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FREE Training Courses for Career Builders

EzyLearn FREE Student Inclusions with Bookkeeping courses

Are you enrolling into an MYOB or Xero Bookkeeping Course or Microsoft Office Course and are currently employed? You’ll get access to some FREE Student Inclusions when you enrol into a Complete Course or Combination.

EzyLearn’s FREE Student Inclusions give students more value in their careers and the work they do and there is a different offer for you depending on your situation.

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Xero’s Integration With DiviPay Can Help Small Businesses Manage Expenses

Expense management is an important thing to have control of in order to keep a business running smoothly.  But it can be a time-consuming process, full of paperwork, data entry, and chasing up staff members for receipts and invoices.

Xero’s integration with DiviPay promises to make the whole process easier, with seemingly half of it being done by staff members on their mobile phones!

But how does it all work?

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NAB Slyps past Xero Hubdoc to integrate Smart Receipts for Merchants and Customers

NAB, CBA, ANZ and WBC Slyp under Xero to provide smart receipts before Hubdoc gets them - Learn MYOB, Xero, QuickBooks to find accounts jobs - EzyLearn

One of the most publicised recent acquisitions for Xero was Canadian Receipt Capture, Scan and Coding software HubDoc. Rather than send a “bank-like” email informing users that the monthly fee to use Xero was increasing, Xero “sold” the value of the pesky increase of $2 as a saving of $27.50 because they included the Receipt Capture features in the software! That’s smart marketing.

In the meantime, MYOB forged an alliance with Bunnings as every large fintech, accounting and banking organisation tries to get into the Smart Receipt marketing at the source. Here are some of the things that have happened.

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MYOB In tray for Receipt Scanning, Capture and Storage

Learn how to upload tax invoices and receipts to MYOB Essentials using MYOB Intray and Capture App - EzyLearn Online Training Courses

MYOB is starting to get their act together providing much desired features in their accounting software.

I’ve written about some of the major receipt scanning programs like Dext/Receipt Bank and Auto Entry in the past and happy to say that we have some new MYOB training course resources in development for our MYOB bank reconciliation Training courses.

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Xero going up a pesky $2 rather than $27.50

Best value for money Xero online accounting training courses or $20 per week - $2 per month increase in Xero monthly support

It almost seemed like Xero was giving you $27.50 of extra value when they announced their $2 per month increase last week. These effects take effect on 18 March 2020 but not everyone wants Hubdoc and competitors like QuickBooks already offered similar functionality!

Xero has had a love/hate relationship with bookkeepers ever since the days when they promoted their accounting software as so easy that small business owners could use it themselves – without the cost of a bookkeeper – and it looks like they are well on their way with this mission. Continue reading Xero going up a pesky $2 rather than $27.50

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Xero Expenses – Most Beautiful Accounting Software of All?

Xero Expenses Management changed after they purchased Hubdoc to compete with Receipt Bank - Xero Beginners Training Course

MANAGING EXPENSES AND capturing source documents, like receipts, is the bane of most accounting department managers. But can this now be done with ease?

Before I sold the business for AccessID/EzyAccess Safety Management software, I used the business credit card for all business-related expenses. However, credit card or not, the Financial Controller for our financial team was constantly asking for hardcopy or electronic receipts.

Whether you’re a bookkeeper or business owner, receipt filing (and filing in general) can easily get on top of you. This wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t such an important part of running a business.

Some bookkeepers and business owners defer to tradition and print each invoice, bill or other expense and then file the hard copies — but there is a better way. Continue reading Xero Expenses – Most Beautiful Accounting Software of All?

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Receipt Scanning, Automatic Coding – Boon for Bookkeepers or Job Killer?

Receipt Scanning, Receipt OCR, number extraction and receipt cloud storage company Receipt Bank integrates with Xero, QuickBooks and MYOB Essentials Training Course session

DO YOU GET frustrated when you see the little box at the bottom of the BAS lodgement form? You know, the one where they ask how long it took to complete the form because I feel like writing, “It took 10 minutes to complete the form, but 4 hours to do the data entry and bank reconciliation work!”

Junior bookkeepers, accounts receivable and accounts payable clerks, and office administrators will all share that their most time-consuming work is data entry, coding and bank reconciliations. However, there is software available which almost totally automates this work — and it’s becoming increasingly accurate and speedy.

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Xero In for a Reckoning from Tradies

EzyLearn CEO shaking hands with Reckon One representative

I RECENTLY HAD the pleasure of visiting the Reckon head office in Sydney to learn more about their new Reckon One product — and it’s quite a compelling offer.

To start with, Reckon, a listed company, was not allowed to sell its accounting practice management software (APS) to its competitor, MYOB, because Xero HQ wasn’t much chop.

Yes, that’s right, Xero HQ was deemed so “insufficient and unsophisticated” that it wasn’t viewed by the ACCC as offering any competition in this marketplace whatsoever and therefore they wouldn’t allow MYOB to hold the monopoly.

This made me, and no doubt, many others, realise just how powerful Reckon could be in the online accounting market if it had the right software offer — and now it does.

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