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Hairdressing Salon Case Study for Payroll Course using Xero and MYOB

Start a hairdressing business as a hair stylist by renting a chair per day at a salon - Dee at Arndell Blacktown can help - Online Xero Courses for Payroll

Hairdressing salons are all about people, scheduling and gossip. They are located all over the world and are a fascinating place to watch. I had my hair cut the other day by a recently graduated hair dresser and she did a fantastic job with the cut and the conversation.

Hair dressing salons are a simple business insofar as renting a shop, putting in comfy chairs and mirrors and washing bays and then matching a customer with a hair dresser. The biggest issue is scheduling the right number of hair dressers to match the demand from customers, particularly if there are lots of drop ins.

Trim and Styles Hairdressing was using an Excel spreadsheet to manage their staff but now they’re using Xero and here’s why.

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Xero vs HNRY + Thriday + Rounded + Parpera

Unlike HNRY Xero doesn't offer bank accounts that deducted Tax and GST payments for you - Online Xero Training Courses & Support

Would you sign up to a Xero controlled back account? Would you let Xero become your accountant or tax agent to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)?

Does that sound strange? Imagine if Xero managed your bank account for you and made sure that all your taxes were paid for automatically BEFORE allowing you to receive your pay.

Doesn’t that “sort of” happen already with Single Touch Payroll?

If Xero had their own accountants would you go with a Xero accountant for your own business?

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Poof! – and Mentor Education is gone – Oops, page not found, then Inspire Education Type Message

Only 404 errors for Xero & MYOB Courses from the Career Academy at Mentor Education website before shut down - EzyLearn Online Bookkeeping Courses

If you’ve been following what is going on with Mentor Education and my article about what happens when a company goes through voluntary administration you’ll know that Mentor was spending a lot of money on advertising courses which they hadn’t normally promoted in the past – short courses in MYOB & Xero & Payroll.

Mentor Education was a big success and quite a large RTO (Registered Training Organisation) that offered many different Cert IV and higher qualifications on their “scope”. This included the Cert IV in Bookkeeping and Accounting.

As soon as they went into administration I noticed a couple big changes.

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Tips for Cash Flow Forecasting using Xero


We’re approaching the end of the financial year and everyone will be reading and trying to understand their annual financial reports, particularly if they have outstanding Superannuation to pay (and claim) or they need funding.

I’ve written in the past about how to create a cashflow forecast using Xero and Excel and this post is a summary of good practices and recommendations when it comes to cashflow reporting

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Match these Office Admin & Accounts jobs with the courses to help you get them


Someone made contact with us to find out which data entry and office admin courses they need to do to get a job using MYOB. It’s logical to want to know which courses will give you the skills for specific jobs so we put these guides together.

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Bookkeeping fun? Yeh, nah

failure to lodge penalties how to manage payroll in Excel online training course

I’ve often wondered why EzyLearn has become best know for MYOB & Xero Bookkeeping courses and about the students who need to do a bookkeeping course to find work. It’s not the most exciting of topics really and most students do a MYOB/Xero course because they HAVE TO, not because they want to.

When we we design the outline and case studies for our courses I’ve tried to have some fun with the accounting aspects of a business. I’m not sure about you but the best part of starting a new business is the beginning when everything is new and shiny!

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Business Owners Learn MYOB & Xero with EzyLearn ANSWERS

Many accounts are affected when you pay an employee - Journal Entries - MYOB & Xero Bookkeeping Courses - EzyLearn

Business owners who need to learn how to use MYOB and Xero like the added support that is available if they have a question that relates to their own business.

Unlike Job Seekers who choose MYOB and Xero COMPLETE training courses to learn as much as they can about these bookkeeping programs, Business owners often have questions which relate to things they want to resolve in their business.

Most of the questions students have are solved as they progress through the logical order of the courses we’ve created but sometimes things get a little weird.

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8 People Can Learn Xero COMPLETE For $88 ea

Corporate training and group discounts for Microsoft Office Excel and MYOB and Xero Training Courses

You read correctly! This is part of our Corporate Training pricing for Bookkeeping Certificate courses in MYOB and Xero. The price is low because it based on volume pricing. The same is true for Group Training prices for Microsoft Office Excel and Word.

You can get a further discount off the Corporate Training prices if you don’t need a Certificate at the end of your training. This option is great for business owners or small businesses who just want to get their team trained up but don’t need the evidence of a Certificate of Completion.

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Singapore Government Paying Xero Subscriptions For It’s Small Businesses!?

Singapore Government Productivity Solutions Grant pays up to 70 percent for up to 2000 dollars for Xero Setup and Training - EzyLearn Online Courses

A Singapore based accounting firm shared this information with us and we almost couldn’t believe it! There is even a blog at the Xero website about how the Singapore Government have a grant that will pay up to 70% of the cost of getting setup and trained in Xero.

This is part of their “pre scoped” solutions for small businesses who fit a certain criteria and there are three solutions that are valued up to $2,000 odd.

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Deputy, KeyPay, Square Teams, QuickBooks Time Training Course NOW Available


These are the market leading workforce management integrations for rostering, scheduling and time and attendance monitoring. Deputy was one of the first but the major accounting software companies are now snapping them up.

The most interesting story here has been KeyPay. I’ve loved the fact that Intuit partnered with the Australian company KeyPay to provide all of the local Australian payroll functionality in their QuickBooks Online software. Tsheets would also have been in this list but you know what happened to them..

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Does Xero Integrate with Twitter? Why?

Make enables integration between Xero and Twitter - Xero Training Courses from EzyLearn & Career Academy

My last blog post was about the different ways that Twitter can make money. One of the most compelling reasons that I read about recently was as a payment gateway like WeChat. Apparently WeChat is a SuperApp that does lots of things and Elon Musk was impressed by it when he learnt about it in a visit to China to open his Tesla Gigafactory there.

Naturally I dug a little deeper to see if Xero currently integrates with Twitter and it does but not for payments.

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Payroll Training Courses have been updated again – STP Phase 2 updates

11 STP 2 Portal Step 2 - updated Xero Payroll Training Course - cropped

It’s been an interesting year for employers as they grapple with the changes to Single Touch Payroll. Even the major software companies (Xero springs to mind) have taken longer than expected to implement changes.

I was speaking with a cafe/restaurant owner in the Central Coast recently who was trying to implement Deputy (for staff roster and scheduling) with Xero and was having trouble with the STP Phase 2 component. She mentioned that the issue appeared to be with Deputy but I did some research using ChatGPT and this is what the Artificial Intelligence software told me!

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Who Really Needs Phone Support These Days?

Who wants to wait for phone support for myob and xero course frustrated by waiting on the phone, lady sml

When I first took EzyLearn online in 2007 I was concerned at how much phone support students would need. What I learnt was the better the user experience and course design for our students the less calls we’d get.

Our team have been exploring ways of bringing the cost of our courses down even further in this tough economic environment and one of the biggest cost savings is to focus on SMS, Email and Website Chat support.

We have a number of graduates who are available as tutors and perhaps this could be an option, what do you think?

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Micro Courses in Excel, Xero and MYOB or BUNDLES, COMPLETE Courses and COMBOS

Micro Courses and Stackable Micro Credential by EzyLearn

One of the disciplines I’ve tried to focus on when created online courses in bookkeeping and office admin is to keep the courses short and manageable. When we operated our Sydney training centres we tried to keep class times between 2.5-3 hours because most students can’t concentrate for a whole day.

For the MYOB & Xero Bookkeeping Courses this means that students can enrol into short courses, which are now commonly referred to as Micro Courses that cover very specific skills. We’ve recently changed how we show this information using our Learning Orbs.

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You Don’t Need a Cert IV in Bookkeeping & Accounting to be a Contract Bookkeeper

Christina from Glenmore in Sydney graduated from the Xero Complete Training Course & Certificate and runs several businesses

Starting a bookkeeping business has been a go to option for many mums returning to the workforce, particularly if they did accounting and office administration work before having children.

I’ve been writing about starting a bookkeeping business at this website since we started our bookkeeping blog and as you can see it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money.

Since the GST, however and the creation of the Registered BAS Agent some things have changed.

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Does it feel like you’re knocking your head against a brick wall and not getting job interviews?

ATS match rates for Job Applications for Accounts job requiring MYOB and Xero skills - the Career Academy for Bookkeeping Certificate graduates from Ezylearn

I was speaking with a job seeker recently and she was telling me that she had applied for hundreds of jobs and tried dozens of employment sites but got NO job interviews. I mentioned to her that the employment rate is very low at the moment and that there is a lot of demand so she might do all right if she keeps trying.

What I copped next was flurry of expletives about how the Government is making up lies and that there are no jobs available. This lady continued to bend my ear until I had to excuse myself politely.

The problem that most people have with the Job Application Process is that they’re not practiced at it. There is a method and process to follow when applying for jobs and if you approach it with desperation or you get frustrated you lose sight of how you come across to the employer.

The employer is simply following a process to find the best potential job applicant and they want to make sure they get it right. Need help in the job search and application process? That’s where the Career Academy from EzyLearn come in.

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