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Announcement: Microsoft Excel Training Workbooks Instant Download

So you want to learn Excel quickly and you’re on a budget? Buy our Excel Beginners’ to Intermediate training workbooks (with exercise files) and start getting a handle on how to master the world’s number one business productivity software program.

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Design and produce business documents & data entry using Microsoft Word

203 Microsoft Word Beginners Courses for sales letter, flyers, resumes, cover letters and tender proposals

I can use Word, it’s easy! How many times have you heard that? 

When we performed skills assessments for CRS Australia at our Dee Why training Centre we’d have lots of clients come in and tell us how great they were at using Microsoft Word, until we asked them to show us how to perform some of the Intermediate Word skills.

We often found that they’d benefit greatly from the Microsoft Word Beginners Courses because they struggled with these simple concepts. Continue reading Design and produce business documents & data entry using Microsoft Word

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The Perfect Xero Training Motivation for Tradies

maslows heirarchy of needs can affect your motivation for doing an online course to get a job and find work

I ran a CloudPBX Business Telephone System business several years ago that combined products and services just like most tradies – some of the items sold were in the technicians truck while others had to be ordered in for each new installation. It is the perfect case study for our Data Entry, A/R & A/P Courses for MYOB, Xero and QuickBooks courses because I knew about it intimately and it’s very similar to how most tradies operate.

When we design a course we follow these steps:

  1. come up with the scenario,
  2. create the data examples,
  3. run through the scenarios, and then
  4. create the training workbook (then the videos and assessments)

The Xero Data Entry and Credit Management Training Workbook – we call it “Daily Transactions” – is now available separately as an instant download!

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Announcement: MYOB, Xero and QuickBooks Training Manuals now available for sale

Get hired for data entry and accounts payablereceivable jobs with MYOB, Xero & QuickBooks skills

Finally, after 23 years we’re making our training manuals available for sale! Not the ones we created 23 years ago but our latest versions of course. 

Training manuals are an important learning tool for our courses because they contain the step-by-step exercises that the course is based around. Our first release of training manuals covers credit management, accounts receivable, accounts payable, data entry of quotes, invoices, purchases and payments – all the things that most businesses need. 

Purchase yours now and download them instantly. 

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Master the data entry job skills. Get some free training too

203 Microsoft Word Beginners Courses for sales letter, flyers, resumes, cover letters and tender proposals

Looking through Seek for data entry jobs yesterday reminded me of the training courses we offered when we operated our Dee Why training centre. It was the dotcom boom and MYOB Accounts Receivable and Payable courses were our popular weekend courses but most students needed more basic data entry skills.

Data entry skills include typing, editing documents, entering data into spreadsheets, saving files and then opening, editing and saving them again!

More job seekers have data entry skills but there’s so much more to know about basic Word and Excel usage that employers need you to know.

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Announcement: NEW Training Video Libraries for Accounting Software (Xero, MYOB, QuickBooks)

MYOB Accountright & MYOB Essentials online training course video library logo 2

THE DEFINITION OF a training course has changed a lot over the last 20 years. With new online internet technologies comes new ways of learning. The concept of the “micro course” is gaining momentum as students look for information when they need it, known in the industry as “just in time learning”.

There are lots of time and cost pressures for students as they juggle part-time work, kids and mortgage payments. As a result, we’re launching a brand new Online Training Service for past EzyLearn students AND new students — EzyLearn’s Video Training Library Membership.

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NEW: MYOB, Xero & QuickBooks Training Courses for $20 per week!

Career Academy support for online MYOB Training and Xero Bookkeeping Courses with Accounting Tutors

The payment plan for the MYOB AccountRight COMPLETE Training Course package for $20 per week has proven to be popular and is still currently available. Better still we’ve just launched a payment plan for the Bookkeeping Academy COMPLETE COMBO – that means you can pay a low weekly fee of $20 and receive training on EVERY major accounting program in Australia, from Beginners’ to Advanced!

Continue reading NEW: MYOB, Xero & QuickBooks Training Courses for $20 per week!

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Announcement: New! Course Funding for MYOB AccountRight Training Courses

Learn accounting, office administration, payroll and digital marketing for $20 per week

The dollar is tanking, trade is down, house prices are still going down, consumer spending is the lowest for a decade, wage growth is slow! It sounds pretty bad when you read the news and business articles isn’t it?

One thing I’ve noticed for sure is that course prices are going down and competition is increasing, not just from other physical training centres in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth but also larger US and overseas companies who will promise anything to make a sale!

We’ve always prided ourselves on offering low course prices direct to students and now we’ve gone a step further.

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Is it Harder to Get Customer Emails from MYOB than Xero?

email marketing training course using Mailchimp & integrating with Xero

“Google Ads” and “Facebook Boosted Posts” are really, really popular right now. BUT the costs of these are getting higher and higher as well. A lot of businesses are struggling to measure the return on investment (ROI), and many are now turning to something far more easily measurable – direct marketing. 

Direct marketing use to mean sending addressed letters using a mail merge between Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel but these days it means email marketing.

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How Much Does Getting a Click on Google Cost?

Addressed mail letter marketing versus Google Ads Pay Per Click (PPC) digital marketing training courses

The cost of paying for somebody to click your ad on Google can be anywhere from $1 to $10: that’s for just a click! So what does it end up costing to get somebody to call you or email you? This is a big dilemma for many small business owners looking for new clients. In fact, sometimes it might seem easier to just send a good, old-fashioned letter!  

Continue reading How Much Does Getting a Click on Google Cost?

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Single Touch Payroll (STP) the new accounting software battleground for $10/month

We’ve been inundated with questions about STP now that it is mandatory for small businesses with 1-9 employees – unless you’re a closely-held employee. 

Is that you? Are you closely held? Here are

  • some providers of FREE STP software,
  • great software features (like invoice signing), and
  • links to the ATO website where you can dig deeper. 

Continue reading Single Touch Payroll (STP) the new accounting software battleground for $10/month

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New Course – FREE for Existing Students: Xero Projects, MYOB Job Tracking & Inventory Reporting

tradie pouring concrete for concrete slab for garden shed - project and job tracking in cloud accounting bookkeeping training courses (Xero, MYOB, QuickBooks)

I’ve written some blog posts about Xero & QuickBooks Projects and MYOB Jobs recently. In fact, if you visit our MYOB AccountRight and Xero Training Course pages, you’ll see there is now an extra course included in the COMPLETE course packages!

The course was built as a result of the needs of people who’ve been using our training materials to help in their own training. What’s interesting is how important your current inventory and inventory management is to managing the cashflow and profitability of a project.

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Best Value for Money Xero Advanced Certificate Training Short Course

tradie pouring concrete for concrete slab for garden shed - project and job tracking in cloud accounting bookkeeping training courses (Xero, MYOB, QuickBooks)

It’s official and we GUARANTEE it! Our Xero Advanced Certificate Training Course is the best value for money short course in Australia. If you’re upskilling or want to do a refresher Xero course, there’s even better news for you.

Continue reading Best Value for Money Xero Advanced Certificate Training Short Course

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Proof: Builder makes very small profit despite charging $6,000 to erect a $600 garden shed!

It probably seems simple to erect a 3m x 3m garden shed, doesn’t it? I mean there’s not much to it, right? Small slab, basic tools and up it goes.

In reality, we use Xero Projects and prove that you need to be very careful quoting low prices if you have staff who are paid by the hour.

Continue reading Proof: Builder makes very small profit despite charging $6,000 to erect a $600 garden shed!

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MYOB Payroll Administration Essentials Training Courses

One thing is essential when you operate a small business with staff — that is your payroll obligations. I wrote about a hairdressing salon owner a few months ago who told me how easy payroll was to manage using a printed timesheet book. However, most tech-savvy people prefer to use software. 

MYOB Essentials is targeting payroll management. They provide a cheap and easy online software package that is preferable for most people to using a manual book or spreadsheet. However, MYOB Essentials is different to MYOB AccountRight. Continue reading MYOB Payroll Administration Essentials Training Courses