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I’m not sure what to say..

Have you ever been in that situation? There’s lots going on and you have a lot on your mind yet you just can’t think of something to say? It’s like that with content marketing too.

It can be challenging but if you are in sales and marketing you MUST find something to say.

I was reviewing some of the recent updates to our Mailchimp Course for Email Marketing and realised that most content marketing is based around what is happening at the business.

It might have something to do with suppliers or products and changes to features or it can simply be about a success story or what one of your clients did.

Mailchimp Course for Email Marketing - Create a new email campaign - Digital Marketing Academy

When the Mailchimp course is ready it will be available at a discounted price to our Bookkeeping Academy members and can form part of your CPD Points.

Explore the Bookkeeping Academy and Inquire to learn more

PS. A new member recently understood how affiliate marketing works and was able to earn someone money just by referring someone to our courses. We’d rather pay you for introducing a new client than give the money away to Google Ads to get new students!

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Do you need to learn Email Marketing?

Mailchimp Course for Email Marketing - Create a new email campaign - Digital Marketing Academy

I must admit that I have written a lot about email marketing lately and it’s ever since Intuit bought MailChimp and our monthly bill went up and some of the features were stripped out.

I then heard about Aweber increasing their prices massively and thought there must be something at play in the world of email marketing software.

The most disappointing part about what MailChimp has done is that they’ve stripped back the ability to create more than 4 automations unless you upgrade to a higher plan.

Everything about MailChimp is screaming out MORE MONEY, MORE MONEY, MORE MONEY!

Continue reading Do you need to learn Email Marketing?
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Will Intuit Make Much More Money with MailChimp than QuickBooks?

Mailchimp Email Marketing Training Courses - will Intuit make more money than with accounting software - EzyLearn Career Academy

We use Mailchimp for our email marketing and I had to sit down and have a cup of tea after looking at our recent payment! There was no shock increase in costs or monthly fees and in fact everything is working perfectly but I realised how much money MailChimp make as our customer and prospect list grows in size.

Could you imagine paying extra for Xero or MYOB software just because the number of transactions increased? And I don’t mean a couple dollars extra, I mean double the monthly fee!

I also noticed that MailChimp is now already integrated into the QuickBooks Online software for all businesses to access. Here’s what it looks like.

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EzyLearn students can upgrade to ongoing or LIFETIME course access

Become an online marketing affiliate for Xero Learn, MYOB Education and Quickbooks Professional online training courses - EzyLearn

I had a fantastic conversation with an EzyLearn student during the week. She enrolled into our Xero COMPLETE Training Course Package and love it so much she enrolled into MYOB, QuickBooks, Excel and more. 

The course increased her confidence to apply for and get work after years of being out of the workforce and as a bookkeeper she now uses the courses as a resource for aspects of the software she needs to upskill on. The EzyLearn Affiliate Membership is designed for students like her.

Continue reading EzyLearn students can upgrade to ongoing or LIFETIME course access

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STRONG LANGUAGE WARNING: I hate Telstra Online Essentials

Move away from Telstra Online Essentials to Wordpress websites on Crazy Domains - Learn Digital Online Marketing

I hope I didn’t sound rude, but if you’ve read these blog posts you’d know I love playing around with new technology but Telstra Online Essentials is a website builder tool that infuriates me

I recently had an opportunity to help out Neville with his online marketing and that included exploring his current website on Telstra Online Essentials. We quickly got the EPP code for his domain name and transferred AWAY to Crazy Domains but they had some issues too!

Continue reading STRONG LANGUAGE WARNING: I hate Telstra Online Essentials

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How Much Does Getting a Click on Google Cost?

Addressed mail letter marketing versus Google Ads Pay Per Click (PPC) digital marketing training courses

The cost of paying for somebody to click your ad on Google can be anywhere from $1 to $10: that’s for just a click! So what does it end up costing to get somebody to call you or email you? This is a big dilemma for many small business owners looking for new clients. In fact, sometimes it might seem easier to just send a good, old-fashioned letter!  

Continue reading How Much Does Getting a Click on Google Cost?

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Nice Looking but Crappy Websites are PERFECT to Test Your Staff

Digital Marketing Training Course Seminar presentation - spend less on Google Ads and more on SEO and blogging

Professional looking but crappy websites make your Google Ads and Facebook Ads cost more AND send customers away!

content-marketing-by-blog-postsI’ve written about the steps and time taken to create and maintain a business blog for your digital marketing. However, I haven’t even mentioned the time and effort that goes into optimising each and every blog post for the KEYWORDS that are important to us.

This task involves:

  • Writing up “Tags”
  • Keyword density
  • Relevant landing pages
  • Keywords in headings
  • Images

The great thing about WordPress is that you can set up as many user profiles as you want and give your staff the access level they need to create and edit blogs.

They can’t really stuff it up because there’s an audit trail of changes and only someone with publishing rights can make the changes live (such as a WordPress administrator).

You could of course outsource your blog writing to someone on Upwork, Freelancer, or Airtasker, but that has it’s own set of challenges

Continue reading Nice Looking but Crappy Websites are PERFECT to Test Your Staff

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Is Business Quiet? Need More Money/Sales? Use a Database!

email marketing training course using Mailchimp & integrating with Xero

When I started my first business in Sydney’s Dee Why in the early 1990’s, I was amazed that most restaurants and cafes, as well as other retail shops like dress shops, didn’t even know who their customers were!

Many business owners knew their customers by face, but they missed out on lots of opportunities to market and make contact with these customers when business was slow or they were overstocked. Are you working your database?

Continue reading Is Business Quiet? Need More Money/Sales? Use a Database!
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How Long Does it Take to Write a Blog Post?

Need something written blog writing freelance writing business writing

THE TRUTH IS, writing a blog post takes time. If it were the case of just writing some sentences, it wouldn’t take that long at all.

But what’s the point of that? The last thing you want to do in a busy, information-saturated world is waste people’s time. It’s an insult and you’ll put them off.

After all, these people have given up time in their busy days to read what you have to say. Don’t ruin this special relationship forever by churning out rushed, poor quality content or waffle.

Always think: What’s in it for them? Continue reading How Long Does it Take to Write a Blog Post?

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Get Discovered on Google for FREE – and Increase Traffic 100%

SEO Course, WordPress Course, Blogging Course, Content Marketing Course

MANY YEARS AGO I spent $100,000 in advertising in one year. But I didn’t make truckloads of money and became utterly exhausted with the sales process. Yet I still see companies using this approach today: Selling short courses for over-inflated prices to recoup the money they spend on advertising.

When I spent that exorbitant chunk of money on advertising, I then had to hire more people to sell the courses. I had to train these people about what was in the courses, and train the trainers and, well to cut a long story short, spend so much more on resources and overheads that I didn’t make a huge sum of money out of the whole venture at all.

Continue reading Get Discovered on Google for FREE – and Increase Traffic 100%

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Email Is An Important Part of Your Business’s Brand

Google G Suite Training Courses - contacts, emails, calendars, appointments

Getting your own “branded” email is a cinch!

woman using mobile to learn online digital marketing social media training course study

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]HE INTERNET HAS democratised many elements of starting your own small business, but, in particular, it has made marketing a small business a whole lot easier.

There are now plenty of inexpensive ways to have a logo designed for your business, just as it’s a lot easier to register a business name, ABN, or GST/PAYG.

Another super easy thing to vastly help your business along is getting your own “branded email address”. What do we mean by a branded email address? Simply an email address that carries your branding in the domain name, for example: versus the far less professional: 

Continue reading Email Is An Important Part of Your Business’s Brand

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The Biggest Boost to Business Morale

man communicating about digital media and marketing strategy

WHETHER YOU WORK as a bookkeeper in a small business, are self-employed with your own business, work as a freelancer or independent contractor (maybe even operating a side hustle), as a virtual assistant with a home office, or whether you work as an employee in a large organisation, morale is one of those things that tends to ebb and flow. Continue reading The Biggest Boost to Business Morale

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How Aussie Mums are Starting their Own Businesses

mum_parent_starting own business learn business course online training videos

THERE IS A FAIRLY SIGNIFICANT gender imbalance for executive positions in the corporate world. Sure, there are notable exceptions, but men in managerial positions in the workplace still outnumber women two-to-one.

But when you look at some industries, like Bookkeeping, the numbers are massively swayed towards the female gender and one of the reasons is it can be the perfect business to run from home.

Continue reading How Aussie Mums are Starting their Own Businesses

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Who Do You Trust More: Real Estate Agents or Tradies?

Still unsure whether you can trust online ratings and reviews?

trusting online reviews and ratings for tradesperson real estate agent online ratings and reviews
After a tradesperson? Sometimes asking a business person from a related business, such as a real estate agent, can be a good source for a recommendation.

IT CAN BE HARD to know whether you can really trust online ratings and reviews, whether these reviews and ratings are objective and even relevant and how they compare to recommendations and testimonials. By recommendations we mean word of mouth referrals from your friends and family and so forth, and testimonials that have been written by real people — with real names and real locations!

In our recent post about recommendations we suggested that you ask a friend, relative or colleague if they’ve ever had experience with a business you’re thinking of using — chances are, if your friends live locally they may well have; or if the business is a chain or franchise operating over a wide area.

Also ask other businesses

When seeking a professional recommendation you can also ask other businesses. Find out what their experiences have been, if any. Often businesses will have a relationship with each other even if it is not, at first, apparent.

For instance, a symbiotic relationship tends to exist between real estate agents and tradespeople. Agents will regularly draw up a list of preferred tradespeople that they work with and recommend to their tenants, landlords and vendors.

And there are plenty of tradespeople who do the same for real estate agents that they’ve had professional dealings with. There are plenty of other examples of these sorts of professional recommendations.

Beware professional bias

Of course, just as you should be wary of overly positive or negative ratings and reviews online, you should be likewise when soliciting professional reviews. If one business regularly referred work by another, even if they don’t think they’re a great business to deal with, neither party will necessarily say anything bad about each other.

In the end, when looking for a tradesperson, real estate agent or some other professional service, be sure to do all your research. Ask around for personal referrals, check them up online, and get in touch with each business directly to see which one is the best fit for you.

Real people, real locations

At EzyLearn we provide testimonials from our students, which include their full name and location, and why they chose EzyLearn to study in the first place. We also offer a money-back guarantee and free samples of our course content, so students know they can trust they’re making the right choice. Visit our website for more information and to see our wide range of courses.

Xero online training course

At EzyLearn we offer online training courses to help you up-skill and find employment. Choose from our range of cloud-based online accounting software courses, to business start up and management courses, to marketing and sales courses, or update and further your skills in a range of Microsoft Office programs (ExcelPowerPointWord) or social media and WordPress web design). 


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Expensify, Xero and Your Retail Shop

Record retail inventory quickly

Keeping track of expenses just got a whole lot easier.

IN A PREVIOUS POST we discussed how Expensify, an app which you can link to your Xero accounting software, can help businesses like yours’ keep track of expenses easily, accurately, and securely.

And while it’s a great expense app for professional services businesses or tradespeople, Expensify is also great for retail and online shops or hospitality businesses.

Input data and send to Xero

Shops and hospitality businesses require inventory or stock — and lots of it. But it results in an accounting and bookkeeping nightmare at the end of the month when it needs to be entered into Xero and then recorded against sales. Of course, we suggest business’ try to reconcile their transactions more regularly than just at the end of every month.

Take a photo of bills and invoices from suppliers and upload them to Expensify, which will input all of the data and then send it through to Xero.

Create expense reports

Online and offline retailers don’t have to worry about this too much unless they also produce their own products, but for cafes and restaurants that host functions or cater for events, separating the expenses directly related to those functions and events is an important way to track their profitability.

Automatic approvals cut bookkeeping time

By turning on the automatic approvals feature and setting expense rules, you can cut your bookkeeping time by having recurring or trivial expenses automatically approved and sent to Xero, so you can spend more time on the complicated ones that require closer inspection.

By keeping an eagle eye on your expenses using Xero and Expensify you’ll be able to see precisely where your business is most profitable and where it’s not so you can modify it accordingly.


Our Xero training courses will show you have to track expenses in Xero and how to connect third party apps to your Xero account. We offer ALL SKILLS LEVELS for ONE LOW PRICE. Find out more.

Social Media and Digital Marketing online training course_comp

Are you in business as a bookkeeper, tradesperson, retailer, trainer or real estate agent and want to stand out from the crowd? We can teach you the online marketing techniques to help you do just this! Check out what’s included in our comprehensive Social Media and Digital Marketing online training courses.