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Office Administration or Business Administration: What Jobseekers Need To Know

Office admin courses and business administration training course and qualifications

Jobs in office administration and businesses administration are pretty popular currently – Seek has them projected at 7.3% and 9.9% growth, respectively.

So if you’re scrolling through one of the many job seeking sites, searching for an administrator role, it’s important to know the difference between these categories.

And it can be a bit confusing.  Some job listings seem to use these terms interchangeably, or you might just see the blanket term ‘administrator’ as the title.  Whilst there is some overlap, there is a difference between the jobs descriptions and tasks of office administrators and business administrators.

Here’s how to know which one is right for you:

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Customer Service: Important Skills for Data Entry, Office Support and Accounts Jobs

Work remotely from home using data entry, customer service and sales agent skills training courses M

Customer service is an expectation that has changed massively over the last 5 decades and technology is a big influence in how well companies perform AND what customers expect. 

My first experiences of customer service involved talking to a person at the counter at the local corner shop. I pointed to what I wanted, knew what the price was and handed over the money. We all smiled and I walked away with a bag of lollies. Things are different these days but customer service is more complex and more important. 

Despite the complexity customer service software makes it much easier to manage at your business website. Continue reading Customer Service: Important Skills for Data Entry, Office Support and Accounts Jobs

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Data Entry and Microsoft Office Skills: Important for NSW Police Call Centre Work and Virtual Assistants

NSW Police Force Call Centre Jobs need training in data entry and beginner level Microsoft Office Word & Excel Courses - Customer Service Training

I was speaking with someone who recently applied for call centre work for NSW Police and they were surprised at how much of the testing performed at the group interviews required data entry and Microsoft Excel skills.

Microsoft Office skills are important to get office support or admin jobs but even more so now that employees are working remotely from home using their computer. If you need help on that front we offer FREE data entry and absolute beginner level skills in Word and Excel.

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Someone just got the sack because they didn’t know the bookkeeping basics

frustrated woman at laptop

I love working inside new businesses and getting involved in setting up their processes – even accounting – and I recently had the chance to work in a marine business.

Applied Education at TAFE & Career Academy for online Xero, MYOB accounting training courses comparison 4As with all startups they are setting up new processes and experience hiccups along the way like all businesses do.

The saddest part for me was when they sacked their office manager because she couldn’t nail the basic bookkeeping skills and attention to detail performing these tasks:

  • Data entry
  • Bank feeds
  • Matching transactions
  • Bank reconciliation

Accounting software companies make you believe that their software makes this all a breeze but in reality office admin and accounts staff must be persistent and diligent with these basics. Here’s what caused the issues: Continue reading Someone just got the sack because they didn’t know the bookkeeping basics

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Xero going up a pesky $2 rather than $27.50

Best value for money Xero online accounting training courses or $20 per week - $2 per month increase in Xero monthly support

It almost seemed like Xero was giving you $27.50 of extra value when they announced their $2 per month increase last week. These effects take effect on 18 March 2020 but not everyone wants Hubdoc and competitors like QuickBooks already offered similar functionality!

Xero has had a love/hate relationship with bookkeepers ever since the days when they promoted their accounting software as so easy that small business owners could use it themselves – without the cost of a bookkeeper – and it looks like they are well on their way with this mission. Continue reading Xero going up a pesky $2 rather than $27.50

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Master the data entry job skills. Get some free training too

203 Microsoft Word Beginners Courses for sales letter, flyers, resumes, cover letters and tender proposals

Looking through Seek for data entry jobs yesterday reminded me of the training courses we offered when we operated our Dee Why training centre. It was the dotcom boom and MYOB Accounts Receivable and Payable courses were our popular weekend courses but most students needed more basic data entry skills.

Data entry skills include typing, editing documents, entering data into spreadsheets, saving files and then opening, editing and saving them again!

More job seekers have data entry skills but there’s so much more to know about basic Word and Excel usage that employers need you to know.

Continue reading Master the data entry job skills. Get some free training too

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Uh oh, Xero has yet another competitor and these guys are the Tesla of POS Systems

Xero Training Courses, Xero Payroll Advanced Certificate - Squareup is the new competitor in invoicing and payments

I’ve written many times in the past about free accounting software but I just discovered a company that has a great Point Of Sale system and is now offering a free invoicing and payment system. 

When I compare them to Tesla, I mean they are tech savvy, have a pedigree in digital platforms and provide their services direct to the public – no middle person.

Continue reading Uh oh, Xero has yet another competitor and these guys are the Tesla of POS Systems