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Using Microsoft Excel to calculate Payroll Liabilities like PAYG, Medicare and Super

Excel Training Quick Tip

Payroll Categories and amounts using Nested IF STATEMENTS in Excel Training
We recently created an Excel spreadsheet to demonstrate how to calculate the amount of PAYG, Super, Medicare levy and Flood Levy payable by a company for it’s employees based on an employees gross yearly income. It’s  an excellent example of using IF STATEMENTS and NESTED IF STATEMENTS.

You can change the gross annual income and watch all the other figures change automatically.

We’ll be using this information in our MYOB Payroll Training Course which will undergo a huge update this quarter. If you are a small business owner you can calculate your PAYG obligations on a spreadsheet and then enter the pay transaction as a journal entry or spend money in your MYOB software.

This Payroll, PAYG, Super excel file is now freely available to students of the Microsoft Excel Online Training Course, just log into Course 306 which covers IF STATEMENTS. Remember if you are an MYOB training course student you can enrol into our Excel training course for a discount. See the Course Outline for MYOB Day-to-Day (existing students only) for the details of how to claim your discount.

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How Are You Managing Rostering, Timesheet, Wages, PAYG, Super?

Manual Wages book and timesheet from the 1890's Cork City Archive - PAYG Super rostering

You could use a wages book

I RECENTLY SPOKE WITH the owner of a hairdressing salon who’s been in business for over 18 years (at various different businesses). This woman has ALWAYS used a manual wages timesheet system.

Our team are exploring typical rosters and problems which occur in the payroll processing, and as such, we’re also exploring all the different ways that wages are managed.

Continue reading How Are You Managing Rostering, Timesheet, Wages, PAYG, Super?
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Self Managing Your Superannuation in Excel

Skipping super can be a thing of the past

super payments xero online training learning course videos
We feel your pain! Often businesses lack the cash flow to make super payments, but you always have to pay them in the end…

WHEN YOU’RE SELF EMPLOYED you are responsible for managing your taxes and your superannuation — the latter of which many business owners let go by the wayside. It’s almost always because they don’t have the cash reserves to contribute to their super fund regularly enough.

Just as you would create a budget to make a business investment or asset purchase, you can use Xero and Excel to determine how much super you should contribute on your behalf, and then make the payments.

Run a cashflow report

You’ll learn how to run a cashflow report in our Xero training courses. This report will show you the periods when cashflow is liquid and when it isn’t. Run a cashflow report for a couple of different periods, and export them into Excel. This will give you a better idea of trends and cycles in your business.

You can also use a cashflow report to determine your income before taxes, expenses, and so forth. Superannuation is determined based on gross earnings — or revenue — so you should use this figure to work out your super contributions. This is especially important before end of financial year!

Determine super contributions

At time of writing, the superannuation guarantee is 9.5 percent of your gross revenue, before taxes, expenses, etc. If you set your prices correctly, you should have already factored this 9.5 percent into your prices or hourly rate. If you haven’t, you ought to consider revising what you charge customers and clients.

If you were an employee of a business, your employer would be required to make super contributions on your behalf, at least each quarter. Because you’re self-employed and self-managing your super contributions, you can make them as frequently or infrequently as you like, so long as you’re contributing the correct amounts. (Speak to your accountant or financial advisor, however, if you’re salary sacrificing above the minimum amount — this may affect your tax.)

Make super contributions

Once you’ve determined how much you should contribute to your super fund each quarter, refer back to your cashflow report and to the periods where your cashflow is especially liquid. Are you able to make your contributions each quarter easily, and without compromising your business’s liquidity? Would it be easier to make smaller, more regular contributions?

The decision is yours.

Use Xero to make your super contributions. Xero is connected to a superannuation clearing house, and if you’ve been using to Xero to pay yourself a wage, it’s the easiest way to do so. If you’re not using your accounting software to pay yourself a wage, you can make the payment directly out of your bank account, however, you’ll need to track this in Xero for taxation purposes.


Our Xero training courses will show you how run cashflow reports and make wage and super payments, while our Excel training courses will also teach you how to create business budgets and forecasts. Visit our website for more information.

learn xero myob excel cheap online training courses videos

At EzyLearn we offer online training courses to help you up-skill and find employment. Choose from our range of cloud-based online accounting software courses, to business start up and management courses, to marketing and sales courses, or update and further your skills in a range of Microsoft Office programs (ExcelPowerPointWord) or social media and WordPress web design). 


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What Happens if You Have Backlog of PAYG and Super Payments?

Don’t get lumped with penalties when you don’t need to!

failure to lodge penalties how to manage payroll in Excel online training course
It’s not only frustrating and disheartening, but a waste of business funds to be penalised for lodging your financials too late.

A LOT OF SMALL BUSINESSES have trouble managing their payroll, especially when they only have a few employees and paying to access a payroll system in their accounting package is an unnecessary expense. You’ll learn how to use Excel to manage your PAYG and super contributions in our Intermediate Microsoft Excel Training Courses. However, sometimes you may have a backlog of PAYG and super payments. Let’s take a look at how to manage these.

Rescue bookkeeping

A backlog of PAYG and super payments that date back more than three months is known as rescue bookkeeping, although it can often include other bookkeeping issues, like bank accounts that don’t reconcile with statements.

PAYG payments

For businesses that only withhold up to $25,000 each year, you’re supposed to make PAYG payments and file a withholding report each quarter. You have 28 days from the end of the quarter to do so, after which time, you may incur a Failure To Lodge (FTL) penalty.

Superannuation payments

As with PAYG payments and reporting, you can also incur a FTL penalty for not lodging or paying your employees’ superannuation contributions in time. All businesses, regardless of size, have to make superannuation payments each quarter — the ATO sets out the due dates for each period on their website.

Lodging late PAYG and super payments

The ATO only applies penalties for failure to lodge reports or make payments for each period of 28 days (or part thereof) that a document or payment is overdue. Each period incurs one penalty unit for each document, up to a maximum of five penalty units.

From 2015 onwards, the value of a penalty unit is $180 (previously it was $170) for small businesses, which are defined as entities with an assessable income or GST turnover of no more than $1 million a year.

The maximum penalty a small business will pay is $900 for each document or payment that is overdue. Note too that FTL penalties will also incur a general interest charge (GIC), applied on top of the penalty.

Managing late PAYG and super payments

Use the Ad Hoc Payroll Guide, a new case study that is included in our Intermediate Microsoft Excel Training Courses to determine the rate of PAYG tax to withhold and the required super contribution amounts in Excel. Once you’ve worked out the required amounts (visit the ATO website for tax tables prior to 2017), lodge the necessary PAYG payments and reports to the ATO; pay super contributions using the SuperStream super clearing house.

The ATO will write to you if you are required to pay a penalty — sometimes they are waived for first-time offences, or if the amounts are small.

Our courses now include real-life case studies

learn excel online training course

Our Intermediate Microsoft Excel training courses will also teach you how to create a payroll spreadsheet from scratch to suit your own business, so you can easily work out your PAYG and super obligations. Visit our website for more information on all of our Excel training courses.

learn PowerPoint online training course

Create brilliant presentations and graphics for all kinds of business purposes.

Gone are the days of excruciatingly dull PowerPoint slide presentations. Nowadays PowerPoint is the hidden gem used to generate animations, videos, movies, advertising and graphics. It’s a great ally to the marketer or social media person in your organisation.

This creative program can also be used to conjure up the most beautiful and modern pictorial slides to enhance any presentation or induction. Find out more about our 2016 version PowerPoint courses.

online bookkeeping courses to earn cpd pointsEzyLearn Excel, MYOB and Xero online training courses count towards Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for bookkeepers and accountants. We’ve been an accredited training provider of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers ever since the organisation started in Australia. Find out how CPD points can be of benefit to you.


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Calculating PAYG Obligations Without a Payroll System

Third Quarter is Looming; Are You Up to Date with Payroll?

ad hoc payroll payments ExcelMost businesses using an accounting program like MYOB or Xero will use the included payroll package to manage their employees’ payroll. For businesses with only a few employees, however, the additional payroll function is an unnecessary expense.

In our recently updated Advanced Microsoft Excel training courses, we have included a micro course on ‘Ad Hoc Payroll’, featuring a detailed spreadsheet for calculating PAYG and superannuation obligations. In this instance, our micro course is a detailed spreadsheet based on a case study, so it’s relevant and applicable to real life.

PAYG and the businesses it applies to

Every Australian business with employees who are each paid more than the tax-free threshold has a legal obligation to withhold tax on their employees’ behalf. This is known as the PAYG System (or Pay As You Go), where amounts of tax are withheld from each employee’s wage payments.

Businesses that withhold up to $25,000 each year only need to make payments to the ATO each quarter; businesses withholding amounts greater than $25,001 may have to make payments to the ATO each month or as regularly as each week.

At the time of writing, the tax-free threshold is currently $18,200, which is equivalent to:

  • $350 a week
  • $700 a fortnight
  • $1,517 a month

Superannuation contributions

Again, any business that pays its employees more than $450 each month must also make regular superannuation contributions on their employees’ behalf. We’ve written in the past about the government’s clearing house called SuperStream, which allows you to easily make super contributions — for free.

But first, you need to work out how much super you need to contribute for your employees. The superannuation guarantee is currently 9.5 percent of your employees’ gross wages, which is payable on top of their wages — not deducted out of.

Using tax tables to calculate wages

Each year, the ATO produces a range of tax tables to help you work out how much to withhold from payments you make to your employees. In our Ad Hoc Payroll Micro Course, we’ve already added the most current tax tables to the accompanying payroll spreadsheet, as well as the superannuation guarantee tables.


We feature a number of real-life case studies, which we have turned into micro courses. You can use the Ad Hoc Payroll Micro Course to determine the rate of PAYG tax to withhold and the required super contribution amounts in Excel, rather than paying to access the payroll functions of MYOB or Xero. Our Intermediate Microsoft Excel training courses will also teach you how to create a payroll spreadsheet from scratch to suit your own business. Visit our website for more information on all of our Excel training courses.


online bookkeeping courses to earn cpd points


EzyLearn Excel, MYOB and Xero online training courses count towards Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for bookkeepers and accountants. We’ve been an accredited training provider of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers ever since the organisation started in Australia. Find out how CPD points can be of benefit to you.






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Statement of formulas for calculating PAYG amounts to be withheld

PAYG withholding Scale 7 for weekly wage payments for online MYOB training course and supportThe MYOB Payroll Training Course is in stage two of development. The contents of our existing Payroll course give students an introduction to how to navigate around and get fundamental information about the payroll environment in the sample company file. As part of our constant improvement process we are developing payroll scenarios as exercises for our students. This new content when published will be available for all existing Payroll Students and all those who have enrolled with the LIFETIME training course Access option.

Which table to use?

The ATO release papers that provide you with the information you need to perform your calculations regarding PAYG, super etc. In this blog post we look at Schedule 1 Pay as you go (PAYG) withholding NAT 1004. If you take a look at table 7 on page (see diagram on this page) you’ll see the variables or what the Australian Tax Office call coefficients.

New Spreadsheet for Excel and MYOB students

One of our content creators is in the process of creating an Excel spreadsheet as a simple tool to help you work out how much PAYG tax and super you owe at the end of quarterly BAS reporting period. It’s a tool that we will offer both Microsoft Excel and MYOB Training Course students when it’s ready. And no, before you think of asking, it won’t cost you any extra money to receive it. It’s available as part of our LIFETIME student access.

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Microsoft Excel Quick Command to show the Formulas in a spreadsheet

Excel Q&A: Show formulas in a spreadsheet

Microsoft Excel online training course keyboard shortcutsA student took a look at our newly created Staff Payment, PAYG, Super spreadsheet file and they wanted to know which formulas are used in the spreadsheet. This is a great question because there are many ways that a spreadsheet like this can be created and we’ll explore these methods in the forthcoming month.

The secret to reveal formulas is the Tilde key at the top left of your keyboard. Simply press Ctrl + ` and all the formulas in the spreadsheet will be revealed. You can then work intelligently on your spreadsheet and make changes fully aware of where numbers are simply entered or where complicated formulas exist.

Note: Our Excel Q&A service (just like our MYOB Q&A support) is designed to provide extra training content over and above the examples that are in our online Microsoft Excel Training Course.

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Did you know that you can use Google to search within a site?

Use Google Site search to find PAYG and Microsoft Excel infoThis is a tool that I use all the time when I am surfing and searching the Internet and I thought you’d be interested to learn about it.

My last post was about the new WordPress search field we implemented on our WordPress Employment Training Blog site but it occurred to me that you might like to use a great search tool you are already using – Google.

If you want to search for PAYG and Microsoft Excel information in our blog site, you simply need to type the following information into the Google search box:

payg excel

You will end up seeing results very similar to the image in this blog post. Notice that you:

  • Type the word site: before the domain name of the website you want to search
  • Don’t need to type www
  • Can search within sections of a website (ie. the /wordpress)

Have fun with this great new feature.

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Search our blog posts for your answers

Search the EzyLearn blog for PAYG and Microsoft ExcelWe’ve written over 200 blog posts since 2008 and we’ve found them to be very popular but some readers have mentioned that it is hard to go back and find ones that they were very interested in reading again so we’ve done something simple. Added a search box. I know, it seems simple but it took a reader to ask for us to implement it. Thank YOU 🙂

While we are on this topic, did you know that we use WordPress to manage our blog site? It’s a great blogging platform but even fantastic for just creating a normal website that you can edit and make changes to as you please. The best part is that it’s open source so effectively it’s free! All you have to do is learn how to use it and we have a course just for it, our WordPress Website Design Course and just like our MYOB Training Courses it comes with LIFETIME student access.

So, if you want to find out the blog post where we wrote about PAYG tax tables and how you can workout the taxes that you owe for employees doing a search for “payg excel” and you’ll come up with these results. See what else you can discover.

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I’ve been away for 5 days and everything is out of date

Access to updated training courses in MYOB & Xero and Microsoft Office and Excel courses

There are times when I wish we all had the choice to only upgrade our software if we wanted to!

Microsoft made us all do it by changing the “look and feel” of their Microsoft Office programs like Microsoft Excel and MYOB made us all doing it by putting the changes in PAYG tax tables in their update rather than leaving it in the core MYOB AccountRight software.

I had a few days off and decided NOT to take my laptop with me and gee that felt great!

When I came back my Inbox was full and my website was out of date! Some students messaged to say that the software was a bit different to the training material and the navigation of some of my apps had changed.

It’s normal these days to spend time just catching up on changes in your software, office procedures and prices!

EzyLearn Online Course Updates & Additions for latest versions of Xero, Excel & MYOB courses

When you enrol into a Xero and MYOB Bookkeeping Course with LIFETIME course access you get ongoing access and support for LIFE!

When you join one of our Career Academy membership programs you also get ongoing access and support.

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Coffee Grinders Give Subscription Fees a Roasting

Spina Roasters Morisset use MYOB Accountright for their cafe business - online MYOB Training Courses from EzyLearn small

We’re so used to paying subscription fees for everything today but not really owning anything. I was speaking with Brian from Spina Coffee Roaster in Morisset and he reminded me when small businesses could buy MYOB AccountRight and then only upgrade if they wanted too.

I recall the first subscriptions that MYOB introduced relating to Payroll tax tables. If the PAYG brackets or superannuation (covered in the MYOB Payroll Course) were changed by the Australian Government then you had to buy the upgrade from MYOB – even though it was a simple change of a couple of percentages in the software.

Now, most small businesses don’t even budge when they pay $1000pa for a Xero subscription!

Continue reading Coffee Grinders Give Subscription Fees a Roasting
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Seen the new cheap accounting software on Facebook? FREE for 6 months, is it okke?

OKKE FREE accounting software for 6 months no online training required vs Xero - Website Image - EzyLearn

Am I a bookkeeping nerd or is everyone else also seeing these “financial” advertisements for tax lodgement, easy bookkeeping and 6 month FREE access to accounting software?

It’s interesting to see a new accounting software company appear in Australia despite the fact that many have come and gone in the past – particularly during this market downturn for technology shares! Their offer is pretty compelling though..

Continue reading Seen the new cheap accounting software on Facebook? FREE for 6 months, is it okke?
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NEW Advanced Certificate In Payroll Administration Includes ALL Payroll Courses Across Multiple Software

Advanced Certificate in Payroll Training Course includes MYOB, Xero, QuickBooks, Square Team, Deputy, TSheets

Knowledge of payroll is an important skill for bookkeepers, accountants, business owners, and BAS agents.  EzyLearn has payroll courses in multiple accounting software, but now we’re introducing a course that covers all of these payroll training courses in one place, and under one fee.

Our new Advanced Certificate in Payroll Administration Combination Training Course Package has you covered with everything you need to know about payroll in all the major accounting software.

Continue reading NEW Advanced Certificate In Payroll Administration Includes ALL Payroll Courses Across Multiple Software
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Is Xero Certification Valuable for Job Seekers or Contract Bookkeepers?

Xero Certified Partner Program exceeds 100,000 members - Xero Central Announcement - EzyLearn's Xero COMPLETE training Courses

Xero Certification is designed for contract bookkeepers to increase the number of customers who use and support the software. 

Like all “partner” programs offered by software vendors including MYOB and Intuit QuickBooks the purpose of these programs is to increase their “channel to market” but it may not always suit every student.

We’ve had some students who’ve inquired recently have asked if we can give them Xero Certification when they successfully complete our Xero COMPLETE training course package.

The quick answer to this question is that we can help them get accreditation from the Xero Partner we work with!

Continue reading Is Xero Certification Valuable for Job Seekers or Contract Bookkeepers?
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How to Become a Payroll Officer


WE HAVE FOUND it particularly useful to talk about the kinds of job outcomes they might expect from enrolling in our online training courses. If you’re after a job as a Payroll Administration Officer, or working with payroll generally, then you’ll need to be able to conduct payroll processing, tax and superannuation calculations and the payment of staff within a company.

People working as payroll administration officers, or payroll administrators, can also work as bookkeepers, or even BAS agents, who specialise in payroll only; either within the payroll department of a business or accounting / bookkeeping firm.

Here are some common Payroll Administration tasks in a job description.

Continue reading How to Become a Payroll Officer

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TSheets for Independent and Remote Contractors

TSheets is a cost effective way to manage and track your time

tsheets by quickbooks logoTSheets, THE TIME MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE, is a great way for independent and remote contractors to manage their client’s projects. It’s especially useful for contractors who are collaborating remotely with other contractors and businesses on one project.

There are a bunch of other handy tools contractors and sole traders can use for expense tracking and forecasting too.

But back to TSheets. TSheets was recently acquired by Intuit, the parent company of QuickBooks. Both TSheets and QuickBooks shared 12,000 customers in common and the time management system had been developed to work specifically with QuickBooks. Deeper integration with QuickBooks can be expected now, following the acquisition.

The acquisition is part of the push into the cloud accounting ecosystem that’s being led by the major cloud accounting companies. (Read: EzyLearn’s explainer on the TSheets acquisition and the cloud accounting ecosystem.)

Inexpensive time tracking

expense apps for self employed peopleIf you were to think about the top three cloud accounting apps in terms of the types of businesses they appeal to, QuickBooks would appeal most to micro businesses and independent contractors. Check out an earlier blog post where we assess two main factors: User Experience & Ease of Use, and Reporting Tools in a comparison between MYOB and Quickbooks for small businesses.

The popularity of Quickbooks for contractors and the like is not just because it’s by far the cheaper system compared with Xero and MYOB. QuickBooks has also spent a lot of time simplifying the process of managing business accounts so that, while it may not be the most robust program, it’s by far the most accessible.

TSheets has been built the same way. It’s also one of the most inexpensive time tracking systems — at a minimum of $30 per month for two users, while it’s free for one user to use TSheets for unlimited projects.

Bookkeeping Academy to include TSheets

New content is being added to our Bookkeeping Academy “Academic Development Program” to include using TSheets with QuickBooks (or Xero and any other cloud accounting system it integrates with).  The Bookkeeping Academy is where you can purchase online training via short courses that you can use for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) or Continuing Professional Education (CPE) or to upskill or re-train in one particular area. You can earn CPD points with our cloud accounting packages.

Read more about why continuing education for bookkeepers is so important in this ever-changing industry.

online bookkeeping courses to earn cpd points