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Cert IV in Bookkeeping Changed to FNS40222 – Study Through EzyLearn’s RTO Partnership

There are many ways to get started with a career in finance and bookkeeping.  For those looking for a nationally recognised qualification, something like a Cert IV is a great way to learn the skills you need to find work or continue in your studies.

The Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping is a national accreditation provided by registered training organisations (RTOs).  It can start you on your way to becoming a registered BAS agent, or prepare you for roles like payroll officer and bookkeeper.  But the qualification has recently been updated!

Here’s what you need to know about the changes:

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Xero Prices Increase By $2 Again But No New Features – Are They Desperate for Cash?

One of Australia’s most popular small business accounting software has upped its pricing again, but with no new major added features for users (like when they included Hubdoc features in a previous hike).

Xero has announced that from September 1, 2022, three of its plans will increase in price, with the smallest increase at $2/month through to a $14/month hike.

So why are Xero prices increasing and what does it mean for users?  Xero has some pretty expensive recent purchases, and their share price is still declining, so could this spell financial troubles for Xero?

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If ANZ Bank Buys MYOB will you EVER need to reconcile again?

One of the more time-consuming and tricky parts of catchup bookkeeping is reconciling your bank account and bank statement – which means going between your accounting software and bank.

In software like MYOB, even if you use bank feeds to import your transactions into your accounting software, you still need to make sure these match your bank’s records.

But what if your accounting software got the information directly from your bank daily?  With ANZ in talks to buy MYOB, here’s what you need to know about where banking and accounting software meet:

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NEW “Bookkeeping Basics” Training Course Covers Beginner Level Xero, MYOB & QuickBooks Online

bookkeeping-basics-training-course-for-Xero, MYOB and QuickBooks online cover-300x201 EzyLearn Bookkeeping Career Academy

Bookkeeping is an essential part of business, not just to keep track of financial activities for the business’ sake, but also to meet obligations from the ATO.  It’s nothing ground-breaking to highlight the importance of bookkeeping, but lots of businesses might start operating without considering the necessity of bookkeeping. 

If you’re a business owner who doesn’t have a background in accounting or bookkeeping, then you’ll want to learn at least the basics quickly – even if you intend to hire accounts staff, it’s great to understand the bookkeeping tasks that need to be completed.

EzyLearn has you covered with out new Bookkeeping Basics Training Course.  Let’s break down how you’ll learn the foundational aspects of bookkeeping with this course:

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The Best Xero Course in Australia

Xero COMPLETE Training Courses Online Suite - EzyLearn

The ‘Best Xero Course in Australia’?!  That’s a pretty big claim.  You might be wondering how EzyLearn can attach this line to our Xero courses, and what actually makes our courses the best?

Well, it’s not just because EzyLearn has over 25 years’ experience in developing training content and helping students achieve their goals.  And it isn’t just the feedback we’ve been getting from our course graduates about how their course helped them find work, upskill, and gain confidence.

EzyLearn’s market research helps us to see what people are looking for in a course, what other business offer, and what pricing is best.  But what is market research, and how does it lead to our Xero courses being the best in Australia?  Here’s what you need to know:

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Planday for Xero or Square Team Management: Which Should Your Business Use?

Physical timesheets and all the manual data entry of employee scheduling is a hassle.  Even with technology like email and text, it’s always a task to try and figure out who swapped shifts with who and coordinate a schedule that works for all your employees.

Workforce management software like Planday and Square Team Management have become popular alternatives.  Planday is now owned by Xero, and Square Team Management is a service offered by digital payment company Block Inc. (formerly known as Square Inc.)

But which one should your business use? Let’s go through some of the main features you’d expect of a workforce management software, and see how Planday and Square Team Management compare:

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Payroll Training Course Integrations: Square Payroll versus Xero?

Now that paying by card is the norm, retailers have needed to adapt to the cashless customer.  If you’ve been to some local markets recently, maybe a sporting club canteen or even your regular café, you may have noticed that you’re tapping your card on a little white square instead of an EFTPOS machine.

Block Inc. – previously known as Square Inc – is a point-of-sale (POS) system winning over retailers and enterprises across the world.  And it’s not just little white payment terminals, Square offers a range of technology and services that range from POS to payroll to inventory to marketing, AND, they recently purchased AfterPay!

Square integrates with Xero, and considering its popularity, let’s break down what Square is and how it compares to other Xero integrations like Planday.

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STP Phase 2 Training Added to Xero Payroll Course – Learn ALL Payroll Courses Across Multiple Software in Advanced Certificate in Payroll Administration

STP-Phase-2-Xero-Payroll Training Course

EzyLearn had added Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2 Training to our Xero Payroll Administration Training Course.

As Xero continues to be one of the leading accounting program for Aussie small businesses, we’ve been updating our courses to stay up to date with changes.  We’ve also recently added Xero My Payroll content to this course.

The Australian government launched STP in 2016, where employers with over 9 employees must report their payroll information for each pay run to the ATO.  When the ATO introduced STP Phase 2 earlier this year, some of the reporting obligations changed.

Here’s what you need to know about STP Phase 2 reporting in Xero, and how EzyLearn’s got you covered with the training.

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Why is Xero Saying Your PayPal Bank Connection Needs Updating?

If you’ve connected PayPal with Xero, and have been using it for quite a while, it might come as a bit of a surprise when you get an email from Xero telling you that your existing PayPal direct bank connection will no longer be supported and will stop importing transactions into Xero.

Why is Xero emailing you this?  Especially considering there’s a timeframe in which you need to switch to the new PayPal bank connection, you’re probably eager to figure out what it all means.

Don’t stress, here’s what you need to know.

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Here’s What Businesses Need to Know About eInvoicing in Xero

Learn about einvoicing using Xero

Invoices can be a hassle for both businesses and their clients.  There’s nothing fun about chasing up that client about their late payment, nor is it an efficient use of time to trawl through emails and  inboxes trying to find that invoice from however long ago.

The Commonwealth Government is pushing ahead with an alternative, that looks like it will make things a bit easier for everyone.

eInvoicing is on the rise!  And since software like Xero has jumped in on the change, it’s important for small businesses to know what eInvoicing is all about:

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Xero Asks Nicely for Feedback using NPS, But EzyLearn Interviewed Xero Course Students via Zoom

If you’re looking into a business, maybe you’re thinking of buying a product from them, subscribing to a service, or even just doing a bit of research, one of the places you’ll want to go is the ratings and reviews page.

I’ve written before about how reviews and testimonials are more valuable than number ratings when it comes to revealing important things about a business but for medium and larger companies, who aren’t able to have a personal relationship with their customers, they have to rely on these ratings. They’re also used an opportunity to measure what matters to their clients.

One of the ways they do this is through Net Promoter Scores (NPS), and you’ve probably contributed to one even if you don’t know it!

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Xero’s Integration With DiviPay Can Help Small Businesses Manage Expenses

Expense management is an important thing to have control of in order to keep a business running smoothly.  But it can be a time-consuming process, full of paperwork, data entry, and chasing up staff members for receipts and invoices.

Xero’s integration with DiviPay promises to make the whole process easier, with seemingly half of it being done by staff members on their mobile phones!

But how does it all work?

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Could This Free Social Media Promotion Work For Your Bookkeeping or Virtual Assistant Business?

Social media isn’t just for selfies and cat pictures anymore.  A quick scroll through any popular social media platform will bring up posts from brands and companies promoting themselves and their products/services.

In their guide to digital marketing, Xero included a quote from a business owner who said the following about her approach to social media marketing:

“I don’t spend money on advertising. I create content aimed at helping my target customer and share it on Instagram or via podcasts. It attracts enough new clients to keep me busy.”

Olivia Park, Olivia Park Coaching

It begs the question: is shareable content the digital marketing that businesses should be focusing on? And not just content the business shares, but content that social media users will then share amongst themselves?

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CommBank and Xero Integration to Help Small Businesses Get Paid Faster

It’s not a secret that in order to stay afloat businesses need to be making money.  Access to funds is essential for businesses to not only pay off debts, but also to finance everyday operations and pay their staff and suppliers.

It can become problematic, however, when a business’ cash flow is tied up in unpaid invoices.  If a business sells on credit – as many do – they might be in the unfortunate position of waiting to get paid by their customer and struggling to make ends meet in the meantime.

There are a few solutions: one is to use credit management apps like ChaserHQ or Debtor Daddy to help automate the process.  Things like chasing up unpaid invoices and escalating debts can be made easier by using these apps that integrate with your accounting software.

The other is to get a loan.  Commonwealth Bank’s (CBA) Stream Working Capital is a digital solution for businesses to access the money tied up in their invoices.  Here’s what you need to know about it:

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Xero Announces New Product Features – EzyLearn Offers 12 months Course Access and Support!

New year, new Xero features! 

Xero has recently announced its updated product features, and they include improvements to integrations, interfaces, and information.

We updates our Xero Training Course content regularly and every student gets 12 months course access and support – this includes access to all updated and additional course content. Here’s a rundown of recent changes Xero have made to their software.

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How are Small Businesses Changing in 2022?

It’s not a stretch to say the last few years have been tough…especially for businesses.  Through lockdowns and restrictions we’ve seen businesses struggle, falter, adapt, and survive. 

Now that we’re in to 2022, and things are (fingers crossed) almost looking normal again, it’s exciting to see how businesses will recover and thrive.

Xero has released a guide to small business trends for 2022, based on surveys they conducted in 2021 of their subscribers in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Singapore, Canada, and the US. 

Here’s are 10 trends on the rise for small business this year:

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