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How Much Does Getting a Click on Google Cost?

Addressed mail letter marketing versus Google Ads Pay Per Click (PPC) digital marketing training courses

The cost of paying for somebody to click your ad on Google can be anywhere from $1 to $10: that’s for just a click! So what does it end up costing to get somebody to call you or email you? This is a big dilemma for many small business owners looking for new clients. In fact, sometimes it might seem easier to just send a good, old-fashioned letter!  

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What do employers really look for in Accounts Receivable and data entry jobs?

Excel-Training-courses-accounting-analysis-analytics-data-entry-accounts-receivable-payable 1

Many experienced BAS agents have told me that data entry, accounts receivable and accounts payable skills are the ones that they’re looking for in potential employees. 

Many students who’ve completed a Cert IV in Bookkeeping and Accounting however think they’re above these skills and here’s how you can beat them in job interviews. 

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Single Touch Payroll (STP) the new accounting software battleground for $10/month

We’ve been inundated with questions about STP now that it is mandatory for small businesses with 1-9 employees – unless you’re a closely-held employee. 

Is that you? Are you closely held? Here are

  • some providers of FREE STP software,
  • great software features (like invoice signing), and
  • links to the ATO website where you can dig deeper. 

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Westpac Biz Invoicing and Microsoft+KPMG+CBA fighting Xero, MYOB & QuickBooks

Westpac Biz Invoice to compete against Wiise, PayPal Invoicing and apps like Zoho Invoicing, WaveApps etc training course 1

You really get to see the cut-throat side of business when you see all the entry level accounting solutions available today.

Not only does old incumbent MYOB need to worry about Xero, but now there is also Wiise and Biz Accounts from the BIG BANKS and software companies!

It seems that Westpac are doing this purely to sell more business transaction accounts — a key performance indicator.

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Nice Looking but Crappy Websites are PERFECT to Test Your Staff

Digital Marketing Training Course Seminar presentation - spend less on Google Ads and more on SEO and blogging

Professional looking but crappy websites make your Google Ads and Facebook Ads cost more AND send customers away!

content-marketing-by-blog-postsI’ve written about the steps and time taken to create and maintain a business blog for your digital marketing. However, I haven’t even mentioned the time and effort that goes into optimising each and every blog post for the KEYWORDS that are important to us.

This task involves:

  • Writing up “Tags”
  • Keyword density
  • Relevant landing pages
  • Keywords in headings
  • Images

The great thing about WordPress is that you can set up as many user profiles as you want and give your staff the access level they need to create and edit blogs.

They can’t really stuff it up because there’s an audit trail of changes and only someone with publishing rights can make the changes live (such as a WordPress administrator).

You could of course outsource your blog writing to someone on Upwork, Freelancer, or Airtasker, but that has it’s own set of challenges

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Accounts Receivable & Payable Courses from $99, FREE sample

women shaking hands during business payment arrangement

Are you chasing money? If so, you’ll probably know the hard way that credit management is about chasing money owed TO a business (Accounts Receivable) and managing the money owed BY a business (Accounts Payable).

Credit can be a very scary thing when money and cashflow is tight! Machines and software are replacing humans for many data entry type tasks, but nowadays this is also the case for chasing money owed (Accounts Receivable).

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New Course – FREE for Existing Students: Xero Projects, MYOB Job Tracking & Inventory Reporting

tradie pouring concrete for concrete slab for garden shed - project and job tracking in cloud accounting bookkeeping training courses (Xero, MYOB, QuickBooks)

I’ve written some blog posts about Xero & QuickBooks Projects and MYOB Jobs recently. In fact, if you visit our MYOB AccountRight and Xero Training Course pages, you’ll see there is now an extra course included in the COMPLETE course packages!

The course was built as a result of the needs of people who’ve been using our training materials to help in their own training. What’s interesting is how important your current inventory and inventory management is to managing the cashflow and profitability of a project.

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Best Value for Money Xero Advanced Certificate Training Short Course

tradie pouring concrete for concrete slab for garden shed - project and job tracking in cloud accounting bookkeeping training courses (Xero, MYOB, QuickBooks)

It’s official and we GUARANTEE it! Our Xero Advanced Certificate Training Course is the best value for money short course in Australia. If you’re upskilling or want to do a refresher Xero course, there’s even better news for you.

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Proof: Builder makes very small profit despite charging $6,000 to erect a $600 garden shed!

It probably seems simple to erect a 3m x 3m garden shed, doesn’t it? I mean there’s not much to it, right? Small slab, basic tools and up it goes.

In reality, we use Xero Projects and prove that you need to be very careful quoting low prices if you have staff who are paid by the hour.

Continue reading Proof: Builder makes very small profit despite charging $6,000 to erect a $600 garden shed!

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MYOB Payroll Administration Essentials Training Courses

One thing is essential when you operate a small business with staff — that is your payroll obligations. I wrote about a hairdressing salon owner a few months ago who told me how easy payroll was to manage using a printed timesheet book. However, most tech-savvy people prefer to use software. 

MYOB Essentials is targeting payroll management. They provide a cheap and easy online software package that is preferable for most people to using a manual book or spreadsheet. However, MYOB Essentials is different to MYOB AccountRight. Continue reading MYOB Payroll Administration Essentials Training Courses

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Is Business Quiet? Need More Money/Sales? Use a Database!

email marketing training course using Mailchimp & integrating with Xero

When I started my first business in Sydney’s Dee Why in the early 1990’s, I was amazed that most restaurants and cafes, as well as other retail shops like dress shops, didn’t even know who their customers were!

Many business owners knew their customers by face, but they missed out on lots of opportunities to market and make contact with these customers when business was slow or they were overstocked. Are you working your database?

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Clear Out Albert, Cherie’s Getting Square! (PayPal Alternative)

Cafe, Restaurant & Bar digital marketing - Using Square and Paypal contactless card reader - Xero Training, MYOB Training & QuickBooks Online Training

There are so many wonderful ways business owners are using technology every day for their digital marketing, as well as point-of-sale (POS) and bookkeeping.

Last week I met Cherie. Cherie owns a relaxed cafe in the holiday haven of Forrester’s Beach, NSW, and she let me record a short video of a customer paying for their meal using Square.

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Is now a good time to invest into a new property – in Newcastle?

Brand new house and land property packages with tax benefits at Forrestors Beach, Central Coast, Newcastle, Maitland, Cooranbong

I completed a Cert IV in Property Services a couple years ago and have a strong interest in real estate as an asset for investment.

There is a lot of talk currently about negative gearing and whatever happens, we will all be affected. It’s the “wind that blows” according to Jim Rohn, a great inspirational speaker.

One of the topics which comes up about negative gearing is whether it should be available for existing dwellings or only new house and land packages.

As a result, EzyLearn is creating a real-life case study covering the investment and tax benefits of investing in a new house and land package. There are certainly plenty of them going up in the Central Coast to Newcastle and Maitland area!

Real Estate as an Investment

I believe real estate is a terrific investment provided you don’t stretch yourself financially. It does fluctuate in the short term, but you have to think long term.

Certainly, the recent changes in the real estate market, with Sydney property prices dropping over 15 per cent, means that if you bought in the last 2 years your property is worth less than what you paid for it.

Less Equity, Same Debt

The problem with house prices going down is that this affects your equity. Equity is how much of the property YOU own. The banks DEBT stays the same and only reduces as you pay down your loan.

The problem with your equity decreasing won’t matter in the long term because house prices generally continue to increase, but it will be a problem if you need to refinance or can’t afford the repayments and need to sell.

Mortgage Insurance

It’s these situations that make lenders charge mortgage insurance. If you borrow more than 80% of the value of the property, you’re up for mortgage insurance.

The ability to borrow so much of a properties value is GREAT when property prices increase, because you only actually have a small amount of equity (which increases) but when prices go down it can be very stressful.

Depreciation and Negative Gearing

This is a hotly discussed topic right now but it mainly affects whether property investors should be able to claim negative gearing if they buy an existing dwelling.

This is not so much of an issue for new dwellings because governments generally want to encourage builders and developers to erect new homes to house the population.

Property Investment Course

EzyLearn is adding a new training course manual & workbook to our property investment course that is totally focused on the tax benefits of investing in a new property.

The great news for Sydney and Melbourne investors is that you can invest $450,000 to $600,000 and buy a completely new house and land package in the Central Coast to Newcastle area of NSW. This makes it much more affordable than the capital cities.

Read more about our property investment course

Featured image: Allam Builders and Developers’ new house in Forresters Beach Estate, Central Coast of New South Wales

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How We Create a Xero Training Course

Tradies paying for project expenses used in online Xero, MYOB & QuickBooks Online Training Courses

MYOB AccountRight, QuickBooks Online and Xero come with job costing and job tracking functions allowing users to develop more accurate budgets and avoid cost blow outs.

I’m excited to be delving deeper into a micro course specifically targeting how you can manage on-the-job costs and track your project. This will be included in all of our Xero, MYOB and Quickbooks online accounting courses.

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Why is job tracking and project costing so hard using MYOB & Xero?

tradie pouring concrete for concrete slab for garden shed - project and job tracking in cloud accounting bookkeeping training courses (Xero, MYOB, QuickBooks)

In many industries, no two jobs are the same, making estimating job costs and resources tough. Job tracking is one of the best ways to develop an accurate budget and avoid blow outs.

But this can be hard work. Are the latest job costing and tracking functions in MYOB AccountRight, QuickBooks Online and Xero making life easier?

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