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Bookkeeping Basics: Chart of Accounts Explained


Just wanted to give you the heads-up on some cool stuff we’ve been working on. We made this free guide called “Introduction to Bookkeeping Beginner Basics” (super catchy, right? ?) that you can grab on the EzyLearn website.

Think of it as the foundation of your business’s finances. Our guide walks you through setting one up in Xero, MYOB, or QuickBooks, but this blog post is more about why it matters.

Okay, so what IS a chart of accounts?

Basically, it’s just a way to organize all your business’s accounts (like assets, liabilities, etc.) so you know where your money’s coming from and going.

It makes your reports make WAY more sense and gives you a quick look at your business’s health. It’s like creating categories for your money (spending, saving, making, etc) so you can easily see the flow.

A good chart of accounts helps you play by the rules (financial reporting standards) and can be customized to fit your business perfectly. For example, you could track your income and expenses by product type or department. So you can adjust it as your business gets more complicated.

Xero call is an Accounts List and you’ll learn about this in the Beginners Certificate Xero Courses.

Breaking Down the ‘Accounts’

When you set up your chart of accounts, it will be organized like this: banks accounts, assets, liabilities, equity, income, and expenses in that order.

  • Assets: This is not money that you have received. So, imagine you invoice someone and they haven’t paid you yet? That’s “accounts receivable,” which is different from actual income!
  • Liabilities: Think of these as debts your business owes. Like leases or credit from suppliers.
  • Equity: This is stuff your company owns outright, like equipment you’ve paid for. If you sell it, you get the money! Cars and office equipment are equity.
  • Expenses: This is the money you spend immediately on running your business. Like gas for your car or office supplies. If you pay right away, it’s an expense. If you get a bill with 14 days to pay, it’s a liability.

Why do you even need a chart of accounts?

No matter how you keep track of your finances (even if you’re still using a spreadsheet!), it’s crucial to know where your money is coming from and going. A chart of accounts is what makes that possible. Keeping it up-to-date will give you an accurate snapshot of your business’s financial health at any moment.

This is just one part of our Bookkeeping Basics series, so don’t forget to download the free guide from the EzyLearn website if you want to learn more!

bookkeeping-basics-training-course-for-Xero, MYOB and QuickBooks online cover-300x201 EzyLearn Bookkeeping Career Academy

Learn about bookkeeping basics in the QuickBooks Online, MYOB and Xero course for beginners.

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Should you learn MYOB, Xero or QuickBooks First?

Xero Course, MYOB Course, QuicBooks Course - COMPLETE Suite Training & Support - Bookkeeping Academy

We receive lots of bookkeeping course enquiries from students who are changing careers and want to find bookkeeping work.

If you are new to bookkeeping you may be familiar with MYOB because it has been around for decades. As soon as you start looking at job ads you’ll hear about Xero because a lot of businesses are migrating away from MYOB to Xero.

So a common question is should I learn MYOB and then Xero?

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Which of these jobs do you want?

Who cares if you have an Advanced Certificate in MYOB and Xero - Online Xero & MYOB courses with practical tasks - EzyLearn

We’ve just updated our Job Outcomes page to showcase some of the jobs that EzyLearn students apply for. Most of our graduates are looking for Office Admin or Business Admin jobs but others want to start their own business.

MYOB and Xero Courses along with Microsoft Office form the foundation software skills required to perform these jobs but one of the most overlooked roles is that of a Receptionist or Customer Service person.


There is a huge responsibility in being a receptionist because in many ways you need to know a lot about various parts of the business and the right employees to refer callers to. Imagine you have just started a receptionist job and you can people calling all day long about accounts, sales, technical issues and how their project is progressing!

Now imagine you are running your own small business as a remote contractoryou have to know it all!

Explore the Job Outcomes page and let me know if you think we should be adding anything to one of the job types.

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Welcome to Bookkeeping Academy Member: Gina Diprose

MYOB and Xero Bookkeeping and Training with Gina in Tasmania - Bookkeeping Courses

I wrote about the Bookkeeping Academy membership a couple weeks ago and how it’s our aim to help our students get discovered for bookkeeping work after they complete their course.

Gina has 10 years experience in every aspect of operating and managing a tourist and caravan park in her home state of Tasmania and she loved the bookkeeping side of the work so much she wants to do it for other businesses.

She learnt how to use Xero and loves how it means she can do the work from anywhere – even Zeehan in Tasmania’s west.

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I think I found the perfect job for you

Remote workers can roster support staff for NDIS care workers - NDIS Bookkeeping Courses using Xero and MYOB - EzyLearn

The perfect job is working from home doing office admin one day a week, yes? Most bookkeeping course graduates would agree that this is the perfect client. It means you have up to 4 days available where you can get other ideal clients and it means you work online with no need to travel (or dress up!).

This job is also involved in the growing NDIS sector so you’ll learn some great skills if you haven’t worked in the sector before. You must have experience working as an admin support person and be setup to work effectively from home.

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Mentor Education: Company Wound Up, but… Too Big to Fail? EzyLearn’s OFFER

Mentor Education ASIC notification of Special Resolution to Wind Up a Company - Learn MYOB and Xero Training Courses

If you’ve been following what has happened with Mentor Education you probably also have a strong interest in the integrity of Australia’s accredited training industry.

We’ve had a lot of Mentor Education students make contact just to learn more about what they can do about their courses because they hadn’t heard from Mentor Education, nor the receivers. Some students were counting on their qualifications to find work, others were promised a wage increase with a qualification and others have been through several different training providers while they juggle work, family and study.

There appears to be some good news though you wouldn’t know it by any official announcements

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1$ per month alternative to Xero just for invoices and daily transactions

If you are looking for computerised, online accounting software now is a great time. Just doing a Google search for comparisons between MYOB and Xero will reveal a flurry of ads to capture your attention.

Many micro businesses with one main worker/contractor etc just want to keep track of quotes, invoices, purchases and payments and there are some pretty cheap options available – cue… BillCue.

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Match these Office Admin & Accounts jobs with the courses to help you get them


Someone made contact with us to find out which data entry and office admin courses they need to do to get a job using MYOB. It’s logical to want to know which courses will give you the skills for specific jobs so we put these guides together.

Continue reading Match these Office Admin & Accounts jobs with the courses to help you get them