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Bills to Pay, Past or Future, Xero or CBA


I was reading about some of the accounting features that Xero are building on in their software while also testing out Commonwealth Banks “Upcoming bills and payments”. What really struck me is how quickly the major banks are updating their software and systems to help small business owners manage their cashflow better.

When you use the Commbank App to access your account you can quickly setup the Upcoming bills and payments because the banks software sees that you have recurring payments that seem to happen every month, quarter, year etc. The great thing about this is that it helps you understand your liabilities in the short term and you don’t need to pay anything extra to have it or use it.

Xero on the other hand are constantly finding ways to increase their revenue and new features is naturally one BIG way they can do that. But it’s not all bad, of course.

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Achieve Your Financial Goals: Microsoft Excel Graphs & Charts Course Show Costs of Food and Petrol – Your Personal Budget

mybudget excel training course files to achieve your financial goals - online Excel Training Courses

If you are feeling the pinch financially right now it would be good to find out why. It’s easy to make a statement like “petrol and food prices are through the roof” but the truth might be a bit different when you get all your expenses into a spreadsheet.

Interest rates have gone up a LOT in the last few months so your mortgage payments might be chewing up most of your disposable income. If you have a car loan, personal loan or other debts where the interest rates are much higher you might find that you need to “consolidate” your debts to make ends meet.

A household budget exercise file is included in the Excel Intermediate Training Course 306 and a similar exercise file is available in the Excel Intermediate Training Course 305. The goal is to help you visualise the changes in your costs and expenses.

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Microsoft Excel & Xero Bookkeeping COMPLETE Training Course Package is Now Here

Training Course ad in Manly Daily for Microsoft Excel, Website Design, MYOB - Ezylearn

You may be asking WHY it has taken us so long to create this training course COMBINATION package considering that Xero and Excel go hand in hand for all things financial and accounting?!

Xero is fantastic for keeping track of all of your financial transactions for a business and Microsoft Excel is still the preferred choice by most bookkeepers and accountants for producing reports and working with the data that comes out of Xero.

The versatility of Excel as a spreadsheet means that you can do so much more with it than just make sense of the financial information from your Accounting software. One case study in our Microsoft Excel Courses comes from our own experience about scheduling courses, trainers and training rooms for enrolments when we had a training centre in Dee Why NSW.

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Payroll Training Course: Employee changes are being tracked


Xero led the way in online cloud accounting software that enables anyone to access their accounting software from anywhere. This means that small business owners, staff and their bookkeeping advisors can all access different parts of the software at anytime to perform their work. A far cry from the clunky way that MYOB AccountRight managed multiple users in an office environment a decade ago.

This amazing flexibility enables contract bookkeepers to perform credit control and end of month bank reconciliation tasks working from home, will office support staff are working on quotes, invoices and payments to suppliers. All of these transactions can add up very quickly and soon you can have hundreds of transactions. What if you had to find something, fix something that was entered incorrectly? That’s when you need an audit trail.

Xero just announced Payroll History and it’s designed to keep track of what happens with your payroll records.

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Cert IV in Bookkeeping Changed to FNS40222 – Study Through EzyLearn’s RTO Partnership

There are many ways to get started with a career in finance and bookkeeping.  For those looking for a nationally recognised qualification, something like a Cert IV is a great way to learn the skills you need to find work or continue in your studies.

The Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping is a national accreditation provided by registered training organisations (RTOs).  It can start you on your way to becoming a registered BAS agent, or prepare you for roles like payroll officer and bookkeeper.  But the qualification has recently been updated!

Here’s what you need to know about the changes:

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Square Afterpay or PayPal Pay in 4: Which BNPL Service Your Business Should Use

Buy now pay later (BNPL) services are growing in popularity for many retailers.  If you’ve been in store recently, or even online shopping as you go to click ‘proceed to checkout’, you might have noticed a poster or button that advertises how you can pay for your purchase in easy instalments.

Afterpay and PayPal are just two companies that provide BNPL options for customers.  We’ve started to make all our MYOB, Xero and Excel courses available on PayPal’s Buy Now Pay Later platform: PayPal Pay in 4

The best part is that you can use the discount coupons to reduce the price of each course and then pay it on instalments!

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Payroll Training Course Integrations: Square Payroll versus Xero?

Now that paying by card is the norm, retailers have needed to adapt to the cashless customer.  If you’ve been to some local markets recently, maybe a sporting club canteen or even your regular café, you may have noticed that you’re tapping your card on a little white square instead of an EFTPOS machine.

Block Inc. – previously known as Square Inc – is a point-of-sale (POS) system winning over retailers and enterprises across the world.  And it’s not just little white payment terminals, Square offers a range of technology and services that range from POS to payroll to inventory to marketing, AND, they recently purchased AfterPay!

Square integrates with Xero, and considering its popularity, let’s break down what Square is and how it compares to other Xero integrations like Planday.

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Are You Complying With Your Fringe Benefits Tax Liability of up to 47% (especially COVID-19 related ones)?

Do you provide your employees with gym memberships or concert tickets?  Or maybe you work for a company that provides you with a vehicle or accommodation? There are lots of perks that business can provide to their employees outside of salaries and wages – and these are called fringe benefits and they may apply to you if you worked at home due to COVID-19.

FBT is not as simple as handing out freebies.  Employers have to pay tax on these benefits they provide, and the amount can depend on the type of fringe benefit they’re providing. 

We’ve written before about how fringe benefits tax is important to consider when you engage a new worker, but let’s look more in-depth into what fringe benefits are all about, and how to ensure you comply with your liabilities:

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Xero’s Integration With DiviPay Can Help Small Businesses Manage Expenses

Expense management is an important thing to have control of in order to keep a business running smoothly.  But it can be a time-consuming process, full of paperwork, data entry, and chasing up staff members for receipts and invoices.

Xero’s integration with DiviPay promises to make the whole process easier, with seemingly half of it being done by staff members on their mobile phones!

But how does it all work?

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Could This Free Social Media Promotion Work For Your Bookkeeping or Virtual Assistant Business?

Social media isn’t just for selfies and cat pictures anymore.  A quick scroll through any popular social media platform will bring up posts from brands and companies promoting themselves and their products/services.

In their guide to digital marketing, Xero included a quote from a business owner who said the following about her approach to social media marketing:

“I don’t spend money on advertising. I create content aimed at helping my target customer and share it on Instagram or via podcasts. It attracts enough new clients to keep me busy.”

Olivia Park, Olivia Park Coaching

It begs the question: is shareable content the digital marketing that businesses should be focusing on? And not just content the business shares, but content that social media users will then share amongst themselves?

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CommBank and Xero Integration to Help Small Businesses Get Paid Faster

It’s not a secret that in order to stay afloat businesses need to be making money.  Access to funds is essential for businesses to not only pay off debts, but also to finance everyday operations and pay their staff and suppliers.

It can become problematic, however, when a business’ cash flow is tied up in unpaid invoices.  If a business sells on credit – as many do – they might be in the unfortunate position of waiting to get paid by their customer and struggling to make ends meet in the meantime.

There are a few solutions: one is to use credit management apps like ChaserHQ or Debtor Daddy to help automate the process.  Things like chasing up unpaid invoices and escalating debts can be made easier by using these apps that integrate with your accounting software.

The other is to get a loan.  Commonwealth Bank’s (CBA) Stream Working Capital is a digital solution for businesses to access the money tied up in their invoices.  Here’s what you need to know about it:

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ATO’s SUPER GUARANTEE CHARGE Could Slug Employers Extra for Late Super Payments (SG vs SGC)?

For small businesses, getting the administrative aspects of payroll and super in order can be stressful and confusing.  Things need to be paid by certain dates at certain amounts, and failure to comply can have some serious consequences, PARTICULARY when it comes to employees pay and entitlements.

So what does it mean for a small business or employer if they don’t pay super on time?  Here’s what you need to know about the super guarantee charge, and how you can avoid it.

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How are Small Businesses Changing in 2022?

It’s not a stretch to say the last few years have been tough…especially for businesses.  Through lockdowns and restrictions we’ve seen businesses struggle, falter, adapt, and survive. 

Now that we’re in to 2022, and things are (fingers crossed) almost looking normal again, it’s exciting to see how businesses will recover and thrive.

Xero has released a guide to small business trends for 2022, based on surveys they conducted in 2021 of their subscribers in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Singapore, Canada, and the US. 

Here’s are 10 trends on the rise for small business this year:

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Pandemic Digitalised Small Businesses more than NBN, Xero Report Reveals Numbers?

The pandemic has seen huge changes to the way businesses run, with Zoom meetings and remote working becoming the new normal and working parents are loving it (if they have the space for it).

The common factor here, of course, is the move to digital solutions for businesses.  Whilst ICT expenditure has always formed part of a business’ expenses, the pandemic has contributed to an increase in this area of spending.

Businesses are becoming increasingly digital, and it’s actually improving their performance. One of the areas I’ve noticed is the use of website chat has increased and customer service work can be performed by anyone running a micro business from their own home.

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ALERT: MYOB Essentials Shock New Credit Card Requirement to Trial is Unexpected and Unwanted

Who doesn’t love a free trial?  The great thing about some of the popular accounting software like Xero, QuickBooks, and MYOB is that they provide 30-day free trials where you can use the software at no cost.

It’s great for businesses and contractors wanting to find the right accounting software for them, or for students looking to get experience as they study. 

MYOB didn’t used to require any credit card details when signing up for the trial subscription…but now they do.  Whilst Xero and QuickBooks continue to offer trials with no credit card required, MYOB has diverted from the pack to deliver this unexpected and unwanted change.

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Will This Xero Integration Replace Your Accounting Job or Just Lessen the Load?

With so many integrations, Xero has become a leading software for small business accounting.  From ecommerce add-ons to payroll and workforce management software, there is a Xero integration for most aspects of business management and administration. It’s little wonder that Xero Courses are becoming so popular.

And credit management is no exception.  Chaser HQ is a credit management app that promotes its ability to automate the whole process: from credit checks to chasing up invoices.  It’s a UK-based company, but its integration with Xero could see it being used more and more by accounting staff globally, including Australia.

Daily Transactions like creating quotes and invoices is the bulk of most junior level bookkeeping and accounts jobs and running Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Reports then provide work following up with customers so what could this automated process mean for accounting staff that have been doing these tasks manually?

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