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CommBank and Xero Integration to Help Small Businesses Get Paid Faster

It’s not a secret that in order to stay afloat businesses need to be making money.  Access to funds is essential for businesses to not only pay off debts, but also to finance everyday operations and pay their staff and suppliers.

It can become problematic, however, when a business’ cash flow is tied up in unpaid invoices.  If a business sells on credit – as many do – they might be in the unfortunate position of waiting to get paid by their customer and struggling to make ends meet in the meantime.

There are a few solutions: one is to use credit management apps like ChaserHQ or Debtor Daddy to help automate the process.  Things like chasing up unpaid invoices and escalating debts can be made easier by using these apps that integrate with your accounting software.

The other is to get a loan.  Commonwealth Bank’s (CBA) Stream Working Capital is a digital solution for businesses to access the money tied up in their invoices.  Here’s what you need to know about it:

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Will This Xero Integration Replace Your Accounting Job or Just Lessen the Load?

With so many integrations, Xero has become a leading software for small business accounting.  From ecommerce add-ons to payroll and workforce management software, there is a Xero integration for most aspects of business management and administration. It’s little wonder that Xero Courses are becoming so popular.

And credit management is no exception.  Chaser HQ is a credit management app that promotes its ability to automate the whole process: from credit checks to chasing up invoices.  It’s a UK-based company, but its integration with Xero could see it being used more and more by accounting staff globally, including Australia.

Daily Transactions like creating quotes and invoices is the bulk of most junior level bookkeeping and accounts jobs and running Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Reports then provide work following up with customers so what could this automated process mean for accounting staff that have been doing these tasks manually?

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ALERT: Reckon One Training Course PRE-Launch SPECIAL

Reckon One cheap accounting software for tradies and small business - STP Payroll training courses - EzyLearn

It was in 2018 that I last wrote about Reckon One and how some of their software was far superior to Xero according to the ACCC. With competing priorities and updating our MYOB, Xero and QuickBooks course materials being our first priority Sage One and Reckon One Daily Transactions training course for tradies is now almost complete.

Reckon works with AutoEntry for receipt capture and their accounting software is also STP Payroll compliant so it’s a perfect low-cost accounting program for micro and small businesses like tradies but they’re missing one important feature..

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ALERT: QuickBooks Online Training Courses Updated

Updates & new online training course content for QuickBooks Online vs Xero training - EzyLeran

Xero, QuickBooks and MYOB are updating their software with new features every month! That’s what you get with cloud-based software that is continuously updated and improved.

We’ve recently updated our Xero Accounting software courses and have just published an updated to our QuickBooks Online Daily Transactions & End of Month training Courses. Continue reading ALERT: QuickBooks Online Training Courses Updated

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Terms of Trade and Credit Risk Controllers

Air Conditioning installers and suppliers in Central Coast, Ourimbah, Gosford, Wyong, Long Jetty, Erina

All of a sudden I’m hearing about terms of trade from everyone! Maybe it’s because things are tight and customers need credit? Or maybe it’s because we have started offering course funding at $20 per week!!

We are busy updating our Credit Controllers Course right now. Check out some of the topics included that will get you up to speed.

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Uh oh, Xero has yet another competitor and these guys are the Tesla of POS Systems

Xero Training Courses, Xero Payroll Advanced Certificate - Squareup is the new competitor in invoicing and payments

I’ve written many times in the past about free accounting software but I just discovered a company that has a great Point Of Sale system and is now offering a free invoicing and payment system. 

When I compare them to Tesla, I mean they are tech savvy, have a pedigree in digital platforms and provide their services direct to the public – no middle person.

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What do employers really look for in Accounts Receivable and data entry jobs?

Excel-Training-courses-accounting-analysis-analytics-data-entry-accounts-receivable-payable 1

Many experienced BAS agents have told me that data entry, accounts receivable and accounts payable skills are the ones that they’re looking for in potential employees. 

Many students who’ve completed a Cert IV in Bookkeeping and Accounting however think they’re above these skills and here’s how you can beat them in job interviews. 

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Westpac Biz Invoicing and Microsoft+KPMG+CBA fighting Xero, MYOB & QuickBooks

Westpac Biz Invoice to compete against Wiise, PayPal Invoicing and apps like Zoho Invoicing, WaveApps etc training course 1

You really get to see the cut-throat side of business when you see all the entry level accounting solutions available today.

Not only does old incumbent MYOB need to worry about Xero, but now there is also Wiise and Biz Accounts from the BIG BANKS and software companies!

It seems that Westpac are doing this purely to sell more business transaction accounts — a key performance indicator.

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Accounts Receivable & Payable Courses, FREE sample

women shaking hands during business payment arrangement

Are you chasing money? If so, you’ll probably know the hard way that credit management is about chasing money owed TO a business (Accounts Receivable) and managing the money owed BY a business (Accounts Payable).

Credit can be a very scary thing when money and cashflow is tight! Machines and software are replacing humans for many data entry type tasks, but nowadays this is also the case for chasing money owed (Accounts Receivable).

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Clear Out Albert, Cherie’s Getting Square! (PayPal Alternative)

Cafe, Restaurant & Bar digital marketing - Using Square and Paypal contactless card reader - Xero Training, MYOB Training & QuickBooks Online Training

There are so many wonderful ways business owners are using technology every day for their digital marketing, as well as point-of-sale (POS) and bookkeeping.

Last week I met Cherie. Cherie owns a relaxed cafe in the holiday haven of Forrester’s Beach, NSW, and she let me record a short video of a customer paying for their meal using Square.

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Introduction to Bookkeeping Beginner Basics: The Chart of Accounts

We created a free educational guide, called Introduction to Bookkeeping Beginner Basics, which is available to download from the EzyLearn website, and to complement that guide, we’ve been publishing a series of blog posts, also titled Bookkeeping Basics. We’re now three posts in, and we’re going to be look at the chart of accounts, which is the foundational element of every business’s accounting system. The Bookkeeping Basics guide will take you through how to set up a chart of accounts in your accounting software, whether you’re using Xero, MYOB or QuickBooks, while this blog post is going to explain why it’s important.

What is a chart of accounts?

The chart of accounts (COA) is an organisational tool that lists every account in a business’s account system. In the context of bookkeeping, ‘account’ is used to refer to a unique record for each type of asset, liability, equity, revenue and expense. So a chart of accounts, then, is just a system that organises your finances so that your reports make more sense and you can easily see the financial health of your business.

A well-designed COA helps the business to comply with financial reporting standards, and should be flexible enough so that a business can tailor its chart of accounts to best suit its needs. Within the categories of operating revenues and operating expenses, for instance, the accounts might be further organised by business function or by company divisions. As such, a COA can be as large and as complex as the business itself.

Understanding your ‘accounts’

When you set up your chart of accounts, it will be organised the same way every other company does – your banks accounts come first, then all assets, liabilities, equity, income, and expenses in that order. Here’s what each of those accounts mean:


Your accounts receivables are considered an asset, as is your income, but the two are completely different things. Accounts receivables are business claims against the property of a customer that’s occurred following the sale of goods and/or services, and income is what you have collected from the sale of those goods or services.

In other words, if you invoice a customer and give them time to pay, then that’s ‘accounts receivable’. When you collect the money and deposit it into your account, it’s ‘income’.

Learn about Accounts Receivables tasks in the Daily Data Entry Transactions courses for MYOB, Xero or QuickBooks Online.


Liabilities are notes owed by the business. If you lease anything or you’re buying anything on credit – this includes suppliers who extend a line of credit to you – then it’s considered a liability.


An equity account would be any equipment the company has paid for, or would receive money for if it is sold. Cars, machinery, and certain office equipment are all considered equity. If you had a loan on a business vehicle, the payments you make would be considered a liability, but the vehicle itself would be equity. Each time you make a payment, the liability goes down, while the amount of the equity account would increase. To keep your balance sheet accurate, you need to track both.


Finally, expenses are just that: the money paid by the business for the operation and production of goods and services that are paid for immediately. This includes things like stationery or fuel for a business vehicle, which are paid for at the point of sale, is an expense, where a telephone bill that allows you 14 days to pay, on the other hand, is a liability.

Why a chart of accounts is important

Whether you’re using an old fashioned pencil and paper, an excel spreadsheet, or more sophisticated accounting software, such as MYOB or Xero, it’s important to know where your money is coming from and where it’s going to. A chart of accounts is the organisational tool that allows you to do that. And it’s important to keep it up-to-date, so that, if for any reason, you want a picture of how your business is performing financially, your reports will be accurate.

This blog post is part of our Bookkeeping Basics series, which are being published to complement our new educational guide, also titled Bookkeeping Basics, which you can download for free from the EzyLearn website.

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How Does QuickBooks Compare with Xero?

smiling woman using online quickbooks and xero accounting software

ONE WOULD THINK that an accounting software program that is actually developed by accountants would be the best. However, some believe that the user experience is better with QuickBooks and Xero.

We’ve previously blogged about how QuickBooks accounting compares with MYOB. We’ve also done a comparison of all three accounting programs — MYOB, Xero and QuickBooks.

In doing so, it’s interesting to note that QuickBooks, for small business owners, at least, was the clear winner against MYOB in terms of reporting and user experience. But how does QuickBooks stack up against the increasingly-popular Xero? You may be surprised at the results.

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FREE Xero Accounting & PayPal Training Workbook

FREE Xero Accounting Training Course Workbook

WHEN RUNNING YOUR business, is most of the contact you have with your customers via your mobile phone?

In late 2017 I was involved in a renovation of a Newcastle investment property. During this, I came in direct contact with many tradespeople including:

  • plumbers
  • electricians
  • carpenters
  • asbestos removal contractors
  • painters
  • builders, and
  • labourers

— and one thing really stood out: the way they all seemed to live and breath via their mobile phones but rarely get onto a computer!

This Xero Accounting and PayPal training workbook is our free gift to you. It’s designed for all tradespeople — and anyone else — who does the bulk of their work (and their pricing) ‘out and about’.

It’s designed to help people who just want to get the  financial aspect of their work sorted out — so they can get back to doing what they do best. In the case of these tradies, it was doing a great job on the tools.

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Receipt Scanning, Automatic Coding – Boon for Bookkeepers or Job Killer?

Receipt Scanning, Receipt OCR, number extraction and receipt cloud storage company Receipt Bank integrates with Xero, QuickBooks and MYOB Essentials Training Course session

DO YOU GET frustrated when you see the little box at the bottom of the BAS lodgement form? You know, the one where they ask how long it took to complete the form because I feel like writing, “It took 10 minutes to complete the form, but 4 hours to do the data entry and bank reconciliation work!”

Junior bookkeepers, accounts receivable and accounts payable clerks, and office administrators will all share that their most time-consuming work is data entry, coding and bank reconciliations. However, there is software available which almost totally automates this work — and it’s becoming increasingly accurate and speedy.

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SPECIAL OFFER: MYOB, Xero & QuickBooks Online Courses ALL for One Low Price

Bookkeeper Combo Bonus Courses learn Xero, MYOB AccountRight & MYOB Essentials and QuickBooks Online Training

The Internet has spawned several cloud accounting software program all over the world including:

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What if a Credit Check Comes Back Negative?

Do You Have to Drop a Client Because of a Bad Credit Check?

It’s only business: but sometimes a bad credit rating doesn’t mean you have to end the working relationship.

A Credit Check is one of the most important first steps of good credit and debt management but you can still do business if the check comes back negative.

In a previous post on credit and debt management, I recommended that all businesses — regardless of whether they offer credit to customers on a 30-day account or not — perform a credit check on any new client who will spend more than $1000 on goods or services in one sale, on an ongoing basis.

What should you do if the credit check comes back negative, and shows that the potential customer is guilty of late payments, pending legal action or already carries a significant level of debt? Continue reading What if a Credit Check Comes Back Negative?