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It’s official. Digital marketing now part of office administration job description

Electrical and air conditioning apprentice performs digital and social media marketing for central coast local firm using Instagram, Facebook and Google training courses

Scroll through the job ads on Seek for accounting and office admin jobs and you’ll see the usual skill requirements. MYOB skills, experience using xero and of course high level Microsoft Office and Excel spreadsheet skills.

I did a search before Christmas and one particular job ad stood out. A Sydney building company needed to fill a job for someone who recently left and it contained a list of digital marketing tasks in the job description!

These skills were a nice to have, not mandatory, but it confirmed something I knew was coming – digital marketing tasks performed by office admin staff!

Continue reading It’s official. Digital marketing now part of office administration job description
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One reason why businesses are migrating away from MYOB

Xero have been a looming threat for MYOB’s establised AccountRight accounting program for many years already and there is persistent reason for most people – it’s still an application that needs to be installed on your device – whatever that device is. 

Xero, QuickBooks and even Sage have got around that with the fact that everyone can log into their software in the cloud from any device and it’s now paying off with most people working remotely from home. MYOB also has problems for people wanting to use their software on an iPad. Continue reading One reason why businesses are migrating away from MYOB

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Migrating Away from MYOB AccountRight to Xero or QuickBooks

Accredited migration experts can help migrate from MYOB AR to Xero - MYOB Accountright Learn Fast - online training courses for accounting jobs - EzyLearn

Changing accounting systems for an established business is like changing banks. You need to make sure all your new services and accounts are setup and working correctly and then change all your paperwork and systems to make sure the old ones aren’t used any more. Then you’ve got to let everyone who needs to know, know.

It’s easy to say but a fair bit harder to do but more and more companies are making the change from MYOB to Xero. Here’s what we’re building to help

Continue reading Migrating Away from MYOB AccountRight to Xero or QuickBooks

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Someone just got the sack because they didn’t know the bookkeeping basics

frustrated woman at laptop

I love working inside new businesses and getting involved in setting up their processes – even accounting – and I recently had the chance to work in a marine business.

Applied Education at TAFE & Career Academy for online Xero, MYOB accounting training courses comparison 4As with all startups they are setting up new processes and experience hiccups along the way like all businesses do.

The saddest part for me was when they sacked their office manager because she couldn’t nail the basic bookkeeping skills and attention to detail performing these tasks:

  • Data entry
  • Bank feeds
  • Matching transactions
  • Bank reconciliation

Accounting software companies make you believe that their software makes this all a breeze but in reality office admin and accounts staff must be persistent and diligent with these basics. Here’s what caused the issues: Continue reading Someone just got the sack because they didn’t know the bookkeeping basics

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Payroll & staff underpayments affect you even if Xero, QBO or MYOB say it’s easy

Payroll Training Courses Online using Xero, MYOB & QuickBooks Online - underpayment of staff can be fixed with a payroll audit

It seems to be the season for companies admitting that they’ve underpaid their employees. Bunnings admitted to underpaying employees for 8 years, Woolworths has underpaid over 6,000 employees, Celebrity Chefs have been caught underpaying and even the City of Fremantle will shell out half a million in back pay to underpaid staff!

The scariest news article I read was in the Sydney Morning Herald where dozens of small businesses were caught underpaying staff! It was revealed by the Fair Work Ombudsman as a result of audits they performed on cheap Sydney eateries  which are EVERYWHERE! Here’s what you can do about it

Continue reading Payroll & staff underpayments affect you even if Xero, QBO or MYOB say it’s easy
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EzyLearn Students Earn Money with our Online Courses

Earn money online Xero Learn Partner, MYOB Training Education Partner, QuickBooks Pro Partner, Microsoft Office Training Partner - EzyLearn

The major goal for most of our students is to earn more money. Whether the money comes about because they get a job, become more valuable or get more clients doesn’t matter – they want more money. 

There’s one sure fire way to earn money when you enrol into an Ezylearn course and that is by passing it on to people you know who need it. 

Continue reading EzyLearn Students Earn Money with our Online Courses

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Bank Feeds: Time Saver but NOT a Bookkeeper Replacer – FREE Training Course Material

When bank feeds were first introduced they were lauded as a software feature that would save small businesses hundreds of hours of work per week and they have definitely saved time, despite the apparent risks that have been published about how they can compromise your internet banking security. 

I’ve been working with a business which has a showroom and workshop and they take EFTPOS payments for cash sales as well as deposits for quotes using credit card payments and even though the business isn’t huge it is not as easy as clicking the MATCH button to match a bank feed record to it’s source documents. Continue reading Bank Feeds: Time Saver but NOT a Bookkeeper Replacer – FREE Training Course Material

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Xero going up a pesky $2 rather than $27.50

Best value for money Xero online accounting training courses or $20 per week - $2 per month increase in Xero monthly support

It almost seemed like Xero was giving you $27.50 of extra value when they announced their $2 per month increase last week. These effects take effect on 18 March 2020 but not everyone wants Hubdoc and competitors like QuickBooks already offered similar functionality!

Xero has had a love/hate relationship with bookkeepers ever since the days when they promoted their accounting software as so easy that small business owners could use it themselves – without the cost of a bookkeeper – and it looks like they are well on their way with this mission. Continue reading Xero going up a pesky $2 rather than $27.50

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Behind in your ATO Payroll requirements for STP (Single Touch Payroll)

Payroll Administration Courses in Xero, MYOB & QuickBooks for $99 - EzyLearn - Start Now, Learn Fast

One reason I love online training and how it offers exceptional value for students who are looking for work as well a those who are currently working is that they can ask questions and have them answered using EzyLearn ANSWERS.

We had a recent student who enrolled into our Xero Payroll Training course because she needed to get up to speed on Single Touch Payroll (STP) but she was already behind in her obligations. This is what we did for her. Continue reading Behind in your ATO Payroll requirements for STP (Single Touch Payroll)

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Inventory and Stock is more beautiful using QuickBooks than Xero

Inventory Tracking lacking in Xero but Xero Training Courses can help - these are the Xero Inventory Apps in their apps market

In 2015 I wrote about Xero’s inventory management when it was released and how important it was to make it competitive with MYOB AccountRight. These days however it seems that Xero hasn’t done much more and they’re a bit behind Intuit’s QuickBooks Online which has a lot of inventory and stock management features. 

I’ll explain and drill down a bit.. Continue reading Inventory and Stock is more beautiful using QuickBooks than Xero

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Learn Payroll Administration in 1 day for $99 – Limited Time Course Offer

payroll Administration Training Courses for $99 - Xero Payroll Training, MYOB Payroll Training Courses, QuickBooks Payroll Short, TAFE Courses - small

This is a fantastic new offer that is available for a limited time AND available on ALL our Payroll Training Courses in Xero, MYOB AccountRight, MYOB Essentials and QuickBooks Online. 

Confidence performing Payroll tasks can kick-start your accounts career and make you more valuable to your current employer. If you are a job seeker it’s even more important to have payroll administration knowledge. Continue reading Learn Payroll Administration in 1 day for $99 – Limited Time Course Offer

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The Perfect Xero Training Motivation for Tradies

maslows heirarchy of needs can affect your motivation for doing an online course to get a job and find work

I ran a CloudPBX Business Telephone System business several years ago that combined products and services just like most tradies – some of the items sold were in the technicians truck while others had to be ordered in for each new installation. It is the perfect case study for our Data Entry, A/R & A/P Courses for MYOB, Xero and QuickBooks courses because I knew about it intimately and it’s very similar to how most tradies operate.

When we design a course we follow these steps:

  1. come up with the scenario,
  2. create the data examples,
  3. run through the scenarios, and then
  4. create the training workbook (then the videos and assessments)

The Xero Data Entry and Credit Management Training Workbook – we call it “Daily Transactions” – is now available separately as an instant download!

Continue reading The Perfect Xero Training Motivation for Tradies

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Terms of Trade and Credit Risk Controllers

Air Conditioning installers and suppliers in Central Coast, Ourimbah, Gosford, Wyong, Long Jetty, Erina

All of a sudden I’m hearing about terms of trade from everyone! Maybe it’s because things are tight and customers need credit? Or maybe it’s because we have started offering course funding at $20 per week!!

We are busy updating our Credit Controllers Course right now. Check out some of the topics included that will get you up to speed.

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Announcement: MYOB, Xero and QuickBooks Training Manuals now available for sale

Get hired for data entry and accounts payablereceivable jobs with MYOB, Xero & QuickBooks skills

Finally, after 23 years we’re making our training manuals available for sale! Not the ones we created 23 years ago but our latest versions of course. 

Training manuals are an important learning tool for our courses because they contain the step-by-step exercises that the course is based around. Our first release of training manuals covers credit management, accounts receivable, accounts payable, data entry of quotes, invoices, purchases and payments – all the things that most businesses need. 

Purchase yours now and download them instantly. 

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Master the data entry job skills. Get some free training too

203 Microsoft Word Beginners Courses for sales letter, flyers, resumes, cover letters and tender proposals

Looking through Seek for data entry jobs yesterday reminded me of the training courses we offered when we operated our Dee Why training centre. It was the dotcom boom and MYOB Accounts Receivable and Payable courses were our popular weekend courses but most students needed more basic data entry skills.

Data entry skills include typing, editing documents, entering data into spreadsheets, saving files and then opening, editing and saving them again!

More job seekers have data entry skills but there’s so much more to know about basic Word and Excel usage that employers need you to know.

Continue reading Master the data entry job skills. Get some free training too

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Announcement: NEW Training Video Libraries for Accounting Software (Xero, MYOB, QuickBooks)

MYOB Accountright & MYOB Essentials online training course video library logo 2

THE DEFINITION OF a training course has changed a lot over the last 20 years. With new online internet technologies comes new ways of learning. The concept of the “micro course” is gaining momentum as students look for information when they need it, known in the industry as “just in time learning”.

There are lots of time and cost pressures for students as they juggle part-time work, kids and mortgage payments. As a result, we’re launching a brand new Online Training Service for past EzyLearn students AND new students — EzyLearn’s Video Training Library Membership.

Continue reading Announcement: NEW Training Video Libraries for Accounting Software (Xero, MYOB, QuickBooks)