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How do you feel about learning something new?

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About 2 years ago from Steve Slisar's Twitter via Mailchimp

Some people love learning new things other people not so much but whether you enjoy it or not it’s frustrating and challenging so you have to keep the end goal in mind!

We’re exploring new technology every month and my latest challenge involves some very technical tasks relating to VoIP telephony for our business phone systems. In the end I know it’s going to be worth it.

If you need to upskill to work remotely from home it’s a great time to learn how to use MYOB Essentials, Xero Accounting & QuickBooks Online. If you are applying for the many government jobs that are available you’ll need data entry and Microsoft Office Essentials skills. Get some of these skills for FREE!

Here are some extra reasons to choose EzyLearn.

FREE Samples – Please Take One

We create our own training courses from scratch so I’m always a bit self-conscious about our students opinions of their experience during their course and using our training materials – and I think it’s GOOD to be humble. Having said that, I understand that it would be even more daunting to have to sift through the marketing messages of dozens of companies to try and choose the best one to learn with.

Some people say we have too much information at our websites but I think that if you are serious in your research that you want to make sure you have as much information as possible.

EzyLearn MYOB AccountRight, Xero Accounting, QuickBooks Online Course Course Free Samples LogoTo get the best understanding of why to choose EzyLearn you’re invited to sample our training materials for free. While you are at it please ask our support team any questions you have and expect an answer in writing.

Check out our FREE MYOB & Xero, Excel & Word and digital marketing training course samples

Unrestricted Course Access

Unrestricted access to Xero Advanced Certificate Training Course, MYOB, QuickBooks & Excel Courses - EzyLearn
Cherry pick any parts of the course you need urgently. It’s all available unrestricted access

Learning scenarios, case studies and resources can be displayed in lots of different ways in a Learning Management System and we decided early on to make ALL aspects of a course available right up front – unrestricted access.

This means you can navigate to every training resource at any skill level and get that learning when you need it.

Alternatively you can follow the training in the logical order in which it was created from beginners to more advanced skills. 

I’ve seen some training providers restrict access to certain parts of their courses for no real benefit, except perhaps to control the students experience to move through the course logically – to me this limits the value of online training resource. 

Current Training Course Discounts

EzyLearn Discount Voucher Coupons online training for Office, Excel, Xero, MYOB, Marketing courses 2We’ve just updated our training course specials and coupon codes and here are just some of the specials we have:

  1. Low cost MYOB & Xero Training Bundles
  2. Certificate in Office Administration with Office Academy COMPLETE
  3. Data Entry & Microsoft Office Essentials Training Package
  4. MASSIVE discounts on low cost Accounts receivable and Accounts Payable Courses

Coming Soon – Organising Meetings Online

How to create a new meeting us Microsoft Office 365 Outlook - Online Training courses for jobseekers to work remotely from home - EzyLearnThere is a growing demand for skills performed by competent virtual assistants and one of them is meeting and appointment setting for sales people and tradies. It’s part customer service, part time management skills and part sales.

I was speaking with the owner of an asbestos removal company and he described his quoting days and how he travels hundreds of kilometres some days just to visit prospects to measure up their properties and give them a quote to demolish and remove their asbestos laden garages and other structures. 

I’ll be sharing some of these skills and processes in the coming weeks and months.

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