioned the word Webmaster 5 years ago you would imagine someone slightly geeky, who drinks cola, has thick rimmed glasses and talks incessantly about the latest technology and gadgets. Things have changed. The technology used to create websites was the domain of nerds who enjoyed writing code and getting dirty with technology using programs like FrontPage, DreamWeaver, Flash etc, but now it’s the domain of staff members, marketing people and remote contractors (Virtual Assistants who work from home). Why has it changed?
The most significant aspects of website design are:
The template (or theme) that’s used including colour scheme, branding and navigation
Thousands of designers create templates that you can purchase for $20 to $300
Once a template or theme is designed and setup the content management is the same (just like using Microsoft Word)
Writing articles, creating extra pages and adding to your navigation becomes as easy as selecting a check box and picking a category.
So is it really something that you could do?
wordpress themes included in Webmaster course
Have you heard about WordPress, Google, Facebook and Twitter? Can you use your computer to access your email, do internet banking and accessing other online services? Have you heard about or used PayPal? If you have, then you are at least familiar with some of the tools used by a modern webmaster. Combining these new online marketing tools and WordPress CMS driven websites you can get busy and start creating.
The Internet, smart phones, cloud computing and VoIP are making the world a smaller place and allows people to work from home but still remain digitally connected. There has been a significant shift towards remote contracting (virtual assistants) and the concept of mums working from home is now commonplace.
If you want to come on the Webmaster journey with EzyLearn we have the WordPress course. It’s a step-by-step system of setting up, creating content and images, building the contents and then promoting your own business using all the tools we’ve mentioned in this blog post. Best of all you’ll have an internet guru educating and coaching you each step of the way until your website is complete so not only will you have your own website and tools to promote it, but you’ll have the skills to promote yourself to other businesses and help them with their website management.
If you are receiving this post via email click the heading to visit our blog and watch the free PowerPoint training video included.
Peter Costello using Powerpoint (from
Microsoft PowerPoint is a fun program to learn that gives your presentations structure and professionalism. We recently spent 4 hours getting a technical product manager up to speed with PowerPoint so that he can use Powerpoint slides to demonstrate his companies products to their dealer network. Geoff had used the program only sparingly over the years but the time had come for him to quickly get up to speed so he could look professional with his dealer network.
In the 4 hour training session he had all the skills to create his own presentations from scratch, use company templates, create flowcharts and diagrams, charts and animations and even incorporate music and video into his presentations. He also had access to our online course and some course notes to keep as a reference.
See our PowerPoint course outline and enrol into our online course, or make contact to organise a half day training session at your office or our training centres.
If you want to subscribe to receive new blog posts in your email subscribe using the feedburner form on the blog page.
These days you can promote the fact you like something very quickly and easily. Twitter and Facebook accounts are free and almost everyone knows how to use them. Established blogging platforms like WordPress and Blogger are also easy and free to setup but there are even simpler microblogging platforms like Posterous.
What’s so good about all this new technology that is available? It means you can sign up for affiliate accounts and start earning money from referring good quality website to people you know or are connected to. Here’s a link to a post we wrote earlier this year which explains a bit about how affiliate marketing works.
We are trialling a new affiliate service for our online MYOB course and the reward is $25 for a successful sale from your recommendation. Don’t worry the affiliate management system keeps track of your referrals. Here’s a link to the affiliate website.
The innovator in searching through millions of web pages to find the most relevant yesterday introduced Google Instant, a way of providing you with results before you’ve even finished typing. In other words Google has a pretty good idea what most people want to find when they start typing and reveals the results as you type. Great for slow typers this new feature will give you relevant results right there on your screen.
We are pretty proud of our search engine placement for online MYOB course so please feel free to do a search using the new Google Instant and see our website appear on the first page of search results.
I tried using the search and it was fascinating watching the search results change so quickly. When I tried it a second time it just worked like the normal Search results. Go and visit the Google Instant Search page or read Google’s announcement on their blog to learn more.
Social media is the craze these days. Web 2.0, interactive, personal and relevant are terms used to describe what you are looking for in your internet experience. We are interested in knowing what you think about our content and at the same time we want you to share your thoughts with others so we’re trialling a social commenting feature at the end of each post and we’d love to hear from you.
EzyLearn is trying a new service where you can comment on, recommend and share our training material with your network of friends or colleagues. You can see at the bottom of this post, under the Subscribe box, that you can log in using any choice of social networking services and make a comment about this or any other blog post.
Please let us know what you think about our blog posts, videos and training material.
is your internet fast enough for a voip phone system
We’ve updated our telephone system to the latest in Cisco IP phones and want to share the information with you because we think it’s ground breaking. We use our Broadband Internet connection to make and receive all our calls and that throws out the window the old concept of paying Telstra almost $40 per month just to have a telephone number. I was only just explaining to a friend today how the VoIP phone system from virion works and I’ll try to explain it again in this blog post.
Your Broadband Internet connection delivers the voice to your phones and takes it away to the people you call so this link is critical in the quality of your voip phone system. The best way of testing the quality of your broadband internet connection to run a speed test and see how fast your upload speeds are. Yes, I did say upload speeds. Most people want fast download speeds to download videos, emails and attachments, but with a voip phone system you need to have a broadband connection with good upload speeds.
In this diagram the upload speed is 0.81Mb/s (810Kbps) and the best quality VoIP phone system requires 87.2Kbps, so,theoretically 10 people in your office could be having phone conversations with your VoIP phone system using your broadband internet. But what if someone is sending an email with a huge attachment? I’ll keep you up-to-date with our VoIP experience as we use it.
If you want to test a business grade VoIP phone system and VoIP service take advantage of virion’s Instant Trial.
The right heading on a flyer or a document will let you know immediately if that information on that page is “relevant” to you. It’s no different with a website. When you do a search in Google you decide in second which of the search results to go to depending on what they write in their title and description. Click the link in this blog post title to watch our video on Search Engine Optimisation.
EzyLearn offers the 123ezy website builder as part of a website hosting package and it makes it so simple to add (and change) words to the heading and description of each page within your website. Visit the 123ezy website for more information or take a look at a website that he been created using the SiteBuilder to see how it works.
The Google Adwords market is constantly changing depending on who is bidding for the keywords you want, how they are bidding and how much they have to spend. Keeping this in mind you will have to make some simple decisions before you can get started.
I sat down with a business owner today and she wanted to bid for every keyword she could think of, everything relating to her field of business, but the problem with that is that you are then competing with everyone else for a whole lot of words. We ended up choosing fewer words and decided to spend more to get people to our website using those keywords. If website visitors who come to your website from a Google Adwords advertisement and stay and explore your site Google will recognise your site as a good result for its searches and this will end up elevating your position in the “relevancy based” search results. That should be a significant goal, but I am now just digressing.
So, the business owner agreed that she was going to spend $1200 per month. The next step is to figure out which services she is going to promote and she gave me a list of 15 different services,which we then categorised into 4 main categories… Phew. We then looked at the relative weighting for each category of her business to decide how much they will receive of the $1200 per month and it came to a relatively simple 25% split each or $300 each category (division) per month. These were good figures because that comes down to $10 per day and that is how you can limit the amount of money you spend on Google Adwords…. by setting a daily limit.
The next step is a little more time consuming and involves choosing the right keywords and keyphrases to use for each category of the business. Once you’ve discovered this you choose how much you are willing to pay per click… hence the term Pay-Per-Click (or PPC) advertising ( You may not get this part right the first time, but you will soon realise that you can pay for anything from 9c to over $20 per click to be on the first page. The more generic and popular the keyword the higher the price, the more words you combine together (keyphrase) the fewer people will be promoting it so the price will be lower. I’ll cover this in another blog post.
Learn about alternatives like using relevant keywords in a blog for your business to make your website more valuable and ensure it becomes a trusted resource for customers.
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Xero is a great bookkeeping program for tradies who are on the go and using their phones (or a tablet) all the time. From receipts scanning to creating quotes and invoices, receiving payments and keeping track of project costs.…