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Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 online training courses now taking enrolments

PowerPoint Course to present, sell and teach

Our PowerPoint Course presentation to real estate agents about content marketing and social media to help them find vendors who want to sell their propertyMicrosoft PowerPoint decks (yes, that is the word they use in the corporate world) enable you to get your knowledge, thoughts and ideas across to other people. Whether you’re showing off a new creation to one person, presenting a total solution to a small group of potential clients or teaching an entire audience, Microsoft PowerPoint forces you to put the information in a logical order.

Some people think PowerPoint presentations are the most boring way to present information, but the key is to not rely on the slides for telling the story, rather using PowerPoint slides as an aid and selling your pitch using your words, gestures and other props.

Older PowerPoint versions are included in all of our courses

Microsoft PowerPoint Course 2016 enables you to collaborate with others and see what they are doing, just like Google DocsWhen you enrol into any course with EzyLearn you get access to ALL versions and ALL levels. That means that when we have a new version of the course go live (like we have in this announcement for PowerPoint version 2016!) existing students can access the course materials for no extra cost. New students also get to view and access all older training course resources too.

The latest version of Microsoft PowerPoint lets collaborators see what other collaborators are doing. If you are familiar with Google Docs you’ll know about this feature already – because it’s almost freaky to see exactly what someone else is working on and where in the document they are. The only drawback is that you’ll need to be using OneDrive or Office 365 SharePoint. OneDrive is Microsoft’s equivalent to Dropbox and Google Drive and most people I know are already using a file sharing system already, but like all software companies try to do they’re no doubt doing everything they can to get PowerPoint users onto OneDrive.

EzyLearn Microsoft PowerPoint Course with version 2016

The main reason for this blog post is to announce that our Microsoft PowerPoint course is now being loaded with the latest versions of the software training videos and workbooks!

2016 versions are coming to Excel and Microsoft Word Courses shortly

If you’re an existing student you’ll be thrilled to hear that we’ve completed the production of all training videos and training workbooks for Microsoft Word and they’ll be implemented into our Learning Management System shortly too! Microsoft Excel 2016 will then be created so our students will be able to access Microsoft Excel Beginners to Advanced training material on every version from 2000 until 2016!

Stay tuned for more announcements.

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To Job Seekers MYOB is Still Number 1

Most existing business use MYOB

Job Seeker Super Special Discount Offer for MYOB Course, Excel Course and Word Course with certificate 1I love the power of being able to login to our accounting software to resend invoices or create them when I have some idle time and I’ve discovered that lots of trades people and independent contractors love it too, but most enquiries we have from prospective students is about MYOB accounting software because that’s what most small businesses need help with.

That is also why we’ve bundled the most popular software requirements for those who are applying for office admin or accounting jobs – MYOB, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word – AND created a special bundled price for the lot!

Superannuation companies need Excel

I was speaking with the risk model manager for a very large superannuation fund earlier this week and we were discussing the course outline of our Microsoft Excel courses and how that fits into the needs of their own workforce (he was exploring a corporate training arrangement) and I mentioned something that resonated with him.

If you are learning a program like Excel or Word from scratch the training materials can be quite generic and cover almost any topics, but as soon as you head into the Advanced Excel Course topics you may also be looking at customising that course using tools, formulas, functions and macros that are specific to your own business – particularly as a large company.

Cafes and Restaurants use Word and Excel

New Morisset Cafe owners at Cafe Limejay use Microsoft Excel to create their new menu-smallI was speaking to a local business owner of a cafe in Morisset, close to my home (yes, I’ve escaped the Sydney property prices, lack of space and high traffic!) about their new menu when they confessed that they used Microsoft Excel to create the menu after struggling with Word to do it. They are a mother and daughter team and worked together to get the new menu ready for their customers.

What stood out in the conversation is just how complicated Microsoft Word is once you start exploring the more intermediate and advanced capabilities. We use these advanced tools when we create our Training Workbooks and it’s worth using the skills because you can save a lot of time for repetitive tasks or when you make changes, but for smaller or more creative tasks like forms and tables Excel is often a simpler program to use.

Save $397 and do the lot

Online Training Course special offers for MYOB, Xero, Excel, Word and moreWe’ve bundled the MYOB, Excel and Word courses, with assessment and certificate options and all you need to do is select these courses at our enrolment page to receive the automatic discount. This offer is called the Job Seeker Offer and is available for a limited time so enrol now and take the saving. Then feel free to share the results of your work if you want to.

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Major bank wants to NAB uber small businesses

NAB partners with large accounting firm to bypass bookkeepers

Is Airtax competing with the accountants version of Xero and MYOB for cashbook accounting
NAB group executive Antony Cahill with Sammy Kumar of PwC Picture Stuart McEvoy with Airtax credit card from The Australian website

As an ex-NAB small business client I confess a biased against the bank and their archaic computer systems.

You could probably tell that from blog post where they asked their NAB Dee Why branch clients to temporarily change their BSB number while there is some property development in the Dee Why square (where I had my first computer training centre)!

Continue reading Major bank wants to NAB uber small businesses

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Facebook Advertising and Impressions for Real Estate Agents

Facebook advertising and impressions of you

David Howe uses Facebook to showcase properties that are currently available for sale in Northbridge NSWHas someone been telling you you must get onto social media? Are you a real estate agent with a Facebook page that is pushing people away? Are you spending hundreds of dollars per month and pushing your Facebook community away from what you do and to all the big companies!?

Target home owners in your suburb

This is why everyone loves social media isn’t it? The fact that you can almost perfectly target your marketing message to your ideal customer makes social media perfect, the only issue you have now is “Are they ready to buy”? Are they ready to use your services at that moment? What happens if they aren’t?

I interviewed Michael Griffiths when he ran his Internet marketing business for our business marketing course and he pointed out was that only about 3% of the people who come to your website are ready to transact, the rest of the visitors are exploring, learning and getting to know people (hopefully you are one of them) who they may use in the future. That’s why recommendations, testimonials, blogs and social media pages are important because they show prospective buyers that you are active, current and in tune and the messages you give out will almost help them define whether they like who you are.

Facebook may not work immediately

The dilemma for real estate agents is whether they should advertise using Google Adwords or with Facebook Advertising and the answer is really both, but for different reasons.

  • Google Adwords gets you in front of people who are searching for you or the services you provide
  • Facebook enables you to get in front of all of your potential market
  • Social media, blogs and newsletters help you remain front of mind

ReMarketing keeps your ad in front of prospects

Everyone is talking about remarketing and giving you to power to show your ad to your target audience no matter where your prospect goes online. The problem is that they may never need or want your services and you’re continuously paying for the ad to appear. The problem with some Facebook ads is that you pay for impressions – every time someone sees your ad – as opposed to PPC (every time someone clicks on your ad).

It’s better to offer your prospects a way to be reminded of you and you do that by getting people to like your page, follow you on twitter or LinkedIn and subscribe to your blog. Every time you create new and interesting content your prospects will see you and if they are no longer interested they’ll disconnect, unsubscribe, Unlike, Unfollow you.

Facebook is best for your past clients and potential advocates

The best way I believe to use Facebook advertising is to create a custom audience of all your past clients and make sure you show up when they are using Facebook. It builds the likelihood of them recommending you to their friends and it keeps you front of mind, particularly for real estate agents where the sales funnel can take several years sometimes for someone to use your services after getting to know you.

123ezy is a digital agency that creates real estate agent websites and helps them navigate the changing world of property marketing and building an online reputation based on all the hard work they have already done. EzyLearn creates courses to help students learn how to use office productivity, accounting and marketing programs to manage their business or work. We’re assembling a Facebook Advertising for Business Course and you can register for our free Facebook Advertising Course now.

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Bookkeepers need help with Xero ANSWERS

EzyLearn Answers for student support in online training courses in MYOB, Xero, Quickbooks online, Microsoft Excel, Word, Powerpoint and WordPress

Xero enrolments for bookkeeping businesses

EzyLearn Answers for student support in online training courses in MYOB, Xero, Quickbooks online, Microsoft Excel, Word, Powerpoint and WordPressDespite the fierce competition from MYOB to own the cloud-based accounting market, Xero cloud accounting software is powering along and many of our course enrolments have come from existing bookkeepers who are being directed towards Xero by their clients. We’ve priced our Xero course to be comparable with our MYOB course so it’s currently cheaper but we’re listening to our bookkeeping students to add course content that is relevant to their needs.

What xero bookkeepers want to know

Xero enables you to login from any computer via the internet so trades people, professional services providers and even retail and food outlets can access their accounting software from a tablet, Mac, Windows PC or even their smart phone so it’s little wonder that small business are moving to Xero in the cloud. It’s also proving popular because bank reconciliations can be performed from anywhere by Xero bookkeepers using bank feeds as opposed to printed bank statements.

Payroll is live and constantly updated AND the payroll function can be performed by experienced payroll bookkeepers no matter where they are located in Australia or around the world.

Xero Answers for Xero Bookkeepers

MYOB and Xero training courses created by certified bookkeepers and registered BAS agentsNot long after we began offering LIFETIME course access for our online MYOB courses back in 2011 we introduced a service called EzyLearn ANSWERS and we’re now extending that service to our Xero training courses. We’ve included our Xero course in the EzyLearn ANSWERS service because of the large number of bookkeepers asking questions about how to use the more advanced functionality, because we want to add more new content to the course and we want to add new content that is relevant to bookkeeping working with their small business clients.

The best news is that every Xero course student has access to this service and our bookkeeping course creator, Jacci, who is an assistant accountant and registered BAS agent is keen to see how she can help.

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Online Inductions for Employees Improve Quality and Productivity

Online Inductions cover the risks, share the expectations and educate new people

Online Inductions for staff and contractors can include them reading and agreeing to your Policies and Procedures ManualWe’ve had growing interest in our online induction services and there are some things that are good to know about putting an induction into an online course format. The key benefits are that they are consistent for all staff or contractors who do it, they can do the induction from anywhere and in their own time and you’ll have evidence that they have completed it! That includes them agreeing to your policies and procedures.

Online Inductions can help with WH&S and policy risks

As an employer or a site administrator you are responsible to demonstrate due diligence in explaining any potential risks at your site and making sure any workers or contractors acknowledge those risks and that you have explained them. A test is usually the end task in an online and the certificate issued at the end of the successful completion of that test is one form of evidence that due diligence has been carried out.

Expectations are covered in Policy and Procedures in your online induction

Policies around parking and the treatment of other people as well as how you leave a workplace are the common areas of concern for most businesses but you can put anything you want in a policy document and because it’s your site, workers need to read and agree to your policies and procedures to work there.

Teach your staff and contractors

If there are aspects about your business that are important you can teach anyone who arrives to do work before they arrive. If they need to have a certain skill or they need to know about how something at your site works you can teach them. You can even give them training about your products, how to use Microsoft Excel or anything else you can think of.request a quote for an online induction system for your staff or contractors

If you want a quote to see how easy it is to get an online induction up and running for your business tell us what you want and we’ll see how we can help.

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Microsoft Excel 2016 & Gantt Charts for Your New Website/Business/Project

Project plans and gantt chart templates in Microsoft Excel 2016 training courses online


GANTT CHARTS ARE just one of the many wonderful features  Microsoft Excel and help enormously in the workplace. 

Many project managers oversee the project management and implementation of, say, a staff induction system, a new computer system or procedural changes.

Our Online Excel Training Course includes training on how to create your own project plan using Gantt charts. Continue reading Microsoft Excel 2016 & Gantt Charts for Your New Website/Business/Project

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Independent Contractor! PayPal Provides Instant Business Working Capital Finance

If you’re an independent contractor you’re a business owner

EzyLearn can help your business train WHS staff or provide credentialing and inductions.
EzyLearn can help your business train WHS staff or provide credentialing and inductions.

As an independent contractor, operating with an ABN, you’re effectively running your own small business (so working capital important), and that means you’re subject to some of the same reporting obligations for the ATO as other small businesses are.

The only real difference is that as an independent contractor, your business model is a lot simpler to other ones.

If you use PayPal for receiving payments they already know your sales history and may lend you money without doing a reference check! Continue reading Independent Contractor! PayPal Provides Instant Business Working Capital Finance

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Real Estate Agent, Derek, Has Made it to Page 1 in Google

6 Weeks from Zero to Hero in Google Organic Search

Keyword analytics for derek farmer real estate agent in CammerayI HAD A GOOD, long think before writing this blog post. However, I’ve decided it’s OK to write this blog — because the blog should be about helping business people reach Page One in Google’s organic search results (that’s the FREE ones!)

You should see the number of emails I get each week from overseas companies in Asia, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and even the US and UK.

All of these emails are telling me the same thing: How they will get my company onto Page 1 in Google!

You might be thinking, “Yeah, so what? I already know how to do that!” or let me see your list of companies. Point is, there are lots of these self-professed experts around — and I’m probably no exception!

SEO Aspects

I last wrote about real estate agent, Derek Farmer, before Christmas when we had already created his new website. The aim of this was to help property owners find him when they’re ready to explore selling their property.

We’d already begun the process of creating relevant content but ramped it up in the last 6 weeks and the results were amazing as you can see from the chart!

The work we did to help Derek get onto Page 1 of Google WITHOUT spending a cent on advertising,  involved all the tools we use at EzyLearn just to run our business. The thing with this is that we practise what we preach.

That’s the beauty of running an online business: You get pretty good at all the technical and content stuff, particularly when you have to compete with the marketing muscle of billion dollar organisations like MYOB and Sydney University!

Of course, Derek was a good real estate to begin with. He had a great existing reputation in Sydney’s Lower North Shore and over 170 property sales under his belt. Quality speaks volumes.

Give something away

Derek Farmer real estate agent smiling portrait in selling your property educational training videoDerek had also spent a lot of time, considerable money and brainpower coming up with an educational series of videos. These helped his vendors (people selling their homes) and prospective customers better understand the various stages of the sales process.

This reflects the need for businesses to generate great quality content that people will find valuable — it’s something everyone needs do in the “Google information era” we all now live in.

See what Derek has done and learn more about Automated Response Marketing

virion: A brand I am proud to work with

Virion is the arm of the business that helped Derek achieve such tremendous online success.

If you want to see more of what we do with online and content marketing, along with case studies and success stories, subscribe to our Virion blog.

Check out the Blog and Subscribe

Whereas the EzyLearn blog is chiefly about what we teach, the virion blog covers more of what we do. I’d love to share the work we do with you. Who knows if you see something you like, you can even join us and get involved!

[button link=”” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] Subscribe Now[/button]


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Learn MYOB and Microsoft Excel, get help finding work with Career Academy

Learn MYOB and Microsoft Excel and get Microsoft Word Course for free

One more rest for Australia Day before the year REALLY gets under way and it’s a great time to set your priorities straight for 2016.

Our two most popular online training courses are our MYOB Course and our Microsoft Excel course. They’re complicated programs and most businesses need them for their financial management, reporting and forecasting so they’re great skills to learn if you are looking for a new job.

MYOB AccountRight Sign In Screen for MYOB Training Course

If you’ve followed this blog you’d also be aware that despite significant growth in the number of enrolments for our Xero Cloud Accounting courses the dominant player in the Australian market is still MYOB and MYOB accounting software also has cloud-based capabilities that make it more and more powerful.

Continue reading Learn MYOB and Microsoft Excel, get help finding work with Career Academy
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Tracey’s Will Hallam is going to Mercury and she’s starting a business to raise funds

starting a business selling childrens books - Will Hallam and Tracey DicksonInterview with successful business owners

Between October 2015 and January 2016 I’ve been doing something a little different and something that I haven’t really done in the past. You could say it’s part of the development of new ideas and concepts for EzyLearn and I don’t know how it will work out but am very interested in your opinion and feedback.

Business StartUp Course – EzyStartUp

Over the summer break we renamed our Small Business Course to the EzyStartUp Course and we’ve more clearly targeted that it is for people who are moving from being an employee to working as an independent contractor (with a bigger more comprehensive and detailed Business Plan Package coming later in the year for bigger businesses) and as part of these changes I’ve been interviewing successful business owners about all aspects of their business.

Setup, Legal, Vision, Ideas, Structure, Forecasts

I’ve been lucky to have met a lot of business owners of the last 20 years because many of them have been willing to share intimate details of their businesses in my interviews and the information covers all aspects of the business process from setup and planning to marketing and sales to exit strategies and succession planning. One of the people I interviewed is Tracey Dickson, who bought a promotional products business, built it up and made it valuable using technology and sold it when she was ready to exit. I’ve interviewed Tracey for a number of subjects for The Australian Small Business Centre Pty Ltd and in particular I’ve delved into what she’s gone through in writing a new children’s book based on a character she created called Will Hallam. You can watch the introductory video interview below.

Ideas turn into products that are packaged for markets who buy and use them

The process of creating these videos went a little like this.

  1. I looked at each of the topics in the ASBC Small Business Management Courses
  2. I compiled a list of questions that I thought are relevant for each topic (some as a result of further research)
  3. Looked around at people I know in various different business types (importer, retail, professional services, marketing, sales trainer)
  4. Studied these business owners websites and business to compile questions that cover the course contents but also relate to their business
  5. Interviewed the business owner with input from them before and in between videos

After going through all the technical and know-how aspects about the steps you need to take it dawned on me that all of these business owners had something more than just knowledge and experience, they had all those character traits that make business owners successful. They include:

  • being inquisitive
  • always asking questions
  • learning new things
  • studying their market
  • evaluating their business
  • making changes if needed
  • sticking at it
  • trying again and again
  • working to a plan
  • working out another way to do things

There are probably many other words or phrases that can be used to describe these traits and they all add up to what makes these people and these interviews so valuable. For many people starting out in business for the first time it’s weird just keeping a time sheet and invoicing for the work they do and then following up for payment so listening to experienced business people and understanding the right attitudes will make as big a difference as the technical know how itself.

Will Hallam is for kids between 7-11 and Tracey has a global opportunity

Tracey is a meticulous person who puts in the ground work and she’s passionate enough about her new project that she’s taken the time to understand how the publishing industry works and what her readers (and their parents) are looking for. I think you’ll find her insights and thought processes very useful and please make a comment on Facebook or Linkedin to let me know your thoughts.

If you like what you’re reading so far subscribe to this blog and check out the new EzyStartUp Course.

Here’s my Introduction video interview with Tracey

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Xero appears as the king of the cloud, but MYOB does it too

ServiceM8 on the go Job Management Xero Integration - Master Xero with Xero Complete (Beginners to Advanced) training courses - EzyLearn

MYOB Cloud App Integration

servicem8 provides cloud based booking, scheduling, time sheets invoicing for all major accounting programs and they're Aussie

Our Xero courses are proving very popular with bookkeepers and small business owners so ex-MYOB owner Craig Winkler (who now owns a significant shareholding in Xero) must know a thing or two about marketing but it’s important for MYOB users to know that they can use cloud-based add on services just like those available from Xero.

I was speaking with a research analyst recently and he confirmed my thoughts about the next frontier for the “fight in the cloud” that will relate to add-ons and cloud based features that build on the basic accounting software.

Continue reading Xero appears as the king of the cloud, but MYOB does it too
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Start Now and you’ll have until 2017 for MYOB, Xero, Excel, Word and WordPress

Corporate Training for Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Accounting and WordPress Courses

Online Training Course special offers for MYOB, Xero, Excel, Word and moreWith these software programs you can run most aspects of a business and we’re including them all in our new Corporate Training Business Software Training Licences for businesses with a team of people who all want to improve their software skills.

Our Business Software Training Licence enables up to 5 staff members have unlimited access to all training resources for all of our software training courses for 12 months for a low fixed cost. We also have discount prices for larger numbers of staff.

If you look at the total retail price for all of this it is well over $6,000 of value in online corporate training courses and at the current price you’ll only pay less than 25% of the price. That is a saving of over 75%!

Software corporate training course licences for discounted online coursesIn 2015 we experienced a significant increase in the number of corporate enrolments for our Microsoft Office courses and have created this package to make life easier for corporate who want to enrol their staff easier, while also taking advantage of the discounted prices.

Bookkeeping Course Combos and Enrolment Vouchers are also available

If you are looking to up-skill in a number of accounting software or office application programs you’ll also discover some discounted course combination offers for popular courses.

[button link=”” newwindow=”yes”] See our Special Offers[/button]

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Exciting Time to StartUp a New Business

EzyStartUp business startup and admin training courses

Business StartUp Course is now EzyStartUp Course

start your own business with all the software tools and templates in our startup courseWas one of your New Years resolutions to:

  • Spend more time with your family?
  • Work closer to home?
  • Work more flexible hours?
  • Be your own boss?
  • Do what you love doing?

If it was it sounds like you want to start your own business and if that is the case you’ll be thrilled to learn about the EzyStartUp Course! I’ve been harping on about tools to help people start their own business and I’m excited to that:

We’ve combined the five small Business StartUp Course subjects with all of our software courses (MYOB, Xero, Excel, Word, PowerPoint) and templates to go out and start earning money as an independent consultant

There’s no longer any excuses because all you have to do now is follow the steps and use the tools. If there is any training you need to use the software, it’s included. If you get stuck and need to speak to someone we’ve got a team of mentors who are willing to help you in your quest.

This Business StartUp Course is aimed at helping people who have existing skills to operate their own business as a contractor to perform work and charge for their time or for achieving milestones for their clients. Typical professions include:

  • Bookkeepers
  • Content Writers
  • Photographers
  • Website designers
  • Graphic Designers
  • Fitness instructors
  • Safety Consultants
  • HR Consultants
  • Training and Support consultants
  • Virtual Assistants

You’ll also be happy to know that we’ve already started back after the festive season holidays so come and learn something new to achieve your personal and business goals in 2016.

Remember that students who enrol into the Business StartUp Course will have a mentor that they can speak to if they need help or inspiration during the course and while starting their business and you can receive course finance with interest free repayments for 6 months.

See what is included in the Business StartUp Course

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Do you have tender writing and advanced Microsoft Word skills?

Tenders help building and contractor companies win new clients

Mat from Ultraflow talking about tendering for work for small business sales and marketing coursesThe sales stages for wining new business in the building and construction industry can be a lengthy process that starts with specification and design. An architect will create a design from meetings with clients and gradually this design will turn into a multi-million dollar building that functions perfectly but how does the builder find the right team and resources? By tendering out the work.

Is tendering a sales, marketing or procurement process?

sales training - tendering process to win new clients and businessI was speaking with Mat, the Managing Director of UltraFlow Siphonics for our Small Business Marketing and Small Business Sales Courses and he mentioned to me that they could literally be doing tenders every hour of every day. He mentioned that there are many different tendering portals where small (or larger) businesses can register and tender for the work that is available and that the key to a successful tender strategy is to narrow down the tenders you go for to one where your business is suited.

When a retailer sells a widget in a shop, that widget is clearly defined and the buying process is often quick and even impulsive but larger works use the tender process to clearly define what they are looking for and try to flush out as many bidders as possible. When the bidders are identified the goal for the organisation offering the tender is to get the best possible result at the cheapest possible price – weighing every aspect of the tender of course.

Go for tenders that meet the sweet spot criteria for your companies capabilities so you can perform them efficiently and profitably

Strong Microsoft Word skills are important

It is important to have excellent Microsoft Word skills if you are a tender writer because tender documents are long and often very detailed. Sometimes the tender documents are provided by the offerer and it’s important to be able to move around the tender document swiftly. Our Microsoft Word course includes every skill level from Beginners to Advanced so unlike some training companies which make you choose between one course or another we include everything.

Common Microsoft Word tools used in long and detailed documents are

  • Styles (covered in our Microsoft Word Advanced Course) – enable you to format areas of text quickly and keep that formatting consistent through the document. Much like the headings on our website pages and in our workbooks.
  • Table of Contents (Advanced Word Course) – enables you to quickly insert a table of contents based on heading styles that can automatically update the pages.
  • Document Map – enables you to quickly navigate long documents using heading styles
  • Sections and Breaks – ensure that main headings are on new pages and enable you to have selected pages print in landscape rather than portrait.

Australian Government resources for tendering

Here are some sites that have information about the tendering process to win government work:

Federal Government

Tenders Website

Commonwealth Contracting Suite

State Governments

New South Wales: Small to Medium Business Suppliers

Victoria: supplying to Victorian Government

Queensland: Tips for writing successful tender bids for Qld Government

South Australia: Standard Tender and Contract Documents for SA

Are you an experienced tender writer?

If you have experience writing tender documents for companies to win business we’d like to hear from you to get your perspective. I’m currently working on interviews with successful business owners for our small business courses and if you are Sydney-based there is an opportunity to contribute to our course and build your online profile at the same time. If you fit the description send an email to (you MUST be Australian based and ideally from Sydney).