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FREE Training Courses for Career Builders

EzyLearn FREE Student Inclusions with Bookkeeping courses

Are you enrolling into an MYOB or Xero Bookkeeping Course or Microsoft Office Course and are currently employed? You’ll get access to some FREE Student Inclusions when you enrol into a Complete Course or Combination.

EzyLearn’s FREE Student Inclusions give students more value in their careers and the work they do and there is a different offer for you depending on your situation.

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Xero Boast Top Innovator in “AFR BOSS Most Innovative list”, Just Behind Telstra!

Xero wrote about their AI achievements using machine learning to predict the name and account code for your transactions when performing a bank reconciliation. Bank feeds have been a constant and regular theme in Xero’s marketing and this reinforces how they are using technology to reduce the time it takes to reconcile.

It makes sense that a bank like NAB or CBA buys MYOB because if you could automatically make sure that your finances in your MYOB or Xero software reflected exactly what your bank statements say you’d eliminate half the work that junior bookkeepers do.

Continue reading Xero Boast Top Innovator in “AFR BOSS Most Innovative list”, Just Behind Telstra!
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If ANZ Bank Buys MYOB will you EVER need to reconcile again?

One of the more time-consuming and tricky parts of catchup bookkeeping is reconciling your bank account and bank statement – which means going between your accounting software and bank.

In software like MYOB, even if you use bank feeds to import your transactions into your accounting software, you still need to make sure these match your bank’s records.

But what if your accounting software got the information directly from your bank daily?  With ANZ in talks to buy MYOB, here’s what you need to know about where banking and accounting software meet:

Continue reading If ANZ Bank Buys MYOB will you EVER need to reconcile again?
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MYOB In tray for Receipt Scanning, Capture and Storage

Learn how to upload tax invoices and receipts to MYOB Essentials using MYOB Intray and Capture App - EzyLearn Online Training Courses

MYOB is starting to get their act together providing much desired features in their accounting software.

I’ve written about some of the major receipt scanning programs like Dext/Receipt Bank and Auto Entry in the past and happy to say that we have some new MYOB training course resources in development for our MYOB bank reconciliation Training courses.

Continue reading MYOB In tray for Receipt Scanning, Capture and Storage
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Someone just got the sack because they didn’t know the bookkeeping basics

frustrated woman at laptop

I love working inside new businesses and getting involved in setting up their processes – even accounting – and I recently had the chance to work in a marine business.

Applied Education at TAFE & Career Academy for online Xero, MYOB accounting training courses comparison 4As with all startups they are setting up new processes and experience hiccups along the way like all businesses do.

The saddest part for me was when they sacked their office manager because she couldn’t nail the basic bookkeeping skills and attention to detail performing these tasks:

  • Data entry
  • Bank feeds
  • Matching transactions
  • Bank reconciliation

Accounting software companies make you believe that their software makes this all a breeze but in reality office admin and accounts staff must be persistent and diligent with these basics. Here’s what caused the issues: Continue reading Someone just got the sack because they didn’t know the bookkeeping basics

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Westpac Biz Invoicing and Microsoft+KPMG+CBA fighting Xero, MYOB & QuickBooks

Westpac Biz Invoice to compete against Wiise, PayPal Invoicing and apps like Zoho Invoicing, WaveApps etc training course 1

You really get to see the cut-throat side of business when you see all the entry level accounting solutions available today.

Not only does old incumbent MYOB need to worry about Xero, but now there is also Wiise and Biz Accounts from the BIG BANKS and software companies!

It seems that Westpac are doing this purely to sell more business transaction accounts — a key performance indicator.

Continue reading Westpac Biz Invoicing and Microsoft+KPMG+CBA fighting Xero, MYOB & QuickBooks

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Bank Recs is BAS preparation but lodgement is legal

Due dates for BAS lodgement can be deferred by BAS agents

Due dates for lodging BAS's and extensions for BAS Agents using the BAS Agent portal - Bank Recs do most of the work
Image: ATO website

If you’re doing your BAS with the help of a Tax or BAS agent you might be aware that although the actual due date for the March quarter BAS is 28th April you can get an extension by using a tax or BAS agent to the 26th of May.

We’ve had quite a few conversations lately with bookkeepers about whether they can do this or not and if not who can they turn to, to do it.

When you lodge a BAS with the ATO you are effectively telling them how much you’ve earnt and spent but more importantly you are defining how much the business actually pays in tax – and they DON’T want you to get this amount wrong.

If the amount is wrong and in your favour you may incur fees and charges and the TAX and BAS agent system (that is managed by the Tax Practitioners Board) has been set up to assume that only someone who has the training and experience is responsible for lodging these important documents. If they get it wrong a small business owner can sue them for the time it takes to fix the problem and for this BAS agents need professional indemnity insurance.

Non-registered Bookkeepers and BAS Agents


The good news for both businesses AND ordinary bookkeepers who are NOT registered BAS agents is that you can have a bookkeeper do your data entry, as well as help you with various aspects of your business accounts and administration (like accounts payable, receivable and even customer service etc) for a good, low rate.

All you need it confidence in using MYOB or Xero accounting software. Our Xero Complete course will teach you everything from setup and configuration through daily transactions like invoices, purchases, expenses and payments and advanced topics like BAS, Reporting, Payroll, Projects and cashflow reporting.

Many of these bookkeepers operate as independent contractors so the small business doesn’t need to employ a staff member to do the books [want to start your own bookkeeping business cheaply? Look at joining National Bookkeeping] and some of them are very experienced in bookkeeping and even running their own businesses.

The good news is that you can still use one of these bookkeepers to take care of the accounts side of your business and use your accountant or a BAS agent for the BAS preparation and lodgement.

Bank reconciliation done right is where all the work is done

Now we have the BAS lodgement details out of the way let’s get into the bank reconciliation. This work is often done by the accounts person or contractor and it’s where most of the time and effort in preparing a BAS is spent. If this is done correctly the BAS preparation is pretty simple so it made us delve a little further into the steps taken in doing this work. Here are the simple steps:

  1. Launch your accounting software
  2. Go to the bank reconciliation area
  3. Start matching entries in your software with lines on the bank statement (much easier and faster with bank feeds and Internet banking).
  4. Reconcile each month
  5. Run your BAS report

Many people at this stage will need to provide copies of their bank statement to their accountant, BAS agent or bookkeeper so that person can see actually real world evidence of that transaction (sometimes bank feeds are perfect either). It’s at this stage that you realise whether you made the right choice in the bank you choose because not all banks are equal in Australia even if they are grouped as the BIG four. I’ve written about my disappointment in how hard it is to use a bank like NAB before and I’m afraid I’m gong to have to do it again, comparing NAB to CBA for the ease of getting bank statements.

Bank Statements and Internet Banking – Bad news NAB

CBA Netbank easy to get past statements up to 7 years old compared to NAB business banking

CBA provide 7 years of storage for bank statements so if you do have to go back and get an old one guess what? No calls to make, not bank statement fees to pay, no need to search through your filing cabinat for paper statements, all you need to do is go back to that period and download the file as a PDF and email it to your accountant or bookkeeper.

NAB is too old, statements are hard to get and customer service needs to change with statement search

To do this with NAB is very similar to walking into one of their branches (well the one they just closed down at Dee Why anyway) – it’s old, clunky and hard to work with and often I’ve found you need to email or call or do physical searching around your office for this rudimentary information – this task alone can make the whole bank reconciliation experience very frustrating.

Do your end of year reports now

facebook marketing and advertising course online

While we are on the topic of reporting you may be aware that there are some tax deductions and expenses that you can claim this financial year so it’s a good time to know exactly how you have performed this financial year. Plus you’ll see how far short or ahead you are from last year and you can do your own Jerry Harvey style clearance sale – everything has to go, go, go because we have TOO MUCH stock.

We’re preparing some blogs that’ll be published shortly about some of the deductions and tax breaks you might want to take advantage of. Hopefully after these we’ll be able to focus on our online digital marketing courses like Facebook Pages for business and Facebook advertising for real estate agents! Every one will benefit from these Facebook courses but we’ll slant towards how real estate agents can use Facebook to attract vendors in their local area – it’s fascinating.

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Video: Receipts in a Shoebox?

Receipts in a shoebox

Receipts in a shoebox? Shoeboxed Australian websiteI WAS LOOKING in my top draw and noticed some receipts, bundled by the month, with a bull clip holding them together. Do you know someone who also stores their receipts in a shoebox?

I have, of course, now entered them into our MYOB accounting software. However, it begs the question: How many business people do you know who still store their receipts and other paperwork with way?

The legal requirement to file receipts

Continue reading Video: Receipts in a Shoebox?

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Having problems with bank reconciliations using MYOB AccountRight Plus version 2011?

Sometimes we use the EzyLearn Blog to inform readers about modifications to our MYOB online training course. We’ve received feedback in the MYOB Support area from students that elements of our MYOB Bank Reconciliation course are coming up with errors when they use the most recent version of the MYOB software.

Bank Reconciliation using MYOB version 2011

One of the great aspects about coming across problems in a course is that it replicates the type of problems you’ll experience in the workplace or while managing your own business. Jacci, our resident BAS Agent has gone through the steps in the course and identified potential issues. She has written up a concise guide that is now included in the bank reconciliation course (#503) to help you balance the books using MYOB.

Online training and support for MYOB, Microsoft Excel, WordPress and moreIf you come across problems or issues please feel free to use the EzyLearn ANSWERS service we launched in May 2011. It is part of our growing support options for students. If you operate a small business and want to know something or if you come across an issue that is not covered by the training in our existing course let us know because EzyLearn courses are LIVE courses, they are growing every month with new content that you don’t have to pay extra to use.

online training and support for MYOB, Microsoft Excel, WordPress website design and moreOh, before I leave you on this blog post I want to highlight our new student support option we launched last month – Tutor Support and Student Community – it’s a way to connect with other students and have direct contact with our professional tutors who have real life experience using the software in their daily business life.

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New MYOB Training Content available for all students

MYOB Training Course Bank Reconciliation Tutorial Screen

If you are enrolled into our online MYOB training course you’re probably aware of our LIFETIME access feature. You might also recall that this feature enables you to log in at any time and have access to any new or updated content that we create.

We’ve just created training video tutorials for our MYOB bank reconciliation course!

The training workbook for the bank reconciliation course contains a project where you can create a new company file from scratch, import an accounts list (Chart of Accounts), import transaction journals and then enter your own transactions to complete a bank reconciliation. It’s a very satisfying feeling!

Here is a list of the 9 new training videos we created. If you are a student you can simply click on each video, sign-in and start watching.

  • Section 1 Video 1 – Export and Import using MYOB
  • Section 1 Video 2 – Working with Read Only MYOB data files
  • Section 1 Video 3 – Exporting Accounts List and Transaction Journals
  • Section 1 Video 4 – Exploring Exported MYOB Accounts list Data
  • Section 1 Video 5 – Create a new training company datafile
  • Section 1 Video 6 – Importing an accounts list into a new MYOB data file
  • Section 1 Video 7 – Importing the Transaction Journals into a new MYOB data file
  • Section 1 Video 8 – Deleting duplicate accounts and changing linked accounts
  • Section 1 Video 9 – Setting Linked Accounts for GST

    As part of our continuous improvement process we are now hosting our videos on a dedicated video hosting platform and the videos can now be paused and played and you can enable them to take up the full screen for easier viewing.

    Happy Learning!

    To learn more about our online MYOB training course and the fantastic new features like LIFETIME membership, EzyLearn Q&A and more visit:

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