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Customer Service: Important Skills for Data Entry, Office Support and Accounts Jobs

Work remotely from home using data entry, customer service and sales agent skills training courses M

Customer service is an expectation that has changed massively over the last 5 decades and technology is a big influence in how well companies perform AND what customers expect. 

My first experiences of customer service involved talking to a person at the counter at the local corner shop. I pointed to what I wanted, knew what the price was and handed over the money. We all smiled and I walked away with a bag of lollies. Things are different these days but customer service is more complex and more important. 

Despite the complexity customer service software makes it much easier to manage at your business website. Continue reading Customer Service: Important Skills for Data Entry, Office Support and Accounts Jobs

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Data Entry and Microsoft Office Skills: Important for NSW Police Call Centre Work and Virtual Assistants

NSW Police Force Call Centre Jobs need training in data entry and beginner level Microsoft Office Word & Excel Courses - Customer Service Training

I was speaking with someone who recently applied for call centre work for NSW Police and they were surprised at how much of the testing performed at the group interviews required data entry and Microsoft Excel skills.

Microsoft Office skills are important to get office support or admin jobs but even more so now that employees are working remotely from home using their computer. If you need help on that front we offer FREE data entry and absolute beginner level skills in Word and Excel.

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Xero going up a pesky $2 rather than $27.50

Best value for money Xero online accounting training courses or $20 per week - $2 per month increase in Xero monthly support

It almost seemed like Xero was giving you $27.50 of extra value when they announced their $2 per month increase last week. These effects take effect on 18 March 2020 but not everyone wants Hubdoc and competitors like QuickBooks already offered similar functionality!

Xero has had a love/hate relationship with bookkeepers ever since the days when they promoted their accounting software as so easy that small business owners could use it themselves – without the cost of a bookkeeper – and it looks like they are well on their way with this mission. Continue reading Xero going up a pesky $2 rather than $27.50

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Master the data entry job skills. Get some free training too

203 Microsoft Word Beginners Courses for sales letter, flyers, resumes, cover letters and tender proposals

Looking through Seek for data entry jobs yesterday reminded me of the training courses we offered when we operated our Dee Why training centre. It was the dotcom boom and MYOB Accounts Receivable and Payable courses were our popular weekend courses but most students needed more basic data entry skills.

Data entry skills include typing, editing documents, entering data into spreadsheets, saving files and then opening, editing and saving them again!

More job seekers have data entry skills but there’s so much more to know about basic Word and Excel usage that employers need you to know.

Continue reading Master the data entry job skills. Get some free training too

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Accounts Receivable & Payable Courses, FREE sample

women shaking hands during business payment arrangement

Are you chasing money? If so, you’ll probably know the hard way that credit management is about chasing money owed TO a business (Accounts Receivable) and managing the money owed BY a business (Accounts Payable).

Credit can be a very scary thing when money and cashflow is tight! Machines and software are replacing humans for many data entry type tasks, but nowadays this is also the case for chasing money owed (Accounts Receivable).

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Receipt Scanning, Automatic Coding – Boon for Bookkeepers or Job Killer?

Receipt Scanning, Receipt OCR, number extraction and receipt cloud storage company Receipt Bank integrates with Xero, QuickBooks and MYOB Essentials Training Course session

DO YOU GET frustrated when you see the little box at the bottom of the BAS lodgement form? You know, the one where they ask how long it took to complete the form because I feel like writing, “It took 10 minutes to complete the form, but 4 hours to do the data entry and bank reconciliation work!”

Junior bookkeepers, accounts receivable and accounts payable clerks, and office administrators will all share that their most time-consuming work is data entry, coding and bank reconciliations. However, there is software available which almost totally automates this work — and it’s becoming increasingly accurate and speedy.

Continue reading Receipt Scanning, Automatic Coding – Boon for Bookkeepers or Job Killer?

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SPECIAL OFFER: MYOB, Xero & QuickBooks Online Courses ALL for One Low Price

Bookkeeper Combo Bonus Courses learn Xero, MYOB AccountRight & MYOB Essentials and QuickBooks Online Training

The Internet has spawned several cloud accounting software program all over the world including:

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Setting Up Automatic Bank Feeds In Xero

Many accountants and businesses are now using Xero instead of MYOB so it's important for bookkeepers to be trained in this.
Many accountants and businesses now use Xero instead of MYOB.

In our last post we talked about the developments that have occurred over the last few years in the accounting software space; one of which was the introduction of Xero to the marketplace. Since then, a huge number of accountants and businesses have switched to Xero.

Xero has quickly gained momentum in the accounting software space, and while it’s important for bookkeepers to be skilled in MYOB, it’s becoming increasingly important that they’re also skilled in Xero as well. Continue reading Setting Up Automatic Bank Feeds In Xero

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What is BankLink and Why are So Many Accountants Using It?

Your accountant can access your records easily via BankLink.
Your accountant can access your records easily via BankLink.

As we have freshly rolled out our new Reach Accounting course, as well as our new Xero Accounting coursein addition to our existing and ever so popular MYOB training course — we have been speaking to a number of different accountants across Australia to find out how they currently manage their clients’ bookkeeping needs.

What we’ve discovered during this R&D process is that an increasing number of accountants have told us that they use a service called BankLink, so we thought we’d take a closer look at BankLink to see how it works and what it means for the bookkeeper.

BankLink for Bookkeepers

BankLink is an accounting service that delivers bank transaction data from banks and financial institutions and directly to an accountant, which the accountant then uses to code their clients’ transactions.

For any uncoded data, there are number of online tools that allow an accountant to request additional information from their clients; the coded data is then used for GST, end-of-year tax reports, management reports and various other reports required for tax compliance.

In short, BankLink eliminates all of the data entry usually performed by a bookkeeper, and in June of 2013, BankLink was acquired by MYOB to further facilitate accountants as they manage their clients’ books.

For sole traders and very small businesses that have neither a bookkeeper, nor the time to manage the data entry side of their accounts, their accountant can now manage this for them easily and efficiently, without the added cost of employing an external bookkeeper.

One accountant, extolling the virtues of the BankLink software on the MYOB website calls Banklink his “extra employee; one that never makes mistakes, gets lots done and doesn’t cost much.”


BankLink is being billed as the future of accounting; the inexpensive future of accounting, where people are being replaced by machines and pieces of software.

So what might that mean for the humble bookkeeper? We look at this in our next post.